Chapter 21- food poisoning strikes again

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-SassyRoyal RIP


21| food poisoning strikes again

"WHAT'S going on?" I asked again, glancing over at Riley who was frantically texting someone, her thumbs swiping away.
"Shut up and just drive." She replied in a short clipped tone.
"Geez, no harm in asking." I shrugged nonchalantly before turning my head back onto the road.
"Geez, no harm in asking." Riley mimicked in a nasally tone. I looked at her skeptically.
"What's your problem?"
"Nothing. Apart from the fact that 1. My ex-best friend is trying to sabotage my current best friend and 2. some stupid guy is driving me to a stupid party where I have to rescue said current best friend." She rolled her eyes as she ticked off the numbers on with her fingers.
"Stupid? You think I'm stupid? What makes you think I'm stupid?" I shouted incredulously.

Riley didn't reply and instead just looked out the window for the rest of the trip. Soon enough, I was parked in front of a noisy two storey house with teenagers flooding in and out of the door. Still ignoring me, Riley practically burst out of the car and ran towards the house. I considered following her for a moment but decided against it. No way was I saving her ass after she called me stupid. Petty I know, but I have a reputation to maintain. Snorting in disgust, I drove off, leaving the noising pop music behind. I had better things to do anyways.


I glanced back one more time before entering the house and saw Liam's car turn around the corner. Whatever. I don't need his help anyways.
Deciding I was VERY much capable on my own, I stormed into the party and ran straight to the bathroom where I knew Natalie would be. Except well...the teeming bodies blocked me left right and centre as I shoved my way mercilessly through them.  Finally, I managed to get to hallway and threw open the first room I saw. Two pairs of eyes shot up towards me in alarm as they scrambled for a blanket.

OK, eeeewwwwwwww couple getting it on in that room. Jesus Christ, how the hell did I miss the tie hanging on the doorknob?

Slamming that door closed again, I headed straight towards the next door. Turns out there was some drunk dude passed out in that bedroom.Next door? Some intoxicated people sitting in a circle...worshipping a pineapple?! Well at least that's what it looked like. How else would you explain someone holding up a pineapple endearingly and kissing it? At last, I was at the last door in the hallway and pounded on the door once I found out it was locked.

"Natalie? Natalie? You in there?" I yelled. I heard a muffled noise through the thick wood, and the door swung open. Natalie.
"Oh my god Riley, you're finally here. I-"she broke down, sobbing in my arms.
"Hey,hey. It's ok, I'm here now. Don't be sad over some stupid guy ok?" I petted her hair lightly.
"N-no it's not that. I need to show you something." My best friend pulled back slightly and held something up.

A....A pregnancy test?

" that...yours?" I laughed in disbelief before my vision became blurry. My stomach suddenly hurt and I fell to the ground, grimacing.
"RILEY?!" Natalie screamed in shock.
"Goddammit, I know this feeling." I moaned in annoyance.
"Are you ok?"
"Nope...curse my mother's cooking; I have friggin food poisoning!" I cursed. My head felt lighter and lighter and I lost consciousness.


Alright, I admit it. I'm not the most honest person. But then again, do you always tell the God's honest truth? I bet everyone lies sometimes, especially when it's convenient for them. And for me, I guess, it was when I met Riley. I lied to her. I lied about being part of a 'good' gang that works with the police. I went along with her antics with me dating that blonde cinnamon-hating girl. What was her name anyways? Ashley? Violet? I don't have a goddamn clue. Why did I let myself get caught in her world? Why did I get drawn in knowing full well how silly she could be?

In reality, I'm no good guy. Is it true that I've been to jail? Hell yeah. Are all the myths about me true? Well, almost all of them anyways. But then I saw her...and I couldn't bear to be a bad guy and see her afraid of me. So I lied. I lied about being a good guy. I lied about never having gone to jail. I'm an evil person and there ain't hiding it.

But after being with Riley, maybe I am starting to believe that there is good in this world. Maybe there is—

"Unknown number is calling"

I pick up the phone not knowing what to expect. I hear some scrambling going on before a feminine voice crackles through the phone.

"Hello? Is this Liam? I'm Natalie, Riley's best friend. There ain't much time here so I ain't gonna beat around no bush but Riley has food poisoning and you need to get here ASAP ok?" The voice demands.
"I-uhh....Hang on, that's bullshit! I ate the same food as her but I'm fine!" I question suspiciously.
'OH SHUT UP YOU ASSHOLE! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL THAT I ATE MORE THAN YOU AND TOOK A HIT FOR YOU! Get your ass over here and drive me to hospital!" Riley's voice shouted in the background.

Well, that's that.

*gets rescusitated from the hyperventilation episode from the beginnnign of this chapter

I'm finally updating after a very long time, hello, hello. But THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ALMOST 1.76k reads!!!!!! It's so surreal wtf considering I was away for such a long time too. OMG I'm lowkey freaking out thank's so much for reading my crappy book, imjustsohappyicanteventypeproperlyohmygodohmygodohmygod-

*dies again yeeeet*



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