You feel neglected

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Word Count: 2,5k

Harry has been busy all week.

And the week before that... and the weekend prior to that.
Of course Y/N appreciates how much of a hard worker her boyfriend is, but once he signed that contract with Gucci, he's been out of the house pretty much all day, every day, leaving Y/N by herself (because it's summer time, and she's not taking any summer classes) or leading to her calling up her friends to hang out (although most of them are busy with their own partners, so she's alone usually). The only time she sees Harry is at night, for a peck before bed and then he's out like a light. She sighs as she looks at him under the duvet, snoring soundly with his arms tucked underneath his pillow while he sleeps on his stomach, and she prays tomorrow will bring her a day of privacy with Harry.
It doesn't.
Right when he wakes, his phone rings, causing Y/N to grumble sleepily and attempt to make the piercing sound come to an end, but Harry's quicker than her and answers the call.
"Yeah?" He speaks gruffly into the phone, although wrapping an arm around Y/N to pull her close, and she obliges, feeling giddy and snuggling into his side, her head on his chest. "Right... but today's my day off," Y/N lifts her head to listen more closely. "All right, then. See you in thirty minutes." Y/N feels her heart strings tear, knowing what she prayed for last night will not be coming true today. But she talks to him to stall a little more cuddle time.
"Who was that?"
"Colista." Y/N raises a brow. "She's one of the directors of the shoot; said I needed to come in today for some extra shots. I'm sorry, baby."
"It's okay." She sighs, though, while speaking, and lifts completely off Harry so he can get out of bed.
"I promise, lovie," he grabs her chin and gives her a small kiss. "Tonight, it's gonna be just us. As soon as I step through that door tonight, I'm yours."
Y/N prepares the whole day for Harry's arrival tonight.
She went shopping and picked up a few groceries to cook dinner (her and Harry make quite the duo in the kitchen) and even snagged herself a new lingerie set. It's beautiful: dark, jet black, with lace at the collar and hem of the thighs, and she made sure to get just one size too small so her breasts appear larger and her bottom hangs out of the shorts a tad. She knows Harry doesn't mind if she doesn't shave, but she knows he loves when she does due to how smooth her skin becomes, and she likes doing it as well, so it's a win-win. She dresses herself in the lingerie and props herself up on the stairs like a playboy bunny and feels electricity course through her when she hears keys jingling on the other side of the door. Once opened, Harry makes his way inside, and his jaw drops to the floor.
"Holy fuck." He doesn't even kick off his shoes or place his keys in the little bowl on a table they have placed in the foyer - which Y/N thinks is odd, but she brushes it off. Instead, he rushes over to her and presses his lips to hers, Y/N's mind swimming with all the naughty things they're about to do in their bedroom.
Until Harry breaks the kiss.
"Baby..." He pauses, his eyebrows stitched together. "I'm so sorry. I forgot to call and let you know."
Y/N pulls back, standing up fully now and crosses her arms. "Let me know what?"
"I have a meeting tonight with-" Y/N places her right hand in the air, her palm facing Harry to let him know to stop talking. "Baby..."
"Don't." Her voice breaks as she walks away, trying to move past him, but he has her blocked with his body. "Why'd you even come home, then?" She knows she sounds rude, but she was promised a night alone together, and now it's falling apart right in front of her.
Harry's lips are curved downward, the frown a heavy expression on his face. "I wanted to see you for a bit until I had to go."
"For, what, two seconds?" She throws her hands in the air, becoming angry. "Harry, you promised. You said that once you walked through that door, you were mine for the night." Tears start to prick her eyes, but she wipes them away. She hates that she's an angry crier. "And now you're home to tell me you're going to leave again? You know what? I will too." She turns around and marches upstairs, holding onto the railing while yelling at Harry, however not looking at him. "Because I refuse to just watch you get ready for your meeting and then leave for hours again." Hearing Harry's footsteps behind her is what keeps her from slamming their bedroom door as she enters it.
"Honey," he tries to be soft and gentle, placing a hand onto Y/N's waist, but she bats it away. "Where are you gonna go? I'd much rather you stay home-"
"Oh, so you can be out all day, but I can't?" She slips on a pair of pajama shorts and a random t-shirt to cover up, knowing Harry's heart must be hurting because she normally wears one of his shirts at night.
"That's not what I'm saying. I just want you to be safe. You know the paps are crazy at night."
"I'll figure it out. Have fun at your meeting." She slips on a pair of sandals and heads out of the room, her purse slung over her shoulder.
"Hey," he grabs her bicep gently. "No kiss goodbye?" His eyes are full of pain, knowing he made a false promise to Y/N, but he already has a plan on how to make it up to her... that is, if Y/N will let him.
Y/N rocks back and forth on the balls of her feet, giving him a sympathetic look, despite still being angry. She does it quickly, kissing the corner of his mouth.
"I love you." Harry grabs both of her biceps in his hands, caressing her skin with his thumbs in soothing circles.
Now, of course Y/N loves Harry, but when she's mad, she doesn't like being affectionate and giving it back. She waits a few seconds before answering. "I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll probably spend the night at my mom's house." She slips out of Harry's grasp and heads downstairs, sneaking a peak back at Harry one last time before heading out the front door. She hopes she can sleep tonight without his frown reoccurring in her mind.
Y/N wakes the next morning in her parents' guest room (Harry had bought Y/N's parents a beautiful house this past year, and they always thank him for it whenever they see him) turning over to grab her phone and check up on any news she might've missed the night before; but, she's astonished to see that Harry had called her eight times between midnight and 2 A.M. (she didn't hear her phone ring because she sleeps with her phone on silent) accompanied with a text reading I'm so sorry for last night. Please let me make it up to you and meet me at home tonight at 7?
Y/N feels a grin spread across her face, her cheeks heating up at the thought of what he has planned. She busies herself throughout the day with helping her parents rearrange furniture (even though they're constantly moving stuff around every week) and showers before heading home to see Harry. The drive felt like forever, Y/N thinking she was going to jump out of her own skin with how anxious she was. Once she reaches the front step, she notices a piece of paper sticking to the wood. She peels it off by the tape and reads it.
I'm all yours tonight, baby girl.
Y/N's heart is pounding, thinking she may also break out into a sweat as well with all the hormones flowing through her, and she wastes no time in opening the door and shuffling inside.
And she's in awe.
The lights are dimmed all throughout the first level of the house, candles lit and placed strategically here and there - the house now smelling like Paris: rose water and ivy - and a path created from petals leads her from the front entrance to the kitchen. As she looks closely at the petals, she realizes they aren't roses, but orchids, and her heart swells even more. Harry knows orchids are Y/N's favorite flower.
She finds Harry standing at the stove, his back to her, and as she wraps her arms around him from behind, she can see he's plating their dinner. She presses kisses to the back of his neck, feeling his heart rate pick up, and his skin heat. He turns around to face her and leans his forehead against hers.
"You came home." Tears are evident in his eyes, and they are puffy, alerting Y/N he was crying not too long ago. "I was worried you wouldn't."
"Of course I came home." She stands up on her toes and presses her lips to his cheek, feeling him smile while doing so. "I had to see how you would make it up to me, didn't I?" She teases.
He chuckles, pulling her in for a hug and kissing her atop her head. "I missed you so much today. You have no idea." He pulls back to look at her again and tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear. "It was so weird not having you sleeping next to me last night."
"I felt the same way." Her thumbs massage over Harry's knuckles. "I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls last night. I was already asleep."
"No, I'm sorry. I should have called you yesterday and kept you in the loop. Or I should have called Jeff and told him to postpone the meeting. It's all on me, baby." He hikes her up in his arms and walks her over to the kitchen table, laughing when she squawks like a bird, and places her onto it. "But I'm gonna make it up to you, yeah? Gotta make sure my kitten is happy?" As he's speaking to her, he's pulling off her shorts, and he sucks in a breath when he's greeted with her smooth cunt once he spreads her thighs. "Fuck me." His voice is incredibly raspy, sounding almost gravely, and Y/N's thighs tremble noticeably upon hearing him. He smirks up at her, his eyes dark now with lust - and being utterly horny - and pulls up a chair for him to sit.
"Gonna let me enjoy my meal, kitten?"
Y/N releases a sound akin to somewhere between a whine and a groan, laying her head back on the table so she's flat on her back, and lifts her hips upward to Harry's mouth.
And Harry would usually tease her further, egging her on to use her words, but he knows she needs a release (they haven't fucked in weeks!) and he plans on helping her - many, many times.
He leans in, his tongue pressing flat on her center, and she instinctively closes her thighs out of sheer pleasure. Harry shakes his head, spreading her thighs back apart.
"No, baby. Let me eat your sweet, little pussy."
Y/N's mind is muddy with filthy thoughts, imagining it's Harry's cock inside her when he slips two fingers in - quite easily with how aroused she is - and she knows she must sound pathetic right about now, emitting nothing but whimpers and whines and sharp gasps; but she hasn't been touched, or licked, or fucked, in so long that she really doesn't care.
As she usually does, her grabby hands reach down to twirl in Harry's hair, tugging and pulling when his licks become especially firm and quick, or when his fingers become insistent inside her, forming a hither motion, and her knees try to knock together, but Harry's head and his left hand on her inner thigh holds them apart.
"You have no idea how good you taste," he mumbles against her, causing her to raise one hand from his hair and bring it up to her mouth, covering it to swallow her sounds - despite them being the only ones in the house. Harry has told her in the past he thinks it's sexy when she tries to hide her moans, so she makes a show out of it by biting into her palm to keep quiet.
"I'm g'na cum," she squeals.
Harry works faster than before, plunging his fingers in and out of her tight, wet, pink hole, and sucks her swollen clit into his mouth, making sure to swirl his tongue around it as well.
"Fuck Harry," she thinks she may pass out from the pleasure, and also the fact that her breathing has been sporadic for the past four minutes that Harry's had his face stuffed between her thighs. "M'c-" A gasp cuts her sentence short, her orgasm coursing through her body like a wave, rippling through all her nerve endings, and it's so intense, she feels an odd sensation - like how it feels when she pees - but she's too far gone to warn Harry before it happens.
"Fucking shit," Harry curses, now holding her thighs open with both hands resting on her knees, and his tongue sticks straight out, collecting everything she has to offer him.
It's never happened before, and both Y/N and Harry are shocked, although a hint of embarrassment is added on Y/N's part.
"I didn't know I could do that," she speaks once she's able. Her cheeks are flushed, and once she looks down, she sees Harry's mouth, chin, and jaw covered in a shiny, clear substance. "I'm sorry!" She suddenly feels very vulnerable and wants to hide, caving in on herself once she sits up, and pulls her legs to her chest.
"What're you sorry for?" The biggest grin is plastered on Harry's face. "That was amazing! I've been trying to get you to do that for a long time." He presses a kiss to her cheek, making her shy away yet giggle, and gets up to retrieve a wash cloth to clean her and himself. He picks up her shorts, putting them back on her, and slaps her bottom once he pulls her to be standing again. "Guess it's a good thing I've been so busy with work, yeah? 'Neglecting' you helped me make you squirt."
"Shush!" She places her hands over his mouth, laughing as she leans into his chest.
He removes her hands, biting each finger delicately. "Might have to ignore you for another week, huh? So I can have you squirt on my cock next time."
Y/N doesn't think that sounds too bad.

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