Head over heels

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Word count: 3.7k

Harry's sure he's going to marry Y/N one day.

They've only been dating half a year, but he's certain. The feeling hit him full force out of nowhere on a Friday. They were sat in the kitchen eating breakfast, both of their eyes still puffy from just waking up. She stuffed a forkful of watermelon into her mouth, so juicy it squirted onto her chin. Usually, the sight would be erotic to Harry but right then he found her extremely adorable and real. She didn't care if she got a little messy in front of him, unlike his past girlfriends who were always kempt, dabbed their mouths with a napkin after every bite, and always wore fancy clothes. Not his Y/N. Even before they moved in together (which some would say was a bit too early, at the two month mark), she would wear sweats here and there and sometimes pajama shorts for an entire day if she wasn't doing anything. Harry thinks that's what sold him, loving how she was so completely her, and he just wants to eat her up every second of the day. Since that morning, his feelings for marriage escalated. It's only been a week since, but his heart feels like it's grown 100 times its size. He so badly wants to tell everyone, scream it from the rooftops that he's planning on marrying this girl who has snagged his heart, but he decides to keep it to himself. If he was going to tell anyone, it's going to be her. He thinks it's only fitting that she's the first one to know his proposition for her.
Now, a week later, they're spending their evening at Y/N's cousin's wedding. Can God send me any more signs? He wraps his arm around her seat as they wait for the ceremony to start, glancing over at her and choking on his breath as the low rays of the sun going down dance across her face, making her look stunning and glowing and everything beautiful that life has to offer him. He swears he hears a choir sing an ethereal chime, dedicated to her.
"You look so incredibly beautiful." He whispers into her ear, kissing the skin underneath it. He can hear the smile in her voice as she responds.
"Thank you. You look even better." She kisses his forehead, fixing his hair in a few places. "They did a bang up job decorating this wedding, didn't they? I don't think it could be any prettier."
Ours will be the prettiest, Harry thinks to himself.
But he will admit, it's a lovely sight. It's outside, near the water on a cool night in April, the breeze feeling incredible against their heated skin from the spring. The alter was breathtaking, decorated in floral decor with pieces of glitter splashed around the corners. And when the wedding starts, it gets even better. Harry can't help stealing glances at Y/N while the couple exchanges their vows, imagining it was him and her up there, professing their love for each other. He wants her for eternity, feeling his heart swell - like it's too big for his chest - and eyes looking dreamy as the sunset makes her skin glow. The wedding finishes quickly, Harry thinks, or maybe he's just too busy gawking at Y/N to notice. Everyone heads over to the reception, Harry listening to Y/N's tummy grumble and making him frown.
"You're hungry, baby?" They take their seats at a large round table, taking their utensils out of the napkins and placing it in their lap.
"I had a granola bar while I was getting ready; she never shuts up." She pats her stomach, ready to stuff her face with the salad the waiter brings. She scarfs it down fast, eating the last crouton while Harry still has half of his to go. "I'm not a big salad eater, but that was good."
He looks over at her, noticing she has a bit of ranch dressing on the corner of her mouth. Chuckling, he swipes his thumb over it, pushing the pad into her mouth. She stares at him with wide eyes, Harry still smiling as he pops his thick thumb out from between her lips. "You had a little something."
Her skin flushes, thankful she'd worn foundation to cover it up or else she'd be a tomato right now. She takes a sip of her tea, hoping to cool herself down from Harry's dirty game. His hand falls to her thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze as he eats with his other hand. The dress she'd worn had ridden up her thigh, giving Harry more room to do as he pleased. She thought he was just resting it there, until she felt him move up... and up... until he slid it under her dress and reached her panties. She shoots him a glare, although spreading her legs for him and tugging the table cloth down so no one passing by would be able to see what Harry is going to do to her. He pushes her panties to the side to slide his fingertips through her folds, getting a feel for it. She's wet, but not overbearingly so, and Harry wants to change that. He begins flicking her clit, rubbing it quickly with two fingers and periodically teasing the hood of it. Y/N feels incredibly naughty, being fingered at her cousin's wedding with people sitting not even four feet away from her. She's thankful the table cloth is long enough to cover her thighs. She feels close to orgasm, grabbing Harry's hand and whispering a stop that makes him still his hand on her.
"What's wrong?" His voice hushed in her ear.
"I'm about to cum." She hadn't realized she'd been holding in her breath.
"That's the point, innit?" He pushes a finger into her, just one to tease her. Her head falls back a bit, spreading her thighs even more and grinding a bit in her seat. "You're so fucking dirty, letting me touch you in front of your family. And you're gonna cum in front of them too, right? Nasty fucking girl." He rubs her clit with his thumb simultaneously, adding to the sensation and eroticism of it all. Everything was so taboo, Y/N thinking she can cum from that alone, and she does. It creeps up on her, thinking about how much Harry enjoys putting her through this and what she's going to do to him tonight as punishment. She cums as she imagines sucking on the tip of his cock, loving how he feels in her mouth, and that really sets her off. She squeezes his hand between her thighs, tugging on the table cloth and making it jerk everyone's food a bit. Various eyes are on her, Harry playing it off and telling everyone she just really enjoys the food, despite her plate being empty. They look away, Y/N thankful because she knows her cheeks are flushed and she knows the next family reunion will be awkward as all get out.
Harry pulls his hand from her, bringing it to his mouth and sticks his fingers in. Y/N looks seriously at him, as if to say too far! but that doesn't stop him. He sucks off all her wetness, making sure any trace of her is gone and wipes his wet fingers from his saliva onto his napkin.
"Delicious." He smiles smugly at her.
Y/N sees the waiters starting to bring out the entrees, thankful that she'll have food to distract herself from Harry and that wonderful orgasm he just gifted her with.
After the reception ends, Harry and Y/N head home. They danced plenty, ate loads of cake, and were ready to crash and sleep in like they usually do on Saturday. Harry watches her get ready for bed, taking off her makeup and revealing her pretty, natural face. He had told her when she was getting ready for the wedding that she should go without any because she's so beautiful, but she scolded him and said she's going to wear some because it makes her feel good, and Harry loves that. He watches her slip out of her dress and replace it with a pajama set; a cute, silky, teal tank top and shorts that owned up to their name because the bottoms of her ass peaked through where they cupped near her thigh. Harry suddenly doesn't feel tired anymore, but he knows Y/N is, so he won't ask her to do anything tonight. Instead, they get into her together so he can wrap his arm around her waist, kissing the back of her head and allows the sandman to send them to slumber.
Harry puts the following morning on his list for 10 best mornings. He wakes up to Y/N stumbling in with a tray, placing it into his lap and kissing his temple. He looks down, mouth salivating as he sees a huge breakfast before him.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." She hops into bed beside him, snagging a piece of bacon. "We slept a looong time. It's already noon!"
"I think that's justified being we didn't get home until midnight."
"That's twelve hours, Harry! We're like bears."
"You known I can sleep longer." He pinches her cheek. "And thank you for the breakfast. This looks amazing. You should've woke me up so I could've helped."
"And let you burn the eggs like last time? No thank you."
"I didn't burn them! They were just extra crispy."
"Eggs aren't supposed to be crispy, Harry." She ruffles his hair, sitting criss-cross and holding a pillow in her lap. He huffs playfully while biting a piece of toast, making Y/N giggle into her hand. "What're we gonna do today? Do you have to go to the studio?"
Harry doesn't like lying to Y/N, but he has for the past week, since he realized he was going to marry her. He's been telling her he's at the studio when he's really organizing one, big room full of diamond rings, with lights on each case and the ceiling; the whole sha-bang. He wants her to pick out their wedding ring after he proposes and shows her the engagement ring, and he's glad the room is done being renovated. It's a bit tricky bringing in glass cases of wedding and engagement rings. Delicate things. Expensive things.
"About that - wanna come with me today?" He feels his stomach knot at him just asking her, so he can't imagine how he's going to feel when he asks her the big question.
"To the studio? Can I?" Despite dating Harry for a few months, she's never been to his studio apart from the one he has in their house. "You don't think I'd be out of line being there?"
"What? Of course not. But if anyone has a problem, they can come to me." He pounds on his chest like a caveman, Y/N giggling again and telling him how silly he is.
They shower together, some how keeping their hands off each other besides Harry squeezing her ass a few times. Y/N knows the address of the studio, so when they pass the exit, she becomes a bit suspicious.
"Hey, I thought we were going-"
"Change of plans." His smile is huge, grabbing her hand and holding it there on her thigh. She doesn't question it, just smiles back and agrees.
They arrive in front of a brick building, only four stories high, and enter through a pair of sliding doors. They take an elevator up to the third floor, dinging as it stops and opens for them to get off.
"Harry, where are we?" She grabs his hand, a bit thrown off by this new location.
"You'll see soon." He begins running, Y/N dragged along as her hand was still in his. She chuckles, trying to go fast to keep up with him but the run is short, stopping in front of a jet black door with a golden doorknob. "Close your eyes."
"What? Why do I need to close my eyes?"
"It makes the surprise better, no?"
"A surprise? For me?"
Harry nods. She shuts her eyes, even covering them with her hands and Harry looks at her for the final time he'll call her his girlfriend because after this, she'll be his fiancé.
He opens the door and leads them in. He flips on the lights, making the room illuminate gorgeously. The lights shine brightly in the glass cases, the diamonds dazzling. He'd worn a jacket to keep the engagement ring in, pulling the velvet box out of his pocket and holds it in his hands.
"Now, you can open them."
She gasps, taking in the beauty of the room. She looks around with curious eyes, mesmerized as they reach Harry on the floor on one knee, Y/N covering her mouth and nodding her head. Tears prick her eyes, falling down her cheeks. "Yes, yes, yes!" She crouches down to her knees, kissing all over his face.
"I haven't asked you yet." He laughs, dimple showing as well as the crinkles by his eyes. His heart bursts as he replays her answer in his mind. They're engaged. I'm engaged to the most beautiful girl in the universe.
"Oh, sorry. Go ahead." She pulls back, although keeping her hands around his neck.
"Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, would you do me the utmost honor by making me the happiest man alive, and marry me?" He opens the box, revealing a large diamond ring with a blue hue. Y/N doesn't even look at it, just stares at Harry and smears her lips against his.
"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes." She giggles with her lips brushing his, her tears getting on his face.
"Really?" His voice hitches, absolutely excited and he thinks his heart is about to fly out of his chest.
"Of course, yes! I love you so much, Harry." More tears spill out of her eyes, Harry's doing the same as well and licks some that have fallen into his mouth. He picks up the ring, placing it on her left ring finger for a perfect fit. Y/N admires how beautiful it is, but returns her focus back to Harry.
"I knew you wouldn't care about the ring", he chuckles into her mouth. "That's a reason why I love you."
Y/N's crying so much, she thinks she'll have to drink five bottles of water to rehydrate herself. "It's beautiful", she holds out her hand to look at it, "but you're even more so. I love you so much."
"I love you more." He rubs his nose against hers.
"Uh-uh." She hiccups, Harry feeling warm all over at how cute she is and how full his heart is. I'm engaged. She crawls into his lap, laying him on his back so she could rest on his chest. "I like how you proposed to me in the afternoon, with me wearing jeans and one of your shirts."
"Why's that?"
"Because usually, like in movies, people get engaged at night at a fancy dinner and they're all dressed up in their best clothes. Our story is unique, don't you think?"
"You're unique, so it was bound to happen like this."
She traces the outline of his jaw with her index. "I can't believe we're engaged."
"I've been wanting to ask you for the past week, that's why I was "going to the studio" every day. I was really coming here to help organize this room."
"So you were lying to me." Her tone is playful, no malice in it.
"Yes, and I didn't like it one bit. But, I couldn't just outright tell you what I was doing, could I? Then it wouldn't have been a surprise."
"True, true." She grabs his hand and kisses his knuckles, nuzzling her face into his neck and inhaling. "Is that my blueberry body wash? I didn't even see you use it."
"I nabbed it when you were washing your hair."
She inhales again, "It smells better on you than on me."
"Now, I know that's not true." He flips them over, pinning her hands to the floor. "You know that scent drives me crazy, don't you? That's why you wash extra thoroughly with it between your thighs? You know it makes me want to mark you all over?" He hears her breath stagger, feels her thighs shake. "Let's go home so we can consummate this engagement, hmm?" He asks while wiggling his eyebrows.
"You only consummate marriages, silly goose." Harry pecks her nose, getting off her and helping her up.
"I brought you here so you can pick out our wedding rings, but I have to have you now. We'll come back tomorrow." He picks her up, swatting her ass the whole way to the car.
"Harry, you're going to make my ass red."
"Was already planning on it."
As they step through the door, Y/N already has Harry against it. She takes off his jacket and shirt, sliding his pants and underwear down his legs for him to kick off. She wastes no time, crouching down and taking him into her mouth. He's already completely hard, having retained his erection Y/N gave him in the car from her gentle squeezes as she whispered filth into his ear while he drove. She takes him down her throat, swallowing around his shaft and he grabs her hair.
"Fuck, baby girl." He watches his fiancé take his swollen cock into her pretty mouth, throwing his head back and almost pulling her off so he can fuck her against the door but doesn't. He knows how much she loves sucking him off, how much it turns her on, and if history repeats itself, he knows that she'll be pushing his cock into her after she pulls it out of her mouth, so he needs her to be as wet as possible if he isn't going to get his mouth on her. She bobs her head quickly, whimpering so he can feel the vibrations and he bucks into her mouth as she pulls back so only the tip is inside. "Fucking hell. I want to fuck you." She pops off him, licking her lips and stands back up. He undresses her completely, although leaving her socks on and hoists her up against the door, her back flat against it. "I love you." He pushes his cock inside her, all the way, until she's screaming from being filled so tightly. He groans, pulling out and pushing back in.
"I love you." She professes her love back, wrapping her legs around his waist and clawing his back. She's a gasping mess as he speeds his hips up, really fucking into her. He wanted to make love to her after he proposed, but they were both so full of lust, he has to be rough, and he knows she loves it. He holds her hip, the other hand flat on the door beside her head. His hips buck repeatedly against hers, Y/N biting her lip and wheezing a bit.
Harry frowns, "Need your inhaler?" She nods sheepishly, Harry walking them over to the kitchen and pulling it out of a drawer. He's still inside her as he puts the inhaler to her mouth, pushing down on the cool metal and releasing the gas into her mouth. "All better, sweetheart?"
"Yes, s'embarrassing." She buries her head in his neck, Harry's face wrinkling as he places her on the table flat so he's stood between her legs with his cock still in her cunt.
"No it's not, baby. I've had to use my inhaler during sex too." He bucks his hips forward, filling her so she can't say anything else bad about herself. She whines, a hand cupping her mouth. Harry loves this girl, loves that she gets a bit out of breath during sex, making her seem that much more real - loves that she sometimes hides her screams of pleasure because she's worried the neighbors will hear, loves that she's so her, and no one else. "I love you so fucking much. Can't believe you're all mine. How'd I get so lucky?" He places his hands on the sides of her stomach, gripping her there as he fucks into her quicker. "Gonna spend the rest of my life with you, yeah? Treat you like my princess?"
Y/N's resorted to breathy moans and squeezing her own breasts as Harry mercilessly fucks her. "I love you! Love you so much, oh God, I want everything with you."
That statement shoots a rainbow into Harry's heart, filling it with a ridiculous amount of love, making Harry begin to shoot from his tip and empty himself inside her. He thrusts into her body as he cums, filling her literally and metaphorically with every ounce of love he has for her. "Come for me, Y/N. Show me how good I make you feel."
Her thighs tremble, closing against Harry's hips and lifting her lower body up off the table. She sees stars, her chest full of love and her pussy full of cum. She reaches for his hand, Harry already knowing what she wants and threads his fingers through hers. She whimpers his name the whole time, making his ego boost and smirk as he pulls out of her, a string of cum connecting his cock to her opening. He watches it run out of her, dripping onto the table. He grabs some napkins next to them, cleaning her up and the mess made. She sits up, eyes hooded and looking absolutely fucked out, which Harry loves.
"That was... the best sex... we've ever had."
"Better than when you tied my hands behind my back with my panties and fucked me from behind?"
Harry laughs and shakes his head. "That was amazing too, but this was different. It felt more connected and passionate, don't you think?"
"Yeah." Her smile is huge, attempting to stand up but failing, learning into the table for support.
"Don't go all jelly-legs on me, now. I'm not done with you yet." He picks her up, practically running to the bedroom and placing her on the bed. "How about round two, Mrs. Styles?"
Y/N's never heard a prettier question.

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Harry styles imagines حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن