Visit on tour

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Y/N misses Harry

She hasn't seen him in about two months, and had only been able to get her fill by FaceTiming when he wasn't busy and sending/receiving cute texts throughout the day. It's not like she didn't want to be on tour with him - she so did - but she couldn't due to her college schedule and needed to finish up her classes for the semester. However, one night Harry called her up, practically begging her to visit for a few days, and she just couldn't say no. She was already ahead of her work, so missing a week of class would be fine. She was proper bouncing around, shouting and knocking over a few things as Harry worked out the details and sent her, her flight information. She hopped out of bed and started packing, already knowing she wasn't going to be able to sleep.
The flight the following day felt like forever, Y/N wanting it to hurry up and land already so she could see her boyfriend she missed so dearly after not seeing him for so long. Towards the end of her flight, she started thinking about the sex they were bound to have right when he saw her, squeezing her thighs at the thought. Harry was quite ravenous when the two of them hadn't had sex for a while. She hopes he bends her over a vanity in his dressing room.
After the plane lands, it's all a blur because all that's on her mind is harryharryharry. She knows he had someone pick her up and drive her to the venue, but she doesn't remember the details because she kept thinking about all the dirty things she wanted him to do to her. She wanted him to bend her over his knee and swat her ass a few times before picking up her skirt (she'd worn one for this reason) and sliding his fingers over her panties. She's pulled out of her thoughts as she enters the venue, going backstage and looking for Harry. Along the way, she finds Clare, who promptly runs up to Y/N and gives her a tight hug.
"Y/N! Harry's been expecting you. He can't shut up about it, been telling everyone all day."
Y/N thinks her cheeks are going to fall off, she's smiling so hard. She asks Clare to take her to Harry's dressing room, having made up a plan on the way in which Clare enters first, delivering bad news that Y/N couldn't make it, so she can jump out and see Harry's face brighten.
"Harry?" Clare enters the large dressing room, spotting Harry sitting on the couch. "Hey! So... I have some bad news."
"What's the matter?" He gets up, walking over to her.
"You see... Y/N... she couldn't make it. She's not coming." She droops her head so Harry can't see her giggling.
Y/N's watching it all from the doorway, still a bit out of sight so he couldn't see her. "What? Why? She... she told me she was coming...", his face falls dramatically, his cheeks paling. "Wouldn't she tell me if she wasn't coming? I mean... is she mad at me? Did I do something?" Y/N's about to cry herself, she didn't know Harry would go into great thought about why she wasn't there, and she can't take it anymore.
"Hi, button!" She runs through the door, tackling him in a big hug. His eyes light up, pupils blown as he takes in the sight of her, touching her and squeezing her after not having done so in two months. He wraps his arms around her, engulfing her completely and inhaling deeply into her hair, kissing her head repeatedly.
"Baby", he breathes, still not believing it, "you're really here? You're not a hologram?" He pokes her everywhere, making Y/N giggle and shake her head. "Holy fuck, you're here! My sweet girl." He cups her face with both hands, kissing her lovingly for the first time in two months and his heart soars. He runs his tongue over her lips, not wasting any time because he wanted to taste her now. He pecks Y/N's lips a few more times before shooting a glare at Clare. "You! Why would you tell me my Y/N wasn't going to show up?! That's very rude." He kisses all over Y/N's face, making her happily pant as he kisses lower onto her neck, sucking a bit before looking back at Clare for an answer.
"I'll just leave you both two it." She turns to head out, "Oh, and also, the show starts in two hours so don't have too much fun." Harry flips her off as she walks out.
"I can't believe you're here." He presses his forehead against hers, letting his lips brush against hers because he can - because she's standing right in front of him and not on a screen thousands of miles away.
"I know! I missed you so much." She puffs out her lips, asking for a kiss that Harry gladly gives her. He goes ever further, kissing down her neck and sucking a spot underneath her ear to leave a mark.
"I missed doing that, and I plan on giving you many more. Even ones that you can't see", he trails his hand down, cupping her inner thigh. Y/N smirks, nipping at his jaw and feeling his chest though the opening in his blouse.
"This is a very nice suit! This's what you're wearing tonight?"
"Yes, ma'am. You like it?"
"I love it. It's so pretty." It was a simple black suit that he snazzied up with a black tank top underneath. The combination made her mouth water.
"Like you." He surprises her by picking her up, tossing her over his shoulder and lifting her skirt, swatting over her bare ass cheek because she was wearing a thong. She squealed as he put her down, laying her on the couch to hover over her. "I've been dreaming about having you back under me." He kisses down her neck, all the way to her breasts that were on display thanks to her button up blouse being unbuttoned at the top. "I'm gonna destroy you when we get back to our room tonight." She wraps her legs around his waist, pushing him down into her crotch.
"Why not right now? At least let me suck you off," she pouts. "I missed having you in my mouth."
"And I missed fucking your mouth. We are so compatible." Y/N swats his chest, giggling as she nuzzled her face into his neck and nibbled at the skin. "Babe, n-no marks, remember?" Y/N mentally rolls her eyes. She hates that rule. Harry was seen as a perfect pop star, one that was to be wanted and lusted after, and if he had any visible hickeys, his managers would have his head. He needed to keep his imagine clean. Y/N roughly bit his skin in the middle of his neck, making Harry wince but relax as she soothed it with her tongue, sucking at it afterwards. "Button-"
Y/N removes her mouth, looking to where she was sucking and widens her eyes. She had planned on leaving a little hickey, but this one was big; not enormously big but still big enough to see in photos or if you were in pit at one of his shows. Harry notices her expression and reaches up to touch the hickey.
"Oh, baaabe," he whined. "You left a mark?"
"It's not that big! I swear!" Her voice going higher than usual, unhooking her legs from around his waist so he could lean over to the coffee table to grab his phone, opening the camera app to see the damage. His mouth opens but no sound comes out. He thumbs over the mark, pressing into it slightly and wincing a bit, his eyes darkening as he puts his phone down and focuses back on her. "I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me, I know better."
Harry pecks her lips softly, alternating between the top and bottom lip, sucking on each one. "It's so fucking hot", he murmurs into her mouth, "Make another one."
Y/N's eyes are blown, taking in Harry's flushed appearance and feeling him hardening in his pants. "You're not mad?"
"No", he shakes his head, kissing down the valley of her breasts and plucking the shirt aside, freeing one of her tits and sucking her nipple into his mouth, thankful she didn't wear a bra. "Could never be mad at you", he pops off her nipple, plucking the other side of her shirt to the side to free her other breast, kissing all around the areola before engulfing her nipple in his warm mouth, sucking hard while toying with the other one with his hand. "I love your tits", he nuzzles his face in between them, looking propped up by the shirt pushing them together. "I'm gonna fuck them tonight." Y/N lifts her hips up, feeling the large bump in his pants as his cock grew to a complete erection. She wanted to reach down and feel him in her hands, but thought against it as she heard footsteps coming down the hall. Harry shot his head up, covering her breasts with her shirt and sitting them both upright on the couch. He grabbed a pillow and held it in his lap to cover himself.
"So then I was like, get your own cab!", Adam says as she enters with Helene. They look over to Harry and Y/N, noticing their flushed appearances. "Are we intruding?"
Y/N defends herself with a no! the same time Harry grunts a yes!, making them snap their heads at each other. Y/N forgets sometimes that Harry gets a bit angry when they get interrupted, reaching over and running her thumb over his knuckles to soothe him.
"Well, okay. We'll just leave then..." They both back out without turning around. "Here's a tip: close this next time. It's called a door - they're for privacy." Harry grabs a water bottle and chucks it at Adam, missing as he closes the door. Just as Harry turns his head to begin kissing her again, Adam re-opens the door. "By the way, hi Y/N." He closes it again as Harry throws a pillow this time. Y/N giggles at Harry's disgruntled manner.
"If we get interrupted one more time before I can taste your little pussy, I'm canceling tonight's show." Y/N laughs loudly, hitting him in the chest because she knows he would never do that; he loves his fans too much. He slides his hand underneath her flowy skirt, rubbing her thighs before making his way up, grazing his finger tips over her center so he's lightly petting. Y/N whines, Harry taking the opportunity to slide his tongue in her mouth, rubbing his fingers a bit harder over her panties. "Wait, let me lock the door." He stands up, walking over to the door and is about to lock it before it swings open, revealing a spazzed Harry Lambert.
"Harold, my assistant spilled his coffee all over your shoes you were planning on wearing tomorrow night. Do you want me to go out and buy new ones tomorrow?" He looked past Harry, seeing Y/N on the couch and waving. "Hi, Y/N! When did you get in? Harry, here, couldn't stop talking about you all the live long day. Swear he was going to jizz his pants - which would be a much easier stain to get out than coffee." Y/N stifles a laugh into the back of her hand, amused at how frustrated Harry was getting also.
"Harry, I'm kind of in the middle of something." He tilts his head towards Y/N, a vein making itself known in his neck. "And we would appreciate it if you figured the shoe situation out on your own, yeah?" He ushered him out of the room, back into the hallway where he saw Jeff running at him at full speed.
"Harry! Your shoes for tomorrow night are ruined."
"Christ! Can't anyone take a hint?" He tries to mask his frustration with a laugh to soften the harshness of his words. He was angry he got interrupted, but he didn't want to upset his friends either. "The shoes aren't a big deal. Harry, tell your assistant to go out and buy a new pair tomorrow when we get to Manila. There, case closed. Have a good night, so on and so forth. Bye-bye." He more or less slams the door in their face, making sure to lock it as he runs back to the couch, tackling Y/N as she fell onto her back.
"That was really hot to watch", she kissed along his jaw. "I forgot how assertive you can be."
"Yeah? You need me to remind you?" He grabs both of her wrists in one of his hands, putting them above her head as he ducks his head down, licking and sucking and biting along her chest as he pleased while grinding his crotch into her center. He had lost his hard on while dealing with the distractions but planned on getting it back so he could fuck her at least once before he had to go on stage. He cupped her breast with his other hand, rubbing his thumb over her nipple as there was a knock at the door, someone telling Harry that he had to be behind the stage sooner than planned. He sighed, dropping his head onto her chest and nuzzling in deeply, wrapping his arm around her as he settled down onto his side.
"Maybe it's not meant to be right now." She traces the outline of his eyebrows, knowing it soothes him. He lifts his head, planting a gentle kiss on her lips before getting off the couch, helping her up as well. "Oh! Let me cover up that hickey real quick." She looks into her purse and pulls out a chapstick, rolling it onto the mark first to speed up the healing process then grabbing a stick concealer she found on the vanity (it was probably Sarah's), blending it in with her finger. "There! All gone." Harry looks into the mirror, surprised that little makeup could cover up that dark purple hickey.
"Wow! Makes me a little sad, if I'm honest. I wanted to show it off, be like hey! look what my girlfriend gave me!" Y/N laughs at his childish remark, kissing his cheek before ushering him out of the room. "I'll see you in a few hours", he pecks her lips twice, "I can't wait to fuck you tonight." Y/N tugs on his hair (but not too much to mess up Ayae's hard work), and kisses his nose. "I'm gonna take you against the wall, and then-"
"No more! You need to be out there, and we don't need you getting hard in front of thousands of people." She opens the door, shooing him out.
"Oh, baby, I'm already hard." She looks down at Harry's crotch, noticing a prominent bulge forming that makes her mouth water. She really wanted to suck him off in his dressing room. "See you later, alligator." He kisses her hand, Y/N laughing at his playfulness. She loves watching his shows, but tonight she wanted it to go by as fast as possible. She couldn't want to get back to their hotel room.
As soon as Harry was through performing the last song, he dashed off stage, practically wrestling Y/N to the floor as he hugged her tightly, telling everyone he needed to get back to the hotel right away (they knew why). He yanked her along, exiting through the back and hopping into a car so someone could take them. He couldn't keep his hands off her; the drive was only ten minutes, but Harry grabbed everywhere he could, knowing he probably left crescent shaped dents in the skin of her thighs. As they arrived, Harry opened the door quickly, not even waiting for the person driving to do it. Y/N tried to keep her distance, not wanting to arouse suspicion, but Harry wasn't having that. He dragged her close to him, and they walked in together. She was shocked to say the least. As they entered the hotel room, Harry ushered her inside, shutting the door with his foot and pushing her against it.
"Harry", it came out more as a moan as he began sucking the skin right above her breast, "we weren't careful right now. Tomorrow, there's going to be tons of pictures of us going in together." She really couldn't care less but was more worried about Harry's team getting onto him.
"Don't care", he more or less growled into her ear, "they can be mad at me all they want. I'm tired of hiding you." He picks her up, walking over to the bed and placing her onto her back, sliding her skirt and panties down her legs in one go. "You're nothing to be hiding." He quickly unbuttons her shirt in one swift movement, a trick he learned when they first started dating which surprisingly didn't break any buttons. He took his jacket off, carelessly tossing it onto the floor, and rips his tank top off over his head. He goes to unbutton his pants, but Y/N stops him.
"I want to do that." She sits up, her face level with his hard prick poking out through the fabric of his pants. She unbuttons them, going to unzip as well but his bulge pushes through, unzipping the pants itself. Y/N loves when he was hard enough to do that. "You're so hard, Harry." She feels him through his boxers, wanting to tease him a bit and kiss him over the wet spot forming in them but decides against it, sliding his pants and underwear down together. His stiff prick rises up and slaps just above his navel, making it wet and sticky with precum. "It's so pretty", she takes him in her hand, pumping a few times.
"How is it pretty?", humor evident on his face.
"It just is", she shrugs. "It's so big and thick and perfect. Like, the perfect size and it's veiny. It's so hot", she taps him on her tits a few times, rubbing the head around her nipples before taking it into her mouth, fitting the fat head between her puffy lips. She moans right after, tasting his precum and dipping her tongue into the little slit as she pumps her hand on the rest that's not in her mouth.
"Oh, fuck, baby girl." He grabs her hair, bucking his hips a few times and pushing more of himself into her mouth. She doesn't mind, continuing to take more of him until he's all the way in her throat, swallowing around him. "God, your mouth." She begins bobbing her head, proper sucking his cock now. She loves how messy it can get when giving Harry head; he was so thick, so spit drooled out of her mouth and onto her chin. She moves her hand lower, playing with his balls and rubbing her nail against one of them, making him buck into her mouth and causing her to gag. "That's right, gag on my cock." His voice was at least two octaves lower, lust clear in his voice as he watched the pretty-eyed girl stuff her mouth with his dick. She squeezed her thighs at his demanding tone, feeling her clit throb as it begged to be touched. She needed him to fuck her, and she needed it now. She was about to pop off when she felt a slight jerk in her mouth, letting her know Harry was going to cum. "Baby, I'm gonna cum. Do you want it in your mouth?" As much as she loved swallowing for Harry, she knew he loved coming on her tits more. She shook her head, taking him out of her mouth and jerking him off over her nipples. "Want me to cum on your pretty tits?" Y/N nodded, eyes narrowed at him. "You're so fucking dirty." He looked down at her small hand working over his prick, swirling her palm over the head before giving a kiss to the little slit. Harry's abdomen clenched, shooting from his tip as he came all over her breasts, and it was a lot. Proper drenched them in white, watching it leak down and cover her nipples, getting a bit on her stomach. She continued tugging on him, getting out every last drop that she could. "You wanna taste?" She nodded, waiting patiently as he scooped up a good amount onto his fingers, bringing them up to her mouth and sliding them against her tongue that was already out for him. "Good girl," he rewarded her as she showed him that she swallowed it. He was still hard, and he wanted to fuck her. He shuffled her higher up onto the bed, putting her on all fours before pushing on her lower back, letting her know he wanted her flat on the mattress. She cringed a bit at the thought of his cum on her breasts getting all over the sheets, but she realized she didn't mind. She was too far gone into this sex craze with Harry to care about where he got his cum. He placed a pillow under her hips, not wanting her to have to keep her ass in the air the entire time he was fucking her; he wanted her to be comfortable. He grabbed onto her ass, kneading the skin as his cock bobbed up and down with his heartbeat. It was slick with spit and precum, looking almost ominous as it hung above her ass, all veiny and dripping. He lined his prick up with her, running it down her slit a few times to make them both moan. "You're fucking drenched for me." Y/N giving a soft yeah as he lined the thick head up with her hole, nudging it in. She gasped, already feeling full and only the head was in. She raised her ass up, pushing more of Harry's stiff cock inside of her clenching walls. He pushed until he was all the way in to the brim, keeping himself there. "Fu-uck, me," he stuttered around his words, not being able to think straight with her tight cunt around him. "You're still so fucking tight."
"Harry", she turned her head to the side, gasping as he slid all the way out, keeping only the tip in. "What're you... Harry, please." He sunk back in, his little tuft of hair against her ass as he swiveled his hips before pulling back out again.
"How do you want it, precious?", he asked while biting at her shoulder.
"Hard." Harry slammed back in, making her ass jiggle and push her further up on the bed. "Yes! Like that", she muffled her cries into the pillow beside her head, biting it.
"You're such a dirty girl, asking me to fuck you hard from behind." He sunk his teeth into her shoulder, pistoning his hips as he dicked into her as she wanted. She nodded her head, breathy little pants escaping her full lips. He rocked his hips into her a few more times before pulling out, his cock glistening from her. "Flip over. I want you to ride me." He sat down against the headboard, spreading his thighs so she could sit down comfortably on him. She sat just below his balls, rubbing his shaft through her slit and rising her hips to make him think she was going to take him back inside. "Don't tease me", he growls deeply and pulls her onto him fully so she sat on his thighs. She whines into the air, throwing her head back so her breasts were shoved in his face. Although most of his cum had wiped off her chest onto the sheets, some of it still littered her chest, which Harry found enticing. He licks up the valley of her breasts, tasting himself before swiping his tongue all over, flicking his tongue against her nipples in quick strokes.
"Ah!", she gasps and takes ahold of his hair, pulling him more into her chest as she began bouncing on him, loving the sensation of his stiff cock sliding in and out of her. He felt exceptionally big in this angle, as if he'd grown another two inches (he was already eight when hard). She knew if he started bucking up into her, she'd cum almost immediately, so she thought of a way to edge him on. "You like tasting yourself, don't you? Especially when it's on my tits?" He bit down on the nipple he was sucking, bucking slightly upwards to push his cock against the spongy bump deep inside. He popped off her breast with a filthy noise, smearing his lips against hers as he took full control and grabbed her hips.
"You know I do", he swats both sides of her ass, bucking his hips up as she slid down onto him. "And you know I love when you talk dirty, don't you Baby? You know I love making you this way, so fucking horny you just say whatever's on your filthy mind?"
Y/N yelps as he spanks her again, nodding frantically as he begins to fuck up into her, already feeling her orgasm approaching and he just started. "Yes! I know, I know, and you feel so good inside. I missed you so much, and your cock, God, I missed your cock, it fills me up so good and..." she pants, breathless as she leans her forehead against his.
"Oh, baby", he fucks her faster, knowing she gave up bouncing on him with how worn out she was getting already with the dirty talk (she loved when he took control anyway). "My pretty girl, you know I missed your pussy too." He wraps his arms around her back, bringing her as close as possible to him so her nipples were rubbing against his chest, driving her crazy. "So wet for me all the time, right? Just absolutely drenched for me anytime I want it?" Y/N nods, mouth falling open as she starts to hear the wet sound of their juices together and the slap of their skin meeting. "Got myself off so many times while you were away, button. Kept thinking about you on top of me, holding your hands behind your back as I fucked you, a plug stretching your other tight little hole."
Y/N sees stars (and not the ones outside the window) as she cums, clenching her cunt onto him and milking him, knowing he was going to cum again because he always did right after when he was inside her. "Harry", she arches her back, her hands going behind her to grab onto his thighs as her body shook violently, her first assisted orgasm in two months.
"Say my name, baby. Say who's making you feel this way." He fucks into her quickly, their skin slapping loudly while working her through her orgasm. "Oh fuck, I'm coming." He leans his head against the headboard, hips twitching up as his prick stills in her, spurting out his cum and soaking her walls even more. She cooes as she feels it shoot out of him, feeling fuller and grinding down onto him.
Even when she feels him soften inside her, she doesn't get up. She keeps him inside as she leans her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He kisses her hair while he rubs her back.
After about five minutes of sitting in silence and giving little kisses and back rubs, Harry speaks up. "Babe, not to rush you or anything, but I really have to piss." She stifles a laugh, removing herself from him and laying back on the bed. When he returns from the bathroom, he has a wet cloth in his hand. "Let me clean you up." She obliges, spreading her legs so he can wipe her where she's dripping. She winches a bit as he swipes the fibers of the cloth over her sensitive clit, him mumbling a sorry, love as he takes the cloth to the bathroom and returns to bed. He plops down onto his back so she can cuddle into his side, pulling the duvet up and over them. Within minutes Harry's asleep, Y/N peppering kisses along his jaw before she drifts off as well.
The next morning they fucked again, and again in the shower, and again in the plane restroom as they flew to Manila. As they get to their new hotel room, Harry lifts her dress to fuck her again as he bent her over the arm of the couch, already moving to unbuckle his pants.
"Wait!" She stood up straight, adjusting the bottom of her dress and turning so she could rebutton his pants for him.
"Why're you dressing me?", he pouted. "I'm trying to get you undressed."
"Baby", she plays with his hair, "we've already had sex three times today! And believe me, I want to again, but I also want to go sight seeing! If you take me right now, I'll be very grateful and generous tonight." She groped him through his pants, her fingertips dancing over where she could feel the outline of his tip.
"Can I at least eat your little peach before we go sight seeing? I haven't gotten to do that yet, and we've had sex four times in less than 24 hours."
"Uh-uh. We're not doing anything until I see all the famous landmarks." Harry crosses his arms, knowing she wasn't going to budge. She takes notice of his flustered state, standing on her tip-toes so her mouth could be at his ear. "I'll sit on your face tonight if you take me right now."
"Oh, I'll gladly take you." He cups her over her panties, making Y/N squeal and grab onto his wrist. "But I guess sight seeing will have to do. Come along then." He grabs her hand as she put her purse over her shoulder. "And don't think you're just going to sit on my face for a few minutes or so," he pulls her close, his mouth against her cheek. "I'm tasting you all night."
Y/N's so happy she took a week off of school.

@haaarry on tumblr

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