CEO pt.2

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Word count:252

It was a sleepy mumble that confirmed your husband's thoughts that someone was indeed calling, your hand shaking his shoulder as he did nothing to silence it.
"I know what you're thinking of and m'not doing it."
"Please answer the phone."
You recited the oftenly-said line during the wee hours of morning when you'd wake up to the disturbing rings of his CEO work phone, each passing second making your eyebrows furrow more.
Harry did the exact opposite, halting the unannounced call by pressing the red button without even looking, turning once again so he could go resume in being the little spoon he always loves.
Harry for a fact knows that the call wasn't made out of the matter of a life or death situation since it was his assistant's ringtone and not a text he instructed to be only sent when it was urgent.
"What if it was important?"
"What's your point?"
He didn't even open his eyes, instead, he put over his leg on top of yours, arm rested on your side as the the deep sleep he gets with you slowly kicks in.
He chuckled when he heard the sound of confusion from you, his hand going through your hair so you would diverted from worrying about it any longer.
Harry yawned, pulling you closer to close the gap as his lips curled upwards, kissing you to sleep as he uttered the words.
"Already have what's important beside me anyways."

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