CEO pt.5

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Word count: 1396

"I am so proud of you."
Harry could let out a grunt and a sense of confusion engulf him for a brief second until the familiar scent of vanilla and his own perfume struck out to him, relaxing into the embrace you're giving him in from behind.
He chuckled as he looked at the reflection of the both of you, your simper as you just brought him closer, looking at the right of him in the hallway to the bathroom that had mirrors for walls, one in which you almost chased him in at the fastest pace you could muster with your heels.
"Chased me on the way to the loo so you could say tha'?"
He jokingly replied as he couldn't rack his brain on what to say to his wife, resorting to humor as his first defense and he quite likes it, especially that he heard a playful huff from you.
"I know that you don't like your associates to see how soft you are for your missus."
"Shut up," he retorted with the tone he uses for the signature 'heyyy', nose scrunched up in defensiveness yet he couldn't agree more with what you said, the persona he has at his own office diffusing to the exact opposite of it back at home (if he's being honest, he likes it a little too much when he uses it in the bedroom) to the point he was almost unrecognazible to his employees.
He felt a pat from you on his shoulder and heard the mutter of 'in denial', head whipping up to face your retreating figure as he beat you in asking his question before you could let out a quick bye for a while.
"Wait, where are you going?"
"To Mitch! I think I'm growing on him!"
"Mitch?" his eyes widened slightly in disbelief before amusement tugged on his lips, "head of the finance department? You got him detached from Sarah?"
Your eyes widened in reply and waved your hands to exaggerate your point, feeling a bit of pride swell up now that Harry took notice of it.
"I know right?! Sarah was smiling the whole time and even told me she's never seen him this giddy in talking 'bout dogs!"
His jaw was a bit slacked and his eyebrows just rising, a look of shock overtaking his features and just wonders over what you just said.
You, his own wife, talking about dogs with the head of the Finance Department of Styles Inc., who happens to be Mitch who he had the first impression with that he watches rock documentaries for a hobby and likes the way Morgan Freeman narrates?
"Anyways, see you!"
"Yeah, m'kay, love. I'll get the car started then just-..."
"Adam isn't gonna pick us up?"
The more the time drags on, things seem to be getting blurred and focused at the same time, Harry's head being currently wrapped around the fact that you were the only one besides him who actually acknowledges his driver and doesn't treat him like one.
"I gave him an early paternity leave. His wife's a week away from getting birth."
The excited squeal left your lips as your eyes just glossed over the fact and he's watching you, barely remembering what happens next besides you giving him a final hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaving, the reminder to text you on when to go out so you could say your goodbyes to Mitch five minutes before so there wouldn't be any complaints, and him just hunching over the sink.
Harry doesn't know why but he's practically feeling like jelly at the moment, his legs not exactly stable and a ragged breath being replaced with a sentimental smile.
How exactly could he be luckier with anything else than you?
He's walking now, his true objective in going to the loo being sincerely forgotten and he's dwelling over you, just tried sinking deeply over the whole concept of you.
Tonight was a big company dinner, one he's been curating for the past month even with the help of numerous planners and designers at that state, but now that he thinks soberly and not two drinks of alcohol in him, it kind of really dates back to you.
You were the one who gingerly suggested in having some comfort food in the buffet as you reasoned to him that most will be having a plus-one, and the kind of present fact that not everyone is particularly fond of salads and four-course meals that tasted just unappealing to some tastebuds.
Now that he recalls, he sort of denied the idea in that first place but with the look of eagerness in your face that maybe your idea would be approved, he called it in to the caterers next second and even had you on the phone with them for the distinct tastes to turn out as.
And on that topic, you were the one who insisted to wear something just plain-out different from the plain black suit and tie he wore oftenly, which is in his defense is a classic and timeless look but the moment you made a call with some of his favorite brands and had some custom-made and have some extras for him, he couldn't wait more for that damn dinner to happen while he breaks in the new pair of boots you've gotten him to pair with.
He opens the driver's seat and just lets him be still for that time being, the unfocused part of him texting you as he pulls the 'I'm the CEO' to the guard who was about to approach him for being in the loading area in front of the grand hotel, putting his hand up as a sign of thanks as he just lets himself linger with his thoughts.
Harry has an empire of his own, but even then, he knows that it couldn't beat the house he has with you and how much of a home you make it.
He could've lost you months ago in the verge of him making a major deal with a company that had been the talks of the tabloid and the whole press before and during the big negotiation, even more after it happened.
He remembers you calling his assistant in one of those days and just begging to slip you in to his time crunch and just schedule a damn appointment with him already, feeling his heart break when you suddenly entered his office wearing nothing but a hoodie and pyjamas and just plain-out distraught, lip trembling when you see him.
Harry doesn't want to relive the sensation of seeing you just breaking down on his arm as your chest heaves and just begs him to stay with you for a little bit, seeing that he was so caught up with making a deal that you had to suffer by putting aside your own life on hold just to support him.
And fuck - Harry's tearing up before he knows it.
He could give the world to you and he just says that exactly as he's comforting you that time, yet the thing that stuck into his mind was you just softly shaking your head no and implying that you only needed him and that could be better than the world.
He's soft, just impeccably softer than pudding under your influence and he isn't complaining about that, making him laugh to himself in the same time he throws his head back and tries to suppress the grin growing on his lips.
The door to his right opens and you just beam at him, taking notice of the tears in his cheeks and you almost instantly bend over to wipe them and ask what was wrong.
"S'nothing, lovie. M'good."
He re-assures you as he thumbs over his tears and laughs just to loosen you up and ease the tension in your shoulders, feeling a light nudge on his as he apologizes meekly for making you nervous because of him.
Harry looks at you one last time, hand on your thigh as he breathes out shakily, a smile of adoration tugging with his heartstrings as you look away in flushed embarassment, saying the words to himself just to stable the jitters in his heart.
"M'good - all good."

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