Coffee runs

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Word count:1008

7:04 in the morning and Harry was already late for work. His boss-Dave, saw punctuality as the thing most near and dear to his heart which meant Harry was practically stabbing the man by rushing into the coffee shop next door before actually going to work.
Harry's thought was: I'm late already so who cares if I get coffee like I normally do?
And his thought led to him drawing the second ingenious idea of buying an additional cup of coffee for himself. Two cups of coffee for a super busy Monday, most likely going to be started with a lecture on being on time and ending with rush hour traffic.
A day in Harry's life.
Harry placed his order with the barista who recognized Harry from his daily coffee runs only to be greeted by his typical perky 'already hopped up on four cups of coffee because hey, I'm a barista' banter, "Two cups today Harry? Wow you must be slumming it."
Harry nodded and scanned his credit card while waiting for his hyperactive coffee making hero to finish preparing his drinks.
After scanning around the room Harry noticed the place was pretty busy, unlike how it is at six-thirty when he usually arrives to his coffee save haven. The lines were beginning to form and the barista behind the counter placed Harry's drinks down and even though it was rude to assume, he quickly remarked that he'd see Harry tomorrow which he would.
While holding two cups of hot coffee in his hands (because he couldn't be bothered to ask for a cardboard holder) Harry pressed his back against the door to push it open when all of a sudden the feeling of burning coffee pressed against his flesh causing him to curse under his breath.
The culprit behind the coffee spill was a girl, around Harry's age whose wide eyes stared at Harry in shock of what had just happened. Quickly she apologized and cupped her hand over her mouth.
"It's alright," Harry muttered lightly. Great. He thought. A guy tries to perk up his day with two cups of coffee and instead gets scalded with the stuff.
If it had been anyone else Harry probably would've grumpily yelled at them for not paying better attention to where they were going, but because this girl had such a captivating sparkle in her eye all Harry could do was apologize himself for not paying better attention.
"It wasn't your fault," Harry added while pulling the fabric of his shirt off of his chest so the hot material wouldn't continue to rest against his skin.
"I feel awful," she said. "Please let me buy you two more cups of coffee, it's the least I can do."
Harry pondered the idea for a moment, toying with it even, but he knew that if he didn't get to work soon he'd really be dead. But Harry stared into her beautiful shining eyes again and somehow he ended up agreeing because here he was standing on line once again.
"Do you want me to help you clean that up? The girl remarked to Harry's stained white button up. "I'm pretty good at getting coffee stains out since I've had so much practice on my own."
Harry laughed lightly and shook his head. "It's really fine don't worry about it."
The line inched forward again and the jolly barista behind the counter quickly began to ask the girl what she wanted, all while side-eyeing Harry wondering what the hell happened.
"One caramel macchiato and..." Her voice trailed off waiting for Harry to place his part of the order, but before he could speak the barista began to laugh.
"Harry you suckered Y/N into buying you coffee? That's low." The girl now identified as Y/N laughed and shook her head quickly explaining that she was the reason Harry was currently wearing his beverages.
"That sucks man," he chuckled while punching in the order. "Since you're both regulars I'll let you guys get this one on the house, but try not to wear it, okay? These are for drinking not accessorizing."
Y/N laughed and nodded while moving down the other counter to wait for the drinks. The barista went back to work leaving Harry and you to small talk until the drinks were ready.
" come here often?" Harry said casually.
She nodded, "Everyday."
"So do I," Harry admitted. "I'm a coffee junkie."
"You and me both," she smirked.
The drinks were then placed on the counter and Y/N grabbed hers and a cardboard tray for Harry's.
"I really am sorry for spilling them on you," she added while placing the drinks securely in the holder before passing them to Harry.
"Don't worry about it, really." Harry added. "I was taking my time getting to work anyways so doing this just killed more time," he laughed. Just saying the word work reminded Harry about his job and his eyes widened at the thought. He was really late now, but he couldn't go without doing one more thing.
"Hey, um, I have to get to work now but uh, would you like to get coffee sometime?" Harry ran his finger over the warm cup and blinked quickly as his heart raced.
"I'd love to," she said with a wide smile. Quickly she rummaged through her bag to grab her cell phone so they could exchange numbers and Harry tried to grab his in his back pocket but with his luck one of the cups of coffee spilled onto the floor in a loud, abrupt thud.
Harry and Y/N looked at each other, then the coffee then back at each other before laughing loudly, too loudly for a crowded coffee shop full of half asleep customers, but they didn't care. They just laughed.
Harry apologized to the barista and exchanged numbers with Y/N, hoping that their coffee date would actually include drinking coffee and not spilling or wearing it.

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