CEO pt.4

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Word count: 791

"Stop tha' or else."
Harry thickly warned with an empty threat, eyes fluttering from having been in a shallow nap on your shared bed while the both of you were supposedly watching a movie he recommended, to waking up with his eyebrows furrowed to look at you holding his hand while your other was slowly but surely painting his nails black, starting from his thumb.
He huffed, knowing he should've had jolted awake the moment he felt you climbing out of bed and coming back to it with a little chuckle and a little bit too giddy, better yet to know it the moment he heard a foreign object, which he now knows is the nail polish bottle, being hit against the heel of your palm for a couple of times.
You hummed and paid your husband's words no mind, a little bit of calmness steering its way into your mind as you delicately stroked the brush upwards.
"You should be happy. Bought this over-priced Gucci nail lacquer just for you."
"Don't care if it's Gucci," he started off and earned a look of mockery from you that earned you a roll of his eyes, "s'the fact that I have work tomorrow."
Harry in his grumpy and groggy stage from having to work at his own company and better yet be the head of it always didn't fail him in having chuckles from you and tons of comfort, especially when you did the same too coming home from your 9 to 5 job that resulted into the both of you having a competition on whose day was worse and trying to outdo the consolation of the other.
"Oh right, baby. You're the CEO. How could I forget about that. Is that all?"
You looked mischievously back at him with your sarcastic tone loosening him but in the same time prompting the same from him, the bickering never getting old.
"Oh I don't know, lovie. Have I mentioned that I meet up with tens of companies per day and shake their hands? Or I don't know, what else? Maybe the fact that you know I have a mannerism with my fingers and my lips together?"
You laughed at him retaliating back, his words do having a point in what he's trying to say but you weren't having any of it, your husband clearly taking note of the sudden stubbornness you can have once in a while and this time being one, not wanting to give up because the thing you're putting on's worth thirty dollars for a pretty fucking small bottle.
"Think I forgot the fact that when they see this, they'll bring you in, and there's fuckin' gossip again, then they won't get any work done, then Niall's gonna properly roast me again for it."
Harry stated off the pretty top reasons why and he could go on and on as he muttered something more for you to hear, finally stopping when you let out a laugh after you being silent for a few minutes that didn't confuse him as he took it as a sign of surrender.
"Then why didn't you take your hand away from me?"
He looked down on both of his hands and just as he didn't expect, they're now painted a glossy black and he could only scoff as he now thinks about where you put the nail polish remover again but then, his eyes just land onto you.
It was a priceless image, really. Just as anything with you as the time slowed in his vision and he could only stare at you throwing your head back saying something he couldn't bring himself to understand the way he was distracted by you.
Wearing his shirt, hair thrown carelessly together with an elastic and your eyes just basically crinkling from your happiness, your teeth having to bite your lip to suppress the laughter.
Harry could get used to this, including the nail polish even.
If the small price of chatter from his workers that worked in his own company was to pay for your happiness, he'd be quick to do it and eager even, ready to put it on himself.
"That's what I thought."
You grinned as you were about to lean in and crush him in a hug, Harry finally coming to his senses and letting out a squeal for you to stop before words were able to slip out from his mouth.
Your mind wondered as you know he was definitely down for your hugs no matter what, the newfound situation confusing you more than ever as it only brought a roll of the eyes and a soft chuckle to your husband.
"You'll ruin the polish."

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