Chapter 8

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The weekend had been fun, Dayton and I did all girly things and ate pizza and junk food, I really did enjoy myself.

On Monday Hunter picked me up and we drove to the school, when we pulled up he leaned over and gave me a soft kiss.

"Sorry, I just had to do that," I rolled my eyes and got out, we walked to my locker and I sorted my books.

"So are we doing anything after school ? I mean all last week we spent talking about 'you-know-who' and how to handle it, is there anything else to go over?" I closed the locker and turned to him.

"Naa, we know the plan, if anything happens, call Archer and run," I nodded, "Good, now see you later," he gave a kiss on the cheek and left. I walked around the corner and made my way to Tyler and Vicky, I rounded a corner to see them talking but stepped back when I noticed they were talking about me.

"Have you noticed how weird Avalon has been lately ?" Tyler was leaning against the lockers.

"Not really, I mean she's been hanging out with us less and less but she's starting to again," Vicky sounded hopeful. I hadn't been ditch them had I ?

"No it's not that, it's..." He pushed a hand through his hair. "the last time she was like this was the few months after Casey," I froze.

"What do you mean ?" Vicky's voice had lowered, the halls were empty but it still felt forbidden.

"A few months after Casey died, remember how depressed she was ? Well all of a sudden she started to smile again, gradually she started going back to normal, for a whole month she was smiling more and more, she'd always blow us off and never tell us why, one time I followed her and found out it was her getting into a guy's car, I didn't see his face but i saw hers."

"What was it like ?" Vicky looked concerned.

"She looked genuinely happy, hell one day I saw her and she was so damn giddy I could tell she'd done him," he kicked the lockers and I flinched behind a locker.

"How'd you know she had ? She could of just been happy."

"Remember how giddy you were after you slept with Lincoln in sophomore year ?" I assumed she nodded because he carried on "She looked like that, she never even told us his name! I mean I get she wanted a escape but to go to some random guy ?" He sounded disappointed, I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"Look I have to go to class, calm down a little, I'll see you at lunch." I heard Vicky walk away and Tyler breathing heavily, I took this as my chance to talk to him, I walked out from my hiding place and saw him leaning against the lockers with his eyes closed.

"Is that what you think of me ?" He opened his eyes and shot up. "That I wanted an escape so went to some random guy for it ? Do you honestly believe I'd do that ?" I had tears running down my cheek now "You're my best friend, you're supposed to know me better then anyone and you believe I'd hook up with some random guy so I didn't feel bad ?" I shook my head and turned ready to leave but his hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Avalon I didn't mean it like that," he didn't let go of my shoulder so I turned around.

"Then what did you mean by it ?" I had full on tears "I admit I don't remember his name okay ? Hell I don't remember his face ! But I didn't just run to him for a quickie everytime I felt down, I don't know what happened so I don't remember but all I do remember was he wasn't a stranger," he looked at me and wiped away my tears.

"I'm sorry I said those things, but I'm your best friend, and you've been blocking me out for a good while now, I just want my best friend back," he had sad eyes, I knew I'd been pushing everyone away but I couldn't let them know about the guys.

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