Chapter 29

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"Avalon what's wrong ?" I caught sight of Hunter taking Lizze outside to her car then saw Raine, Max and Tyler trying to get close enough to grab me.

"Just leave me alone," I went to walk away but he wouldn't take no as a answer.

"You have been weird since you came back from Raine's, if it's about the club then-" I cut him off before he told everyone.

"It's not, now leave me be," I went to side step him but he just stopped me again.

"Then what is it ?!"

"YOU MADE ME FORGET YOU SELFISH BASTARD!" Everything froze, everyone looked at me, completely and utterly speechless. I NEVER swear, it was one thing people knew about me, I never cursed, not even a damn or a bloody, so for me to say that showed how upset I was. Raine, Max and Tyler started to usher everyone out the house until the only people left was Archer and I. "You made me forget, and I'll never forgive you for that."


"You remember ?" Archer's face paled.

"Raine gave me a potion, I remember everything," I felt my unshed tears fall.

"You weren't supposed to remember any of that," he didn't even have the decency to look me in the eye.

"Why ? Didn't want to deal with me anymore ? Didn't want the pathetic human girl to be around anymore ? Because a simple 'go away' would of suffice."

"It wasn't like that..."

"Then tell me, what was it like ? Because I have had every scenario in my head play out and each one ends the same, me feeling disappointed," I walked into the living room with Archer following. "If you wanted me to forget you should of compelled me the first time we met, even the second time, but NO you waited a whole freaking month! You waited for a month after..." I shook away the images of the last night we were together and glared at him. "You had plenty of opportunities to make me forget, why did you wait until after that ?"

"It wasn't safe for you to know," He mumbled but I heard him loud and clear.

"But what it's safe for me to know now ?"

"You have to, Stefan and his men are after you-"

"THEY WERE AFTER ME BEFORE!" My tears were running down my face in the bucket loads. "Look, I'm done with this, the only thing I can think of this being was a quick hump, dump erase, so I'm going," I went to leave but he grabbed my arm.

"Avalon, please, trust me-"

"I've already made that mistake once," I stepped back. "Don't ask me to make it again."

"They were after you, Stefan and his men, they wanted your blood, so when they attacked you I stepped in, I expected you to run when you saw me turn but instead you stayed to try and keep me alive, I was even more surprised in the morning when I showed my wolf and you weren't afraid of the big bad wolfI just got more and more intrigued, so that day after school I had to see you again, I knew I shouldn't that I should stay away and never come back but I couldn't, so I kept coming back, I know it was selfish but I couldn't stay away, when it had been a month... Everything I had said to you was true, the next morning I hated myself, I knew how selfish I had been and, the only way to keep away from you was if you didn't remember me, you could have a normal life and go to collage, get married, grow old, I wanted that for you, I wanted you to be happy."

"That wasn't your choice to make," He looked up from his spot on the sofa, during his speech he had sat down while I leaned against the fire place. "You don't have or never had the right to chose my life for me, you went into my mind and took away memories that actually helped me when I needed them most, when I needed you most, you could of undone my memories when I found out again but you didn't! Why ?"

"Because I could stand to see that look on your face again, you were in tears, screaming at me, I didn't tell you because of what you said, 'Do it, you better hope I never remember, because if I do ? I'll never forgive you' I didn't want to see the anger in your eyes like you have now, so I didn't give back your memories," I sat on the floor in front of him so he had to look at me.

"Archer, look at me," He looked up and saw why he didn't want me to see his face, his eyes were bloodshot and his face stained with tears."I understand why you did what you did, I know why you did that," He smiled a little and reached up to cup my cheek with his hand. "But you've lost me forever," I got up and headed to the door, I stopped at the door way when he spoke.

"I really am sorry."

"I know, so am I," I went to leave asked a question I had been dying to know the answer to. "Why do you call me Snow White ?"

"Oh how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony" When I gave him a confused look he carried on. "It's how Snow White was originally described as, you fit the description so the name seemed fitting." I smiled and went to leave but he called out to me. "While we are on the subject, why did you call me Huntsman ? Why not Prince Charming ?" I laughed.

"You don't seem the Prince type," I smiled as Archer pouted.

"I can be a prince," He stood up and bowed, I curtsied. "But seriously, why ?"

"Because the prince is a total cliche, he takes the princess heart and claims the prize when in reality the Huntsman saved her, he did everything but the prince claimed the credit, The Huntsman was the true love but the prince was the love the princess thought she wanted," I sighed. "Goodbye Huntsman."

"Goodbye Snow White," I turned and left the house, and for the first time since I had remembered, I smiled instead of crying.

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