Chapter 16

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Dayton's POV

I stabbed my heel into the vampire's chest as a stake before spinning around to stake the vamp infront of me. Avalon was talking through a plan with the boys as I staked vamps left and right, I turned to notice Tyler was having a problem with a few vamps, I ran over then staked them in the chest.

"Thanks," we stood back to back as we fought off the rest of the vampires.

"Don't mention it," I sent a vampire flying back when I caught sight of Avalon grabbing a bar, flipping in the air before landing on the bar and kicking a vamp in the face. "Damn, that girl is getting more and more badass."

"Yeah, she can be pretty scary when she wants to be," Tyler kicked a vamp in the stomach before staking another.

"Get down !" Everyone ducked as a bottle of liquor was thrown across the room then caught fire to the vamps around it, a few more bottles were thrown before people noticed where the bottled were coming from. Avalon. When the vamps noticed they all turned to her.

"AVALON!" Archer and Hunter ran to her to try and stop them. She threw a bottle infront of the bar and the flames flew up. Tyler and I fell to the floor so not to be caught by the fire, I landed on top of him.

"Sorry," I got up but was tackled by a vampire, he tried to bite me so I screamed. He suddenly went limp and stopped, he was thrown off me by a very pissed looking Tyler.

"The building is collapsing !" Avalon screamed from the flames so Tyler grabbed my arm and ran towards the door.

"What about Avalon ?" I looked to the bar in flames and Avalon fighting a vampire behind it.

"Archer and Hunter will get her, now we need to get out or we will both die !" Tyler gave me a pleading look before I let him pull me out.

Hunter's POV

A vampire jumped on my back as soon as I'd killed one, I was about to flip it off when Avalon kicked him off, I winked at her but she'd already run off to help Max and Damien.

"Stay in pair's or three's !" Archer stayed with Tyler while I had Dayton, Avalon stayed with the boys. I staked three vamps before I noticed Avalon at the bar.

"Get down!" she had a few bottles and was throwing them at big crowds of vampires, after a while they started to notice.

"AVALON !" Archer and I started running towards the bar, to protect her but fell back when she threw a bottle in front of the bar. The flames rose up so fast it knocked everyone back. I fought off a few vampires trying to get Avalon and with Max and Damien's help we were getting rid of them pretty quickly.

"The building is collapsing !" Avalon's voice echoed through the club as everyone glanced at the burning building and ran outside, I saw Dayton get pulled out by Tyler so I knew she was safe, Max and Damien were out and safe, Archer would be out next so I ran for Avalon, I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a spine chilling scream and I knew it was Avalon.

"Avalon !" I shouted trying to find her.

"Get out," I heard her faintly and saw her finding a female vampire, who looked like they had the upper hand. When she noticed I wasn't leaving she screamed again "NOW !" I hesitated slightly before turning and running outside where Max, Damien, Tyler and Dayton were watching the club.

"Hunter, where's Avalon ?" Tyler watched me, and I felt the guilt that I'd left Avalon alone inside.

If she made it out would she forgive me ?

Archer's POV

I threw my lighter to Avalon before going back to the vampire I was fighting, hoping Avalon had a good idea. I held one down as Tyler staked him, I glanced up to see Avalon running at the bar.

"So, what was that kiss ?" Tyler staked a vampire then moved onto the next.

"I don't know what you mean," I booted a leech behind me and Tyler staked her.

"Look," I threw the vampire I was holding to look at Tyler, he glared at me. "You break her heart, I'll be your worst nightmare."

I left Tyler to handle his vamps as I got closer to the bar.

"Get down !" We all ducked as Avalon threw a bottle of liquor that caught fire. That's my girl. I was with Max and Damien fighting off some leeches when the vampires started to realise Avalon was the one throwing the liquor bombs.

"AVALON!" I wasn't the only one to notice, Hunter and I shared a look before we started to run towards the bar. Avalon noticed then dropped the last bottle infront of the bar. We all flew back as the flames rose high.

"Avalon ?" I screamed out searching for her.

"I'm fine, don't worry, just get us out of here !" I turned and started to try and get everyone back, a leech came and kicked me in the abdomen, knocking the wind out of me.

"Bad move asshole," I grabbed my stake and staked her.

"The building is collapsing !" Everyone looked up before running to the exit, I caught sight of Dayton, Tyler, Max and Damien running out the door.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" A scream that made my blood turn cold echoed through the club, I tried to get to Avalon but couldn't find my way through the crowds people, I saw Hunter make his way to the bar so turned to get out.

By the time I was outside Damien, Max, Dayton, Tyler and Hunter were outside.

"Where's Avalon ?" I looked around but couldn't find her, then I saw Hunter's face, I grabbed him by the collar. "Where. Is. She. Hunter ?"

"She was fighting a vamp and told me to run," Hunter pushed me off, I went to hit him but Tyler stopped him.

"Archer look at me, I know how you feel about her and I know you want to save her. She's a tough girl and I know you know that, trust her," I cocked a brow at him, how did he know ? As if he knew what I was about to ask he said "I remember your car."

He knew, he knew I had known Avalon all those months ago...

The building behind us started to creak and Avalon still wasn't out, I looked Tyler in the eye.

"Then you'll know why I have to do this," I spun around then ran into the building, I jumped over the bar only to find three dead vampires with a lot of blood on the floor, I smelt the blood to see if it was hers, and it was. I got up ready to leave when the ceiling finally gave in, and the darkness closed in.

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