Chapter 24

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When Hunter dropped us off I let us in, Tyler had given me my bag from when I was there last time, so I had my phone, keys, clothes and purse back. I heard the TV on in the living room so I knew my parents were home

"Mom ? It's me," I heard some shuffling before Mom and Dad came out and engulfed me in a hug.

"Gosh, you've been at Tyler's all week, I almost forgot what you looked like," I was thankful Ty had covered for me, otherwise that would have been a lot to explain.

"Yeah, sorry, we had a lot of work to do," I pulled back, that's when they saw Raine standing behind me awkwardly. "Mom, Dad this is Raine, she's my... Cousin, from my birth parents, I was wondering if she could stay here ? I mean we have a spare room and-"

"Of course she can," Mom beamed.

"Please Mom, wait did you just say okay ?" she nodded and I squealed. "Thank you, I'll go show her room then," I grabbed Raine's hand and bag then pulled her up the stairs to her room, I opened the door not next to mine the one after then lead Raine inside. "I know it's not much but..."

"You're kidding right ? This room is great," Raine put her stuff on the bed before looking around the room.

"The bathroom is that door there and it's joined to mine, the room on the opposite side of the stairs is my parents, tomorrow i'll show you around and you can meet my human friends, besides Tyler, if that's okay with you, what do you think ?" Raine looked in awe of the room.

"That sounds great, do you think I could go to an actual school ?" I gave her a look of confusion before it clicked.

"You've never been to a real school have you ?"

"My mom taught me everything, she would teach me about normal things and witchcraft, I couldn't go to school because mom thought I would loose control infront of Normal's," she sounded so sad it made my heart break.

"I can get someone to compel some teachers, you should be in school by Monday," she beamed and I was glad I brought her back. "Well I'm going to talk to my parents, you should get some sleep."

"Thank you Avalon," I went to leave but she stopped me. "I mean it, thank you, for everything."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I told her goodnight before going to the living room, to find Mom waiting for me. "Hey Mom," I sat down in the chair next to her. "Where's Dad ?"

"He went to bed," I nodded, I was getting creeped out by this conversation and we had  barely talked. "So, how did you meet a witch ?" I froze.

"I d-don't know what you're talking about," I shook my head.

"Don't lie, I could smell the magic on her," I gave Mom a weird look.

"What are you ?"

"I'm half werewolf, actually I was close to your birth parents, Martin and Caroline, they were wonderful, as was Raine's mother, Abigail, we were all friends, your parents gave you to us be safe, your Dad doesn't know so don't mention it to him."

"Why didn't you tell me anything before ?"

"Because I was hoping that it would never come up, I should of known when you would come home smelling of Hounds all those months ago, for a while then it stopped and I thought it was over, but then you came home, smelling the same again I..."

"Wait, you knew I was with Archer ?" Why didn't she stop me ?

"I didn't know who he was, but he did cheer you up so much after Casey... I couldn't bare to take that away from you," I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "Oh sweetie I didn't mean to upset you."

"It isn't that," I wiped the tear away. "How do you know if you love someone ?" She looked taken back by the question but answered anyway.

"You just know, it's not something someone can tell you, you just know."

"What if they do something that is completely unforgivable, and makes you feel so powerless and pathetic ?" The tears were back and streaming down my cheeks.

"If they truly loved you they wouldn't make you feel like that unless they had to, and if you truly loved them, anything they did can be forgiven," I nodded before getting up, I said my goodnight's before going to my room. I closed the door then walked over to my window seat, I lifter up the cushions to reveal a wooden top, I pried up the boards to show a white box inside, I pulled the box out then sat cross legged on the floor. I opened the box and pulled out the contents, there were loads of pictures, a diary and a key on a chain. I looked through the pictures and a sad smile appeared on my face, the picture was of Archer and I in the apartment, we were sitting on the sofa and I had gotten my phone out, we were smiling, I looked at another and Archer was giving me a kiss on the cheek. Another picture it was of Archer pulling a funny face, another one I was on Acher's Back giving him a kiss on the cheek, he must of taken it when I wasn't paying any attention. I let out a small sob as I looked through the other pictures, there was only about ten but they still held more memories then anyone could ever ask for. I opened the diary and read through a few pages, I had described most our nights and gushed about our nights at the park. When I picked up the key I still had the note attached.

Keep the key, hide it safe until you remember.

I unclasped the chain before putting it around my neck, I crumpled the note then put everything back in the box, I put it all back the way it was. Once that was done I got changed and climbed into bed, Archer's words still lingering in my mind, like they had been since the flashbacks.

"Goodbye Snow White, good luck finding your prince."

"I already did, he was disguised as my huntsman," I let a lone tear fall before falling asleep.

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