Chapter 28

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"You guys are insane," I said for the millionth time, the boys had set up the slingshot and were just waiting for someone to put a watermelon there and shoot it.

"It's fun, now who's first ?" Hunter held up a watermelon as Tyler and Lincoln were holding the slingshot.

 "I am," Vicky took the watermelon from Hunter before placing it in the slingshot, she pulled back before releasing and landing on her but, the Watermelon flew through the air and hit the side of the post. "Damn it."

 "Let me show you how the pro's do it," Hunter sidestepped her, he got everything ready and pulled back and released. It only made it half way through the field before it hit the ground.

 "Better luck next time buddy," Raine gave him a pat on the back before getting her own watermelon and launching it, it was a perfect shot. "And that is how it's done," we all cheered as she took a bow.

"My turn," Chloe got up and had a go, she did perfect then high-fived Raine.

 "Okay, I want a go, Hunt, swap places with me," Lincoln and Hunter switched as Lincoln took his place, let the watermelon fly, perfect shot.

 When it was Ty's turn and he missed it by an inch... and hit his car instead. We all burst out in laughter as he cursed.

 "Well anyway, Avalon it's your turn," I stopped laughing and glared at Ty. "Come on you're the only one who hasn't done it, live a little, let you inner dark side out," He shut up after that when he realized what he said, he tried to take it back but I stopped him before he said a word, I glanced at Raine from the corner of my eye and saw her face soften.

"Fine, give me the watermelon," he stood shocked that I'd agreed for a second but passed me the food anyway. I put the watermelon in the slingshot, I pulled back, focusing on the goal, I pulled back with all my strength then let it fly. It flew up in the air and made it through the posts, then I noticed Archer, Dayton, Max and Damien walking towards us, but that wasn't the worse part. The worse part was that the watermelon was heading straight for Archer's face. "WATCH OUT!" They all turned at the warning and ducked in time, but Archer was too slow...


It hit his face and he fell to the floor, everyone but Raine, Tyler and I ran over to see if he was okay, I had to bite my lip to stop the laughter.

"You enjoyed that didn't you ?" Raine was trying to stop her giggles too.

"Yep," I burst out into laughter then we started to run over to everyone else to see if he was okay, it wouldn't be as funny if I killed him. When we got there everyone else seemed to be trying to not laugh, Archer was covered in watermelon.

"Hey, you okay Arch ?" Hunter was leaning over him giving his face a gentle slap. And by gentle I mean a full on slap.

"Who the hell just shot me with a watermelon ?" He asked groggily as he sat up and glared at us all, and we lost it, everyone burst into hysterical laughter, I even had tears streaming down my cheeks, of laughter this time. "Who the hell was it ?"

"Me," I managed to get out. "I guess that counts as a goal right ?" That set everyone off again so we were all on the floor gasping for breath.

"You think this is funny ?" Archer got up giving me a playful glare, I sat up with everyone else and bit back another laugh.

"Immensely," I stood up and took a few steps back as he walked closed.

"How about a hug ?" He opened his arms and came closer, he gave everyone a look and they got up and like me stepped closer.

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