10: Richard's unfortunate offspring

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It was Monday, three days after the party, and Austin hadn't been in school since then. I wasn't necessarily worried, but Caleb and Seb were definitely hiding something. God, Tina, you've only talked to the guy like three times and you're already a worried wreck over a few days of him being absent.

Talk about crazy...or maybe it has something to do with my birth chart? Hmm, I should ask Tara, she gets all that star crap.

My weirdness aside, the only good thing that came from whatever was going on with him was that I didn't have to be his slave yet. For that, I was beyond grateful.

"Ugh, I need to get drunk asap" Tara groaned as she desperately tried to stuff like 10 books into her locker all at once.

"Oh no, not that again! Count me out this time..." I held my hands up in defense."I've been doing that too often for my liking..."

"It's been two parties. Get over yourself, you grumpy grandma!" She scoffed at me, finally shutting her locker with so much force the bang bounced off the walls of the hallway.

"That's a lot!" I defended myself, only slightly offended."For me!" I added.

Tara laughed, leaning against the lockers next to me."Yeah, exactly, for you!" She nodded."But for me, that's nothing. I need to let loose. I need to feel like I'm actually having fun not just drowning myself in books and homework..."

"Sounds like a personal problem" I stuck my tongue out at her just as the bell rang.

"Maybe you don't wanna go out because you know Austin won't be there...hmm, now that sounds like the real reason" She squinted suspiciously.

"Yeah, right!" I scoffed, pushing myself off the lockers.

We started walking towards our next class when Tara stopped abruptly.

"Shit!" She cursed, immediately digging through her purse like a feral. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why she was acting this way."Shit, shit, SHIT!" She chanted before fetching her phone out. She quickly unlocked it with trembling hands.

"What is going on?" I raised a single eyebrow.

"No..." She froze as soon as she found whatever she was looking for. Staring at the screen in shock, she whispered various numbers to herself as if she were counting weeks or something.

"Can you explain what the hell is going on?!" I started to get worried as I looked at her traumatized expression.

"I'm late," She said, staring at nothing in particular. I scrunched my eyebrows at this."Ten days late" She added with extra emphasis.

"Wait..." I thought about it. She has only been with Seb for a few days...and before that, she told me she got with Jay again at a party...and oh my Go-

"Jay" She gulped, interrupting my thoughts. I was right.

"What are you going to do?!" I exclaimed, trying to keep it down and not cause a scene but failing. She looked around the hallway, noticing that everyone was already in class.

"I need to go buy a test" She spoke so quietly, I barely heard her. I nodded so fast, it felt like my head was going to snap off.

With that, she grabbed my hand in hers and we raced out to the parking lot.

On the bright side of things...

I know I'll be a great godmother.

"Crap, crap, crap" Tara paced back and forth in the mall's tiny restroom, as I sat on the sink with her test laying next to me.

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