16: That hurt more than I thought it would

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The crowd grew wild with excited cheers. Drunken chatter filled my ears, surrounding me entirely. I felt out of place like I didn't belong there. It certainly wasn't my scene.

I guessed the fight was about to begin.

''Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the long-awaited, main event of the evening! '' A loud, booming voice spoke through the speakers. I jumped a little and so did Tara. We exchanged anxious glances and slowly followed the crowds to the center. Sasha looked worried, looking over her shoulder every minute or so.

''And now...'' The announcer continued to speak.''...this is the moment you have all been waiting for tonight!'' He cheered, hyping the crowd up immediately.''Fighting on the left, we have Maxwell 'The Unbearable' Johnson!'' He called out, making us all look to the left side of the make-shift circle. The crowd cheered, yet there were quite a few boo's here and there.''And finally, fighting on the right...our favorite...AUSTIN 'THE UNDEFEATED' BLAAAACK!!!''

The crowd went absolutely insane, shocking both Tara and me. How good is he? Jeez...

''Wait until you guys see him fight...'' Sasha sighed, giving us a strange look.

''I'm already terrified'' Tara croaked out.

''You should be'' Sasha nodded.

I gulped.

That was when a certain shirtless someone in black shorts caught my eye. It was him. It was Austin. His hair and bare torso were wet from sweat, glistening under the dim lights of the abandoned parking lot. I stared at him, finding comfort in the fact that he didn't know I was there.

''He looks different'' I commented.

''That's because he is. The moment he steps into that circle, he becomes unrecognizable. All the rage and hatred of the world comes spilling out of him once he's standing in front of his opponent. He becomes a wild animal. That's why I don't like coming here, aside from the fact that I hate Jared's guts'' Sasha explained.

I nodded slowly, trying to wrap my head around the new information. It didn't seem real. I felt like Sasha was exaggerating.

That what I thought...

Until they started fighting.

Austin launched at the Maxwell guy, rage taking over his usual emotionless features. I gasped quietly as he tackled him to the ground, throwing non-stop punches at his head. The guy's face was covered in bright red blood. The sight made my heart pick up speed. Why am I here?

''Oh my God...'' Tara stared at them, horrified.

In about 5 minutes, the Maxwell guy was knocked out cold, laying on the ground almost lifelessly. I stared at him as if I were in a trance. ''Tina?'' Sasha called to me, shaking me by my shoulder. I snapped my gaze from the guy to Sasha's eyes.''Are you okay?'' She asked, her eyes racing over my face with worry.

I nodded slowly, still shocked.

''Did he...'' Tara spoke so quietly I barely heard her.

Sasha stared at the guy who was still laying on the ground sprawled out. She shrugged her shoulders before quickly looking away.''We won't know that, because we're leaving'' She grabbed us and pushed through the crowds.

''No. Tell me'' I stopped in my tracks, my heart beating out of my chest.''Did he kill him?'' I asked, glancing back over my shoulder.

''I don't know'' Sasha groaned.

''Has he ever killed someone? Has he ever hurt someone so bad, they were on the verge of death? Did he ever try to kill someone?'' I let myself ask all the questions I wanted. I felt overwhelmed. The whole thing hit me just then. I was in a state of shock. ''Has he ever done it? Has he ever done anything like that? Please, tell me''

''I can't'' She shrugged, wearing a pained expression.''If he ever wants to talk to you about all of this, he can do that. It's not my place to talk about this. It's his business, okay? He knows better than I do'' She dragged a hand down her tired face, before giving me a pleading look.''Please, let's go''

''But...'' I stared at the ground, still in a state of shock.''Was it all a lie? He was never like this with me. He was different. He was a whole other person. I didn't recognize him there, fighting that guy! He looked...he looked like he was ready to kill him. Why? Why was he like that? Why did he choose to do this? What if one time, he gets unlucky? What if...what if he dies?'' I hyperventilate.

''Tina, calm down'' Tara came up to me, placing her hands on my shoulders. ''Let's go, okay?''

I nodded, tears filling my eyes.

''No'' Austin's voice hit me like a truck, knocking all the air out of my lungs.

I snapped my head to the side, laying eyes on a very out of breath Austin. He was sweating profusely, his chest rising and falling at an impressive speed. His eyes were screaming at me, making me want to crawl out of my skin. They were raking over my body briefly before setting on my eyes again. They looked different. They were dark, vicious, unrecognizable.

''I didn't kill him, he's still breathing. You can go see for yourself if you're so worried about him'' He spoke again, emotionless as usual.

Did he hear everything I just said?

''No, I believe you'' I nodded, trying to hide my emotions too.

He turned to leave, giving me one last pained glance.

My chest tightened and something in me gathered enough courage to speak again. ''Austin!'' I called out, gulping. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to make things okay between us, even if he thought I was a complete freak because of what he saw last night. I didn't care. He was my first kiss. He was the first guy I saw that way. I had to try. I would hate myself if I wouldn't.

He stopped but didn't bother turning to look at me again.


That hurt more than I thought it would.

''Congrats on winning...'' I said quietly, feeling sad that he didn't even want to look at me. I figure there was no point asking him to go talk in private. It looked like he already made up his mind.

''Thanks,'' He finally spoke, his shoulders tense. I stared at his back, tears threatening to spill. ''I'm glad you didn't faint or...have one of those panic attacks'' He had a hint of humor in his tone, but it came off as dark and depressing. He didn't sound like himself. He sounded like he wanted nothing else but to escape this conversation. I didn't like the sound of this Austin. I wanted to hear his laugh again. I wanted to see him smile.

God, I even wanted the stupid mind games back.


''I should go'' He cut me off, coming off as cold and distant.

I gritted my teeth, a single tear escaping my eyes.

He glanced over his shoulder as if he had felt it. His eyes met mine for less than a second before he clenched his jaw and looked behind me.''You three better get out of here before shit gets out of control'' He ordered and walked off into the crowds.

I knew it then and there.

I had feelings for Austin Black.

And I was in way over my head.

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