15: This is a bad place, filled with bad people

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''I guess this is where the partying comes to an end'' Caleb muttered to the three of us girls, as he and Seb returned from the VIP zone. Their talk with Jared appeared to be rather uptight and serious, hence their mood shift after it.

Seb stayed silent with his jaw clenched. I had never seen him angry before, he was always the shy, chill guy. Caleb also appeared to be pissed off, and not in a goofy way.

What the hell did they talk about?

''Why?'' Tara whined, placing her perfectly manicured hand on her hip.

''I'm sorry, but we have to go and we're definitely not going to leave you girls here by yourselves'' Seb shook his head at the thought.

''Then take us with you!'' Tara rolled her eyes.

''No!'' Sasha, Seb, and Caleb all said in unison. Tara and I exchanged glances before I decided to speak.

''Why not?''

''Because you just can't'' Sasha pursed her lips, looking like she wanted to disappear from this conversation. ''It's not safe'' She added.

''What do you mean, it's not safe?'' Tara huffed, growing annoyed.''You guys are hiding something from us and I don't like it at all''

''I think so too'' I agreed.

Caleb groaned, dragging a hand down his face. ''Fine'' He sighed, eventually.''You can come with us. But you'll see just how dangerous it is''

''What?! Bro, Austin will literally chop our heads off if he sees them there'' Seb hissed at Caleb.


What's he got to do with all of this?

Caleb threw his hands up in the air, demonstrating his frustration.''If they don't see what it's all about, they'll keep asking about it. Let's just show them once, just like we showed Sasha'' He explained, trying to convince Seb.

''Fine'' Seb sighed, giving us a worried glance.''But I'm telling Austin it was your idea''


''What the hell is this place?'' Tara whispered to me. We were sitting in the back of Caleb's jeep, staring out at our surroundings through the windows. His windows were thankfully tinted, so I felt slightly safer than I would've if they weren't tinted.

We drove down into an underground parking lot, our surroundings suddenly turning almost completely pitch black. The parking lot looked abandoned, no car other than ours was anywhere to be seen.''Okay, this is getting a little weird'' Tara spoke so that everyone would hear. I gulped, nodding.

''Well, you two wanted to come'' Seb groaned.

We drove deeper into the parking lot and soon we could see dim lights at the very back, along with like 15 parked cars.

''What the hell...'' Tara strained to see what was going on down there.

''Listen,'' Sasha finally spoke up, looking very worried.''You guys have to keep a low profile. If you don't, you might get challenged to fight someone. And that's not good, because I'm about 100% sure you two cant fight''

I scrunched my eyebrows.


''What do you mean challenged to fight?'' Tara asked, just as confused as I was.

''This is an underground fight, girls'' Sasha deadpanned. ''This is a bad place, filled with bad people. I don't come here, and that should say something''

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