24: Did we get the wrong address and come to a sex-ed class instead of a party?

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I sat on the barstool, sipping my drink with a pissed-off glare. What happened?  Austin. Austin happened. His messed-up, over the top, self-control happened. There I was, ready to risk it all for once. I was ready to be de-flowered. And he had the audacity to turn me down? Wasn't that what he was famous for in our school?!

''What's gotten you so mad at life?'' Tara asked, plopping down beside me.

I grunted, slurping the remainder of my drink.

''Yikes, so it's bad bad'' She sighed, making herself a new drink. ''I'll make you one too, then'' She muttered.

''What's up with you?'' I asked, deciding to speak.

''Seb'' She said simply, frowning. ''He's mad I didn't tell him about Jay. Say's he could've beaten his ass a long time ago, go figure'' She shrugged.

''Why didn't you?''

''Because I was trying to forget him'' She placed the drink in front of me.''I didn't want to get Seb tied up in my past. What good would it do?''

''I guess you're right...'' I sighed.

''Now tell me what's up with you'' She demanded, sipping her freshly-made drink.

I cringed. Now the reason for my anger seemed absolutely ridiculous. Just my luck she's here for this story. She'll have a laugh about this one, for sure. ''I tried to sleep with Austin. He turned me down, like the butthole he is'' I sighed, waiting for the crazy laughter to come spilling out of her.

Instead, she stared at me, in shock. ''You?'' She asked, gaping.''You tried to sleep with him?! Not the other way around?''

I nodded, shrugging.

''What have I created...'' She trailed off, staring out into the distance absentmindedly.''No, wait. Am I dreaming? Did I pass out? What the hell is this...'' She ranted.

''No, dammit! I tried to sleep with him, Tara. I literally, well...not quite literally, told him I want to'' I deadpanned, already feeling a verbal diarrhea rise in my mouth.''I don't know what came over me! He's hot one minute, then he's cold. We fight constantly and then he frickin' kisses me again! I've been acting so weird whenever he's around. It's like, I'm mad at him but I just can't control myself. Like....like, I feel as if I'm on fire around him. My chest gets tight and I struggle to breathe properly, and then his stare...oh my god his stare-''

''Okay!'' She cut me off, shocked at my sudden outburst.''Feels incredibly weird to say this to you of all people...but you're just horny, Tina. It's normal. Well, for you it may not be so normal. But trust me, once you get your first time over with, it'll be completely normal'' She shrugged.

I gaped at her.



''What the hell do I do?!'' I panicked.

This time, she burst into fits of tipsy laughter.

I stared at her, lips pressed into a thin line, totally unimpressed by my supposed best friend.''Thanks a lot'' I muttered, rolling my eyes.

''Okay, okay!'' She sobered up, letting out another giggle occasionally.''Just have sex. Do it!'' She shrugged as if it were that simple.

I stared at her, eyebrows scrunched.''Are you even listening to me? I just told you, I already tried to do that!'' I cried out.

''Well, do it with someone else'' She shrugged again.

I stared at her, speechless.

''What?!'' She exclaimed, uncomfortable under my judgemental stare.''The first time is always shitty anyway...might as well do it with some drunk idiot''

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