39: Fuck all three of you!

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''He's not an idiot'' Sasha shook her head at Caleb's idea.

''We just have to play this out correctly, that's all'' Seb reasoned with her, taking Caleb's side.

Tara sat numbly in the corner, her knees pressed up against her chest as she stared at the floor. I sat across from her, keeping an eye on her at all times. It was the least I could do for her after everything that went down.

Aaron was currently in his room, giving Jared an update over the phone, keeping the truth out of the picture like he promised all of us he would do. We talked over a few ideas we all had. But to me, none of it sounded good enough to actually work.

And from the looks of it, Austin was feeling the same way.

He was sitting far away from all of us, smoking his cigarette in complete silence. I could tell he had a lot on his mind and I desperately wanted him to share his thoughts with me. But after a few failed attempts, I gave up.

I guess it was best he had some alone time to think things through.

''Earth to Tina'' Sasha pulled me back to reality.

I looked into her eyes expectantly. ''What is it? A new plan? Nr.500 by now?'' I asked, probably coming off as rude. But I was tired. I wanted the whole thing to end.

''Well, seems like only Seb and Sasha need this, huh?'' Caleb snorted.

''The rest just know all this shit won't work'' Austin spoke up as he put out his cigarette. ''All of these options will get us all killed. Or, you know, some of us''

Caleb facepalmed himself in exhaustion.

''You guys aren't even trying to help, though'' Seb pointed out.

''If you all weren't such pussies, everything would be settled already'' Sasha shrugged emotionlessly, hinting at her previous offer.

''No'' Caleb shot her down for the hundredth time, it seemed like.

''What if we just tell me dad'' Tara spoke, her voice shaky and quiet. My head snapped to look at her, shocked she chose to say something. ''Like, the whole thing. We could just tell him'' She shrugged.

''So we can go to jail, yeah?'' Seb asked her, pursing his lips.

She looked up at him, eyes brimmed with tears. ''Oh, right. So it's my fault, then? Is it my fault this whole thing is happening?'' She asked him, her voice shaking more with every word.

''No, Tara, I didn't say that'' Seb sighed.

''Yeah? Well, it sure sounded like an accusation!'' She sobbed.

He made a move to get closer to her but she jumped out of her seat and ran up the stairs.

''I'll go calm her'' I muttered, pissed off at the whole situation.

''Tell her I didn't mean it'' Seb sighed.

''Didn't you though?'' I shot back, failing to hide my true feelings.

''Okay! Calm down, everyone!'' Caleb raised his voice.

''Easy for you to say'' Austin muttered.

''Oh, really, Austin? Is it easy for me? Easy to be sitting here as if I'm the only one who actually cares enough to do something about the whole thing? Is it fucking easy for me?!'' Caleb stood up, getting in Austin's face.

''Hey, guys, stop. This is exactly what he wants to do to us!'' Sasha stood between Caleb and Austin, pushing Caleb away slightly.

''Yeah, you'd know'' Caleb gritted his teeth, glaring into her eyes.

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