4: And here I was, not even fainting

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"Tina, I love you so much..." Tara slurred into my hair as we slow danced together.

We had been dancing for way too long at this point. My feet started to hurt about 2 songs ago, but that didn't even matter. What mattered was that I was having fun, for once in my life.

"I love you too, b-baby gurl!" I hiccuped, slowly feeling myself get bored with the slow music already. Almost as if noticing my sudden boredom, Tara stood up and swayed her way right over to the DJ. Not even a minute later, a fast upbeat song started blasting through the speakers.

She cheered loudly, pulling me towards the pool table."What are we doing?" I shouted over the music, swaying my hips to the beat."We're gonna do, what I do best!" She turned only to flash me her famous smirk.

I grinned to myself as I watched her get up on the pool table. I always wanted to see her in action, not just hear about it."Tara, I don't know if I can-"

"Oh shut up! With a body like yours? You can rule the whole fucking world, bitch!" She cheered, downing a random red cup's contents. I laughed, pulling myself up onto the pool table.

Soon, an audience gathered and we started putting on a real show.

Tara turned us around so we were back to back, just like I had done earlier. I quickly caught up with her moves, our hips swaying in sync.

"Strip!" Someone shouted from the crowd, making us burst into drunken giggles. This was definitely way more fun than I thought it would be. Or maybe I was just shitfaced drunk.

In the midst of our giddy laughing and hip-swaying, I felt a very prominent stare on myself. It felt as if it burned a hole right through me, igniting my insides with an unfamiliar warmth.

To my surprise, the stare belonged to none other, than Austin Black.

He was sitting on the couch armrest, sipping his beer as his eyes roamed over me with an unknown emotion in them. It was rather strange, seeing him so calm and carefree, just sitting there sipping his drink. Of course, he didn't look the slightest bit drunk. Matter of fact, he seemed like the type to never get drunk.

As I stared at him, I thought back to earlier that evening, when he saved me from whatever Tom had planned for me. Why did he willingly put himself in that situation? Wasn't he scared of Tom?

Finally, his eyes met mine and I quickly looked away.

"Come on, Tara! We know you want to" Tom cheered from the crowd, whistling for my best friend to strip. Tara caught his stare, smirking coldly. Just from the look in her eyes, I knew she had something wicked planned for him.

"Watch me play him" She whispered to me. The next thing I knew, she was down on all fours, slowly crawling her way to Tom. He was smirking like never before, waiting for Tara to get to him.

She swayed her hips from side to side, gaining everyone's attention. Once she reached him, she trailed her hand up and down his body, standing up on her knees. Tom looked hypnotized, completely unaware of Tara's evil plan.

Taking advantage of his dazed state, she leaned in to kiss him and he looked more than ready. But suddenly, she dodged his lips and with one swift motion, pulled down his pants.

The crowd erupted with laughter, as everyone soon noticed Tom's emoji-printed boxers. I felt like I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard.

"Told you I'd play him!" Tara stood back up next to me. I high-fived her, wiping tears of joy away."That was golden!" I nodded, picking up a red cup.

"Now it's your turn, Nerd" Tom snickered, daringly. I looked down at him, confused."Or are you too scared to reveal your spanx?" He laughed, obnoxiously.

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