27: She's not my girlfriend, Mom

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''Here'' Austin handed me a backpack as he entered his bedroom. ''Looks like Mom left to get groceries'' He added as I opened the backpack curiously.

I hope Tara packed me something decent...

''I'm surprised she hasn't come up here yet'' I muttered, referring to his mother. I pulled out all the items of clothing, examining what I would have to work with. They were quite obviously Tara's clothes, but I was thankful I wouldn't be wearing the latex dress when meeting Austin's military nurse mother.

''Tara told me to tell you, that she's expecting an explanation'' He spoke up again.

''An explanation?'' I scrunched my eyebrows.

''About you ditching them at the party'' Austin pursed his lips.

Oh, crap...

''She said, that if she's right about something...you're dead'' He added with a slight chuckle. ''I tried to get her to elaborate, but she just told me you'd know what she's talking about''

My face paled immediately. 

She knows.

I'm dead.

''Wait...'' Austin spotted my stone-cold expression. ''Does she mean...?''

I nodded.

''Oh, shit'' He nodded too, processing the crap that was about to go down between Tara and me. There weren't many possible outcomes for this particular situation. Either she feels betrayed, hurt, heartbroken, and wants nothing to do with me. Or she's angry, has a lecture prepared for me, but still loves me.

Let's just hope it'll be the second one...


''Mom?'' Austin called out from the kitchen as the front door opened. I sat up straight at the dining table. He forced me to pretend I just came over to help him study. I laughed about it at first, but he managed to convince me it was for the better.

I was now hoping I would make a good impression. Apparently, Seb and Caleb made bad impressions...

''Son!'' She greeted back, sounding tired yet still cheerful. ''Ah, I missed you so much!'' She wrapped Austin in a tight embrace, rubbing his back soothingly. ''How have you been here, all alone?'' She murmured, eyes closed.

''I've been alright'' He replied quietly.

That was when she opened her eyes, meeting my own. ''Oh,'' She was taken aback. ''Who's your...friend?'' She tilted her head to the side, studying me just like her son always did.

''This is Tina...uh, Tina White'' Austin rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. I tried not to smile at how funny he looked, all flustered and awkward. ''She's uh...here to help me with the History homework'' He added, taking a deep breath.

She squinted, scanning me from head to toe. ''Well, nice to meet you, Tina. I'm Jennifer Black'' She smiled warmly, extending her hand for me to shake.

I rushed to embrace her hand in mine.''Pleased to meet you, Ms. Black'' I smiled back at her. ''I've heard wonderful things about you''

She cocked her head to the side, resembling her son in an absolutely mindblowing way. ''Huh, interesting! The big, bad Aussie talks about me?'' She snickered, giving her son a little playful shove. He glared at her, trying to hide his embarrassment. ''Oh, and call me Jennifer, please! I get enough formalities at work, dear'' She winked at me.

''Alright, we'll get going then...'' Austin butted in.

''What?!'' She shrieked, surprised. ''Aussie, I haven't seen you in nine months...can't we spend some time together before you head off doing...whatever it is that you do with those rascals of yours!?'' 

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