3: Austin Black, is my hero?

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"We look so hot" Tara squealed.

"You mean you look hot" I laughed, staring at her in the mirror.

"No, I mean we look hot" She slapped me, a pointed look on her face. I could stare at her face all day long, not even joking. She was just that pretty. I, however, looked average. She used her best make-up skills on me...but nothing could fix this mistake of an appearance, let's be honest.

"You look so hot. Tom and his friends are going to die from thirst!" She clapped with excitement. I shook my head, laughing at her. "And then, when they die, I'll dance on their graves!" She added, spraying some perfume on herself.

"That's not very nice" I scoffed, holding back a laugh as I pictured it.

"I never said I was nice" She winked, grabbing my arm and pulling me out the back door.
I quickly locked it before we rushed to the car waiting for us around the corner.

I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I spotted it. A car waiting for us?

"Tara is that-"

"Yes, it's Jay" She sighed, turning to give me a look. I watched her shuffle uncomfortably, as one of the windows rolled down to reveal the guys sitting in the back. It was Jay in the driver's seat and two of his friends in the back.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I exclaimed, horrified.

"Because you wouldn't go then!" She shot back at me, throwing her arms in the air.
I rubbed my temples, giving her a look. Jay was a pain in Tara's life, at least that's how I saw him. He was a filthy, lying, manwhore. I hated everything about him and couldn't stand that Tara kept getting back together with him. Seeing her hurt and crying because of him, was the worst thing in the entire world.

"Come on, we look like idiots" She muttered as she reached for my hand, giving me a tight-lipped smile. I let her pull me along, feeling really unsatisfied about our ride.

She hopped into the passenger seat and I gave her a fake, toothy smile.

So I get to sit with the two creeps in the back? Thanks, Tara! I really appreciate it.

I got out of the car, fixing my dress furiously. I had never felt so uncomfortable in my entire life.

The whole ride, the two pervs kept looking at me. One of them even dared to place his filthy hand on my thigh. On my freaking thigh! As any other normal human being would, I screamed at the top of my lungs. Jay laughed at me, Tara hit the guy repeatedly until he apologized, The guy didn't apologize, and I felt like throwing up.

After that, the two guys didn't dare to even look at me.

And for that, I was thankful.

"I'm sorry, Tina. They just thought you're really hot and probably wanted to get with you" Tara chuckled, linking her arm with mine. ''Disgusting!'' I scoffed, slapping her arm.

As we walked towards the front door of the house, everyone was staring at us and they weren't even trying to hide it. Girls started whispering and I could feel my knees wobble already.

"Calm down, they're just checking us out" Tara whispered, obvious excitement present in her tone. Oh, I can really tell which one of us is the extrovert. Not me.

We entered the house and I cringed immediately. The first thing I saw was a couple on the stairs. And no, they weren't professing their love to one another.

They were sucking each other's faces off.

"Ew!" I gagged.

"Yeah, you'll get used to seeing that" Tara chuckled, pulling me along with her.

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