26: How could a person so strong and feared, be so fragile and broken inside?

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''No seriously, Black!'' I protested, avoiding the spoonful of sugary cereal at all costs. He held it up as if I were a child, a pissed-off glare staring back at me.

''I said, eat'' He growled.

''Stop!'' I exclaimed, giving him enough time to shove the spoon into my mouth. I chewed on the sugary carbs, glaring daggers at him.''Right, that's it! I'm leaving!'' I announced, once I swallowed the cereal.

''No, you're not'' He shook his head simply.

''This isn't funny anymore!''

''Never said it was'' He shrugged.

''This is torture!'' I whined, throwing my head back.

''What? Eating?'' He scoffed.

''You don't get it, do you?'' I groaned.

''No. Please, do elaborate'' He motioned for me to continue.

''It's not that simple'' I groaned again.

''In that case, I think you're just being stupid'' He cocked his head to the side, examining my face.''Why would a girl like you, do something so terrible to yourself?'' He muttered more to himself than to me.

''A girl like me?'' I snorted.

''An innocent, sweet, kind girl'' He explained.''A beautiful girl'' He added quietly.

I stared at him in silence for a brief moment, my heart thudding out of my chest from the tension in the room. ''You're too nice, Black. I appreciate it, but I don't like pity'' I shrugged finally.

He shook his head, taking a deep breath before speaking, ''It's not pity. I actually think that about you, and so do your friends. Are you blind?''.

I let out a short laugh.''I may be innocent, sweet, kind...maybe. But I'm not beautiful'' I shook my head at the last part.

He stared deep into my eyes, confused.''Do you really think that?'' He whispered.

''I know that'' I shrugged.

''What crazy person made you think you're not beautiful?'' He asked with genuine interest.

''I don't know, okay!? I was never wanted, needed...I was a burden, for everyone. My parents didn't want me, my Gramms was forced to take me in and raise me even though she was heavily ill, I was bullied by the popular kids the whole way through school,  I've never had a boyfriend, I've never been in love...the list goes on'' I ranted.

He stayed silent, watching me pour my heart out.

''And...and then,'' I closed my eyes, fighting tears.''Gramms died...'' I opened my eyes to look into his icy-grey eyes.''The only person who cared about me, died'' I nodded at my own words, tears filling my eyes.''Maybe if, maybe if I was never born...she would've lived longer''

''You can't blame yourself for her illness'' He shook his head.

''Except, I can'' I laughed humorlessly, a tear slipping from my eyes.''She had to put her health aside to raise a child, not her child, but her son's child. She gave me her all. She loved me, I truly believe she did. But it took everything from her, her last ounce of strength. It took her life'' I sighed, letting the tears flow.''I took her life''

''Don't,'' He grabbed my face roughly, cupping it with his big hands. ''Ever,'' He whispered, his hot breath on my lips.''Say that again'' He spoke against my lips.

I looked up into his eyes, mesmerized.''But it's the truth'' I argued, knowing it would rile him up.

''No, it's not'' He clenched his jaw, staring right back into my eyes.

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