Chapter 11

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Okay so maybe I didn't give you a new years update, but I just didn't have enough time to write it, and I just moved so i've been quite busy, but i'm trying to update as much as I can for you readers. 

I hope you will enjoy reading this chapter.


Being back in school isn't always amazing, you have to wake up early again, and after an amazing christmas and new years, Harry had with his alphas and their families, you really just don't feel like going back to the hell hole school is. All this really didn't help when Harry already hated school before, to be honest it made it even worse. Harry really wasn't in a good mood, and everyone could tell, even people who didn't know him. 

"Come on Harry, where is that shy smile you know I love" Liam said trying to make Harry in a better mood, as him and the boys had been trying all morning. 

Harry huffed, turned his head away from Liam and the boys and kept walking faster to his next class, it wasn't because they had done something, no no, it's just, when Harry is having a bad day it just ruins everything, and nothing can make him happy again or so he thought (you will find out later what changed his mood).

The boys hurried after him "What is wrong Haz, are you mad at us, did we do something wrong" Niall said innocently, starting to panic.

Harry then stopped op dead in his track, turned around, and looked at four scared boys "No it's nothing" He said a little harsh, then he turned around again, and walked even faster than before, if that was even possible for a small omega like himself. 

"Let's leave him alone for a while boys, I think he is just having a bad day" Liam said as the boys were still standing were Harry had left them not even a minute ago. With that said the boys went each their way to get to their classes.


Harry was walking to his last class of the day, just thinking of how the day had been. He had lunch with the boys, but the whole time he just sat there poking to his food not saying anything. The boys had tried to make him eat something but gave up when the bell for class rung through the loud chatter in the catine. 

Harry really didn't know why he was in a such bad mood, he thought he would at least have been in the mood for talking to his amazing alphas, but everything and everyone seemed to really annoy him this specific day. 

As he was walking he noticed how empty the halls were, he had only walked passed a few students, but he didn't really think much of it, since some students liked to skip last class of the day. 

Just as Harry was nearing the classroom he felt a hand on his shoulder stopping him from walking any further, and not long after he was being shoved harshly up against the lockers. 

"Hey, how was your holidays, missed me?" the person having Harry shoved against the lockers said with a smirk on his face that clearly could be heard when he talked too.

Harry immediately recognized the voice as the friend Nick had sent to torture him in his new school, now that Nick himself couldn't be here. 

'perfect just another thing to ruin my day even more, now I have to deal with a bully too' Harry thought, but kept quiet not answering the bullys question. 

"I asked you something you dimwit, answer me when I'm talking to you" he said "You know what, now I understand why Nick hates you so much" He continued, spitting the two sentences right into Harry's face. 

"You don't know shit about why Nick hates me, and you will not know either" Harry said bitterly, he hated Nick with all his heart, and he knew Nick returned the favour, but why the two hated each other, no-one needed to know.

"Ohh, you talk back, I see how it is, you want it harsh today huh" The bully said with the smirk now back on his face.

"No actually I would like to just have you let me go and then get to my last class, so I can get home as soon as possible" Harry answered showing the sassy side he had gotten from Louis. 

"Oh you're gonna get it now bitch" He said and took his one arm back getting ready to punch Harry right in the face, but just to Harry's luck, he had his class with Liam, who was right about to walk to the class when he saw Harry pushed against the lockers. 

"Hey, what do you think you're doing" Liam growled, and just out of pure shock, the bully let go of Harry who then backed away slowly.

Liam gave the bully a hit in his guts, told him to scram, and then he neared Harry, His arms outstretched for a hug, and of course Harry accepted. 

"Why didn't you say anything about this" Liam asked softly, still embracing Harry.

Harry looked up at Liam from the comfort of his arms and answered "I didn't want you guys to worry about me, or stress even more than you already were"

"aww, you can always come to us, don't worry about us stressing, it's our job, as your alphas, to protect you from any harm" Liam said looking down at Harry. 

They were staring into eachothers eyes, as if they were the only two in the entire world. Harry's heart started to beat faster as he looked down at Liam's perfect lips, and he suddenly felt the urge to have them meet his own as he leaned a little forward, and so did Liam. Their lips met in the middle into the perfect kiss. It was Harry's first, and it was certainly not going to be his last, he loved the feeling of Liam's lips against his own, it made him feel warm all over his body. 

Their kiss was broken as the bell rung and they had to hurry to their class. Harry's mood was much better now, and he couldn't stop smiling at the thought of him just having the most perfect first kiss he could ever have imagined. 

The other three boys found it weird that Harry's mood had suddenly changed, but didn't complain, since a happy Harry is better than a mad and sour Harry.  


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, to be honest, I wanted it to be longer, but it just felt like the perfect place to stop the chapter.

In this Harry had his first kiss, which was with Liam, and soon he will have with the others too, I actually didn't plan on having them kiss but it just felt right for the moment.

Anyways, again I hope you enjoyed it, I will try to update soon, and then I wish you a wonderful night/day.


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