Chapter 13

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Okay so here's the surprise, yep another chapter, i felt like i owned you one more for being so patient, it will only be a filler but it's a chapter. But before we get into the chapter I have a few things to say.

1. I have decided to change the cover of this story as you might have already noticed, the reasoning behind this is that I didn't really like the old one, I hope you're okay with this and that you like the new cover.

2. I know I haven't updated that much, and that there is months in between each update, but in about 2 months there will be coming a very special and revealing chapter. Now there is a reason behind this special chapter being in two months but you will have to wait to find out that reason.

3. okay so this is gonna be a little sappy buuut I just love it when you guys comment, it just make me smile every time I see a notification of someone commenting on this story, yes I know I don't have a lot of comments but each of the few I have make me smile, so I just wanna say keep commenting it keeps me motivated :).

Now that we got those things out of the way let's start the chapter.

Happy reading :D


"Come on Haz wake up we're gonna be late for school" Liam said, shaking sleeping Harry who was still in bed.

"Noooooo, just 5 more minutes mum" Harry mumbled before rolling over his body. 

"No Haz, it's Liam, and you really have to get ready now before we are late" Liam said desperately trying to wake up Harry.

"ugrh fine" Harry mumbled as he sat himself on the edge of the bed and slowly stood up walking into the bathroom. 

"I'll be back in 10 to check on you" Liam shouted before going downstairs to join the rest of the boys for a quick breakfast.


Liam was just about to walk upstairs to get Harry when said person walked into the kitchen looking tired as hell.

"Good morning sunshine, sleep well?" Louis asked Harry as Harry took a seat at the breakfast bar.

"Meh it was okay, just didn't sleep enough, I couldn't fall asleep last night, must have been around 1 am before I got to sleep" Harry answered taking a banana and eating it.

"Aww really, do you know of a reason to this happening" Zayn asked concerned and sweetly.

"No, but it's normal for me to have a hard time sleeping, happens almost every night" Harry answered. 

"Well I would love to stay home today, but Liam is making us go to school, which reminds me, we should probably get going" Louis said, and they all agreed, Liam pouting at the 'making them go to school' part.

They all piled into the car and soon they were on their way to the school.


Harry's POV (ohh it's been a while since I've made POV's)

"HARRY STYLES" the voice of my math teacher yelled, and I immediately woke up to an empty classroom with the teacher stood in front of me.

"Finally, I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes now, the class ended, however, I would very much appreciate it if you wouldn't sleep during my class, now I'm going to let you off the hook this time, but next time you will earn a detention, off you go now" My teacher said leaving to space for questions, and with that I packed away my stuff and left my last class of the day.

Well apparently I was too tired to last the whole day, well I am pretty sleepy, ugh I'm glad that was the last class of the day, hmm I wonder where my alphas might be, maybe they have one more class? 

I was so deep in thought, about the most random things, that I didn't notice the four walking behind me, it was first when one of them tapped my shoulder I noticed someone walking behind me. I jumped up as a sign of shock from the tapping on my shoulder, then I quickly turned around to see my four alphas smiling at me.

"Why do you always have to scare me like that?" I asked getting down from the shock.

"Sorry Love, we forget how easily you get scared" Niall said apologetically.

"It' okay just please try to tone it down, or else I might die one day from shock" I said smiling to make them know it was a joke, the die part, the tone it down was complete honesty. 

"We'll try Princess, now I have an idea for a perfect after school activity, what do you guys think of baking cookies and then a movie cuddle then some ordered take out and then us falling asleep on the sofa to some shitty romantic movie, okay that ended up being more than just an after school activity,  well what do you think guys" Louis asked, and my eyes immediately sparkled with joy since I loved baking and romantic movies, I wouldn't call them shitty though.

We all agreed and that was exactly what ended up happening or I guess you could say that, the baking ended up in a flour fight but we did get some decent cookies out of it, the movie was good though, and cuddles are always appreciated, so all in all it was an amazing night.


Sooooo i hope you enjoyed this little filler chapter, I know it probably looked a lot like the previous but yeah it was just a filler, I might update once more in the next two months if not then I will see you for the special chapter in about two months.

I hope you will have a wonderful day/night :D


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