Chapter 14

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Hey, as promised here is the special chapter.

Okay, so I said I would give an explanation on why it had to be today, well... it's the 1 year anniversary for this fic (okay maybe it's a few days later, but I am very busy at the moment with my exams coming up). Yes, I know 1 year, amazing, really I never thought it would come this far, to be honest in the start it was just for fun, and now I have about 3k reads, just amazing. Literally I thought I would be long over this fic by now, and I didn't think it would come this far at all, so thank you for reading this fic and for all the support on it.

Now are you ready for a chapter full of secrets revealed... cause I am.

Happy reading :D


Harry's POV (this is a dream)

"Well well well, who do we have here then, trying to escape me are we" a voice I was oh so familiar with said from behind me. All i had wanted was to get home on time for once so I wouldn't get these beatings just for one day, even though I bet my dad would have come up with any excuse to 'punish' me.

I turned around slowly to come face to face with Nick, who was closer to me than I had expected. 

"N-no o-of course n-not" I stuttered out afraid of what would happen next.

"Yeah I sure hope so, if you know what's good for you 'darling' " Nick said the last word coming out of his mouth like venom. I didn't answer him after that.

"Well let's get to it shall we" Nick said with a smirk, and without warning I could feel a blow to my stomach. I dobbelt over in pain as Nick laughed evilly above me. 

After that he continued to hit, kick and punch me all over my body, while saying, or rather shouting, vile words at me, such as disgusting omega whore, faggot, ugly and many other. 

it went on for what felt like years with him hitting, punching and kicking before I woke up with a-

"Gasp" was all that left my mouth as I woke up from that horrible nightmare, or more like memory, silent tears were streaming down my cheeks and sweat was dripping of my forehead as I was shaking uncontrollably. 

"Hey darling, are you alright" someone said softly, and that made me look up to see four worried alphas looking at me, trying to give a calm vibe. 

"N-no" was all I said very quietly before breaking out into loud sobs.

"Oh Honey, come 'ere" Liam said and before I could move a muscle he had his arms wrapped around me, and soon we were all joined in a group hug, me in the middle with sobs escaping my mouth from time to time. 

"there there love, just let it all out" Zayn said while moving his hand up and down my back in a comforting manner.

A little later we broke the hug and I looked down at my fiddling fingers not daring to look any of my alphas in the eyes.

"You wanna talk about it love, if not then it's okay, we don't want to pressure you into anything" Niall said with a soft voice.

"I-i wanna t-tell you i-its just gonna t-take a b-bit for me t-to get myself t-together" I stuttered trying to get myself to tell them everything, like I've been wanting to for a while.

"It's alright princess take your time" Louis said stroking my cheek gently with his hand.

I took some deep breaths while trying to figure out where I could start my story. 

"M-my dad n-never liked m-me" I said taking a deep breath after "H-he wanted a b-big and s-strong A-alpha, and instead h-he got me, a u-useless o-omega" I continued letting out a quiet sob.

I felt someone squeezing my hand as reinsurance, but my alphas stayed quiet, letting me tell my story.

"At first when h-he found o-out, he only u-used verbal a-abuse towards m-me" I said "But as I-i grew u-up he started t-to p-physikly a-abuse me as well. It got s-so bad that n-no matter w-when or how I-i came h-home, he w-would find an e-excuse for a-abusing me" I continued

"But like t-that wasn't e-enough a g-group of people a-at school started d-doing it as well, they w-would come u-up to m-me after school and b-beat me up, a-and then m-my dad would u-use me b-being late as an excuse to b-beat me u-up. It went on for a few years before I had had enough and told my mom a-and then we m-moved h-here" I finished, and then I felt my alphas group hug me once again.

We stayed like that for a while before I heard Zayn "Oh honey, I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I think I speak for all of us when I say, that it wasn't fair at all that you had to experience that"

Nothing more was said after that, I just continued to sob quietly in my alphas arms until I fell asleep again, this time without a nightmare invading my sleep.


(The next morning, still in Harry's Pov)

The next morning I woke up to an almost empty bed the only person left was Liam who was staring at me rather intensely. 

"Morning sunshine" Liam said in a hushed voice.

"Mornin'" I answered with my husky morning voice.

"So, I know I should probably wait to tell you this after breakfast, but oh well, if you want to talk about last night we'll be here for you, but if you wanna wait a bit that's completely fine too, as said many times before, we don't want to pressure you into anything" Liam said sweetly looking directly into my eyes.

"That's very sweet of you guys, and I think I want to wait a bit before talking about it" I said shyly.

"And that's completely okay" Liam said "So shall we join the others at the breakfast table then" Liam continued, changing the topic. I nodded and before I could even step one foot on the ground, Liam had lifted me bridal style and was carrying me down to the kitchen. I still wasn't completely used to being carried almost everywhere, but I will say it is kinda nice.

Once we were in the kitchen Liam sat me down on a chair and I was then greeted by all of my alphas and of course I said my greetings back, and not long after we were all digging into our breakfasts. 

"So I was thinking" Liam spoke up when all of us had finished our meal "That maybe we could skip school today and watch a few movies while cuddling, you know because of last night" 

"Wait are my ears deceiving me or did I just hear LIAM saying we could skip" Louis said his sass showing.

"Oh shut up, or I will force you to school while we sit here at home cuddling" Liam threatened in a joking manner.

"Jess okay, I was just joking, but in all honesty I would love to watch movies all day and cuddle with my baby" Louis said looking at me for the last part, making me blush and the other boys coo. 

"Aww you look so adorable when you blush" Niall said, making me blush harder.

"Stop it" I mumbled.

"Never" Zayn answered smirking.

"Let's just go and watch that movie" I mumbled already making my way to the living room.


Wow this was one of the longer ones, well I hope you enjoyed this, and just so you know not all secrets have been reviled ;) 

Well as already said I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you will continue reading this fanfic, other than that I hope you have a fantastic Day/Night.

Bye :D 

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