Chapter 12

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Hello, i'm sorry for being so slow with my updates, but i hope you will enjoy this chapter. 

Happy reading


A few days had surpassed and Harry kept thinking back to the kiss he had shared with Liam, one of his beloved alphas. He kept thinking of how amazing he felt in that short moment of time were his lips met Liam's. That kiss was not only filling his mind in the day it was now also in his dreams at night, that one simple kiss had removed all nightmares from Harry, and to be honest he couldn't be happier about that. Harry was smiling at all times which was an amazing sight for anyone who knew him. And even though people were suspicious they didn't dare to ask him for the reason behind his happiness, in fear of it disappearing. Of course Harry wasn't the only one with this sudden happiness, Liam was also thinking about this kiss they had shared, he was over the moon for being Harry's first.


"So the boys and I wanna invite you over to our house for a couple of days, only if you want of course" Liam asked Harry as they were walking the school halls, getting to their classes.

"Oh yeah, I would love to come by for a while" Harry answered sweetly, sending a smile Liam's way.

"Great we can go to yours after school and pack a little bag with some clothes and other essentials" Liam said turning his head in the direction he was walking.

"sounds perfect" Harry said, and with that they both went separate ways to their classes. 


Harry was on his way out of school to the parking lot to meet his four alphas. Just as he was about to grab the handle of the front door to the school, to arms wrapped around his middle from behind. Harry was about to punch, kick and scream when he heard the person saying 

"Hello Princess, had a good day?"

Harry relaxed as he recognized the voice of Louis.

"You scared me, I was about to kick and punch you, I thought you were some stranger about to attack me. But yeah I had a pretty good day, What about you" Harry said as he took Louis' hand and started walking towards his alphas car again. 

"I'm sorry I scared you Princess. I'm glad you had a good day and I had a very fine day as well, thank you for asking" Louis said, happy Harry was the one taking his hand instead of it being the other way around, it showed that Harry was getting comfortable around them. 

They only had to walk for a minute before they met the boys at the car.

"Hey love, how was your day?" Niall asked Harry smiling

"It was actually pretty great, what about you, did you have a good day?" Harry answered looking at Niall with a big smile his dimples showing.

"I had a fantastic day thanks" Niall answered

"Well we should probably get going, so we can get your stuff Haz" Liam said, and with that they all went inside the car.

The drive was short and they arrived at Harry's house soon after leaving the school. Harry went inside to get his things and tell his mother while the other four stayed out in the car, and not long after they were again on the road driving to the alphas house.

"We're here" Liam said as he stopped the car in front of their house, and then they all piled out helping Harry with his bags.

Harry then unpacked his bags as his four alphas got started on the dinner (A/N Yeah i know they just left the school but let's just pretend for a moment here that it's dinner time) or in reality it was mostly only three of them since they didn't want Louis to burn their food. 

When Harry was done unpacking he went down and helped his alphas with the food which resulted in a lot of messing around in the kitchen but they got a finished meal in the end.

They were all sat together around the dining table eating, talking and joking around, and after their meal they all cuddled up together on the couch with a movie playing on the tv. 


Hello, well I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was short but i felt like ending it here. So other than this chapter i might have a surprise for you in a few minutes that i hope you will like.

Well all in all i hope you liked this and i hope you will have a good day/night.


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