Chapter 4- My virgin eyes!

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English subject is done. It's easier than Math because 1. I already know english and 2. Alex is not here.

I exit the classroom with Ben skipping by my side. I swear there are only 2 types of walking with ben. Skipping, and Swinging my arm. Either way, we still get stares from people because of how weird we are. But I dont care. As long as they dont insult us, we wont have problems.

It's now break time and we head to the cafeteria. I buy some chips and iced tea and sit with Ben, who's eating a chicken sandwich.

I open my chips and get one, but before I could shove it in my mouth, someone grabs it and eats it. I loom behind me to see Alex swallowing my chips.

"hey that's my chips!" I protest.

The three of them sits beside Ben, who is sitting across me. And Alex sits down beside me. "Sharing is caring Angel"

"I dont care. You should ask permission before eating my chips"

Anothet stupid fact about me is I get angry when someone eats my food. Couldn't they get their own?

"Why are you playing hard to get?" Alex asks.

I chew on my chips, drink some iced tea, and answer "I'm not playing anything. Just stay away from me for pete's sake"

"Too bad Angel, Ms. Tracy grouped us together. We came here to talk about the project. Algebra is the topic. When will we start working?"

"Depends on you guys. I'm free anytime" i say.

"How about we start tonight?" Ben suggests.

They all agree and I ask, "who's room will we go to? We're not allowed to go outside school grounds unless it's weekends"

They all stare at me. I give them a confused look but realize something immedietly. My eyes widen. "NO! We're not doing it in my room"

"Your room is the cleanest." Alex says

"how did you know that?" Austin asks.

"Girls always keep their room clean."

"I will not have boys in my room. Nothing can ever change my mind"


After a good 30 minutes of 5 boys annoying me, I finally gave in. Guess we'll be doing the project at my dorm room.

I am currently walking to my next class. Bummer that I dont have this class with Ben. But relieved when I saw the 4 of them are not in this class.

3rd and 4th period goes fast and before I know it, it's lunch time. I head back to the cafeteria and see Ben, Austin, Zach and David seated on the table we were sitting at earlier.

No Alex. Good

I buy some lunch, sit across ben, where my seat was earlier, and ask "where's Alex?"

They all shrug. "Dont know. Probably fucking a girl." Zach answers

I eat my lunch and was about to call my mom when I realized i forgot my phone in my dorm room. "Shit. I forgot my phone. I'm going to get it. Brb"

They nod and I head to the third floor, room 256, open it and get my phone. I lock the door and walk out of my room.

I browse pinterest while walking to the stairs when I heard moaning and groaning sounds. I look behind me. No one was there.

Being the curious person I am, I follow those sounds and it led me to the janitors room. I touch the doorknob and turn it. It's not locked. Who the hell would think having sex in a janitors room with the door unlocked is a good idea?

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