Chapter 7- Back to square one

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As I get out of Callie's room, I think about what just happened. I said I would stay away from her but my emotions got the best of me. I hurt her. So goddamn much. I could see all her pain in her eyes.

The fact that she trusted me with something she's never told much people about, broke me because I broke her trust.

I didn't know where those words came from. All I know is I didn't mean any of them. My whole body filled with regret. Why didn't I kept my damn mouth shut?

I walk to my room and slam the door behind me. My friends soon came after me and entered my room. Austin spoke first "What the hell was that man?"

"What happened to you? Did you see how bad she cried?" David asks.

"I know. I fucked up pretty bad" i run my hands throught my hair.

"What's going on in that mind of yours dude?" Zach leans against the wall.

They know not to go near me whenever i'm angry because they'll end up getting hurt.

"What's going on in my stupid mind?" I slam my back against a wall "I'm thinking why I said all those shit. Why did I do it? Trust me, if I could go back to the past and change it I would. I regret everything. But the worst part is, she's right. I do run away from my obligations. I do have sex with different girls every day. I am a prince but I dont act like one."

My mind relaxes a bit and they sense it because they come near me and pat my back. Austin gives me some water while Zach and David help me up to my bed.

"Make it up to her dude. Tell her that it was a mistake. Tell her you regret it and didn't mean anything you said" Austin drinks some water from my fridge.

"I- I cant. If I tell her and she forgives me, we'll become friends."

They all give me a look. I sigh and continue, "I cant be friends with her. I'm trouble. I'm the badboy and she's a goodgirl. I'm not good for her. The only reason why I was such a jerk to her earlier was because I wanted to stay away. But I didn't mean to say those to her"

"Does Prince Alexander have a crush?" Zach wiggles his eyebrows. I give him a what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about look.

"come on. It's obvious you like her. Why would you regret the stupid stuff you said?" David says

"Just because I care for someone dosen't mean I like them" i roll my eyes.

"Ha! You never care for anyone. Not even us, which hurts my sensitive heart" Austin puts a hand on his chest.

"Just. Just help me stay away from her." I say.

"No can do Alex. We love you, but just because you dont want to be friends with Callie dosen't mean we cant." Zach grabs some chips and opens it.

"Yeah. Callie and Ben are really cool and they're our friends." David adds.

I look at Austin. "What they said", he points to Zach and David.

"Whatever. Just dont tell her we had  this conversation." I lay down my bed.

"Nope. We're telling Callie you care about her." Austin drinks some water.

I cant believe I'm about to say this. "Please"

Austin spits his water and Zach drops his chips. David looks like he's seen a ghost. I stand up and say, "what?"

"You- You said please" Austin manages to croak out.


"You must be desprate. You never say please" David says, after he recovers from his shock.

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