Chapter 8- Fun night

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Goddamit. I've always wanted to go to Paris. But with her there, it will make the trip more awkward. I need to control my emotions better because if I dont, I might snap at her again.

Speaking of emotions, it's strange when I felt slight pain when her face changed entirely different when Ms. Tracy said we would be with our group mates.

What's even more strange is I felt happy when I found out we're going to be together.

I ignore the feeling and go to my next class, my friends following me, as usual.

"We're going to Paris baby!" Zach shouts.

"Paris. The city of looooove" Austin teases.

"Shutup" i say. They just chuckled.


A few hours later, class has finally ended and I go to my room to pack. I pass by the 3rd floor and see Callie going in her room. I sigh. She's never going to forgive me.

It's for the best. I dont deserve her.

I get out my black suitcase and start to pack some clothes and necessities.

After I'm done, I close my suitcase and lay down my bed, thinking of a certain brunette.

Soon, I fall asleep.


I pack my things in my Purple suitcase and after that, I call My family.

Mom answered the call, "hello sweetheart!"

"Hi mom."

"Hi honey" i hear dad.

"Hi dad!"

"Callie!" Ellise's cute voice comes thru the phone.

"Hello Ellise!" I chuckle. "We're going to paris for a week."

"Wow! That's great Honey!" Dad exclaims. "Have you bought your phone yet?"

"No. Not yet. This one still works. I'm going to buy one when we go back from Paris."

"I wish I could go to Paris Callie" Ellise's voice sounded sad.

"You will. Soon. Once I finish school and find a great job, I'll take you to Paris. You know, there's lots of art supplies there. I promise to get you some"

I hear her squeal. "Thank you Callie!"

I smile. "Turn on the video call"

They turn it on and I see them. Ellise waves at me and I wave back. Then, I hear a knock on my door. "Hold up. Someone's knocking"

I unlock the door and see Ben. "Hey Ben what are you doing here?"

"I'm bored. Can we play video games and-" he looks at my phone, Ellise is looking at him curiously. "Who's that?" He whispers to me.

I let him inside my room and introduce him to my family, "Mom, Dad, Ellise, this is Ben. My best friend"

He waves at them and Ellise smiles. Guess she likes him. "Hello Mr. And mrs. Willows. Hello Ellise"

"Please, call us Rose and Jay." mom says.

He nods shyly.

"He's the first and only friend i have in school." I say.

"Well, its good that you have at least a friend. Stay safe on your trip to Paris okay?" Dad said.

I nod and we say our goodbyes. I end the call and turn to Ben. "You're family seems wonderful"

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