Chapter 21- Graduation

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As Callie goes to her dorm room, I feel sad because I know she didn't want Henry to go but she had to. She's really the most selfless person on earth.

"She'll cool off. Just let her be" Her dad says.

"Maybe you should check on her Alex. She really needs company right now" Mrs. Willows lets out a sigh.

I nod and say goodnight to everyone before following her to her room. I knock on the door and when she dosen't respond, I let myself in.

I know its rude to enter someone's room without permission but I had to. What if something bad happened to her? What if she hurt herself? What if- my thoughts were interrupted when I see her sleeping on her desk.

Her face is covered with her hair and she's holding a book in one hand. Her soft snores fill the room and I remove the book from her hands and set it aside.

I pull her hair away from her face and gently scoop her in my arms. I lay her down the bed, being careful not to wake her up. I pull the blanket up to her body and try my best to keep my eyes from looking at her chest.

I place a soft kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight baby. I love you"

I look at her peaceful body sleeping before getting out her room and closing the door.


I wake to the sound of my alarm and turn the damn thing off. I expect to find myself at my desk but I'm somehow tucked comfortably in my bed. I dont remember sleeping in this position. Eh. Whatever.

I take a bath and dress myself. I throw my hair in a bun and use a couple of strands from my hair to frame my face.

I go tot he cafeteria with Ben and greet the boys. "Morning babe" Alex says.

"Morning" i mumble.

"So what course do you guys want to take?" Ben suddenly asks.

My face lights up at the question and I immedietly answer "Accountancy".

I've always wanted to be an accountant. I know math isn't my best subject but I still want to be an accountant. Graduation is 2 weeks from now and we're 1 step away from college. Me and Alex already talked about what college we're gonna go to and to my surprise, we both want to go to the same college school which is Princeton.

I want to pursue my dreams even if it means studying about weird equations.

Alex wants to be a lawyer. I dont know why but I guess if it makes him happy. I'm really excited about graduation and I really want to go to Princeton.

*5 hours before graduation*

"Mom where's my hair curler?" I shout

"Its in the left cabinet on your dressing table!" She shouts back.

I open the drawer and get the stick out. I plug it in and realize I dont know how to use it.

"Mom could you help me curl my hair? I dont know how this damn thing works"

She comes in the room and takes the curler out of my hands. She grabs a few strands of my hair and began to curl it. "Just relax sweetie. There's still a couple of hours before your graduation. All you have to do is your makeup and dress up and then you'll be ready. Dont stress out"

"Sorry mom. It's just that I'm really nervous. What if college is hard? What if I cant do it?"

She continues curling my hair. "Don't get nervous. I'm proud of you Callie. We're all proud of you for graduating high school with honors. You got into one of the most popular collage schools on your own. Your dad could have paid for the tuition fee but you worked hard to pay for it yourself. My words can't describe how proud I am to be your mother. Plus Alex will help you. We'll call each other everyday. I love you Callie. Don't ever forget that"

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