Chapter 17- Falling apart

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I wake up earlier than my alarm which is weird, and I got greeted by bright sunlight. My alarm rings and for the first time, I turn it off properly.

I go to the bathroom but not before making my bed, and shower. Ahh, that warm water is so relaxing. I stay there for a few minutes and get dressed in a baby blue hoodie and some jeans paired with white shoes.

I swear hoodies are all you see me in but what can I say? They're comfortable to wear

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I swear hoodies are all you see me in but what can I say? They're comfortable to wear. So dont blame me that I wear hoodies even though I have a closet filled with Tshirts and dresses.

I get my phone and see no new messages. So Alex hasen't texted me back yet. My heart hurts a bit because he's not usually like this. But i shouldn't jump to conclusions. I'll see him in the cafeteria, maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

I get out of my dorm room and see girls looking at me like I've just murdered a teacher. I spot Ben walking down the stairs. "Goodmorning!" He greets in his usual happy voice. At least someone's normal today. 

"Goodmorning Ben. Do you know what's gotten into these girls today? Look at they way they're looking at me"

He just shrugs and hooks his arm with mine. We walk down the stairs and into the cafeteria, earning mysterious glances from students as we pass by. What's got their panties in a twist?

I see the boys and Alex on our usual table, eating breakfast. We walk towards them and i say, "hey guys!"

I expect them too greet back like they always do but instead, they all give me hard glares that could send me 6ft down.

"What's going on? Why are you glaring at us?" I ask.

"Not 'us', just you!" David's hand clenches.

I give Ben the what's-going-on look but I see him giving the same look in return. "What happened? Why are you glaring at Callie and why are the students doing the same?"

They all stay silent yet I could see the angry look on their faces. I look at Alex but his face looks like he's 1 inch close from murdering someone. Being the stupid person I am, I walk close to Alex and place my hand on his shoulder. "What happened baby? Why didn't you reply to my texts?"

He shoves my hand away from his shoulder which hurt physically and mentally and replies in a very angry tone, "dont call me baby and dont ever come near me again!"

"Wha-" before I could finish my sentence, he cuts me off, "Get the fuck away from me Callie! And never speak to me ever again or else you'll regret it. You're just like everybody else!"

My heart drops at his words. What did I ever do to him? Before Ben could speak, I grab his hand and walk out of the cafeteria, not letting the tears that's getting my vision blured fall.

Once we're out of the cafeteria, I let go of his hand and run to my dorm room. I hear footsteps behind me as I run up the stairs, indicating Ben following.

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