Chapter 1

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"Ah..." Paintbrush sounded relaxed, as they were spread out over one of the chairs with their hands behind their back. "Here comes para–"

They were cut off by a loud banging-like noise, as the boat shook slightly, startling Paintbrush into sitting up with a somewhat panicked expression on their face. Their eyes darted around a bit, before landing on two others. Test Tube and Yin-Yang.

Yin-Yang was standing at the edge of the boat, a fishing rod in hand. Test Tube was alongside Yin-Yang.

"Woah!" Test Tube put her hands on her head. "Neato to the third degree, Yin-Yang!" She continued, pointing at Yin-Yang while she said that, while Yang looked a bit annoyed, their smile turning into a frown.

Test Tube moved her hand back to herself. "But uh, what're you fishing for?" She questioned, gesturing out with her hand while she spoke.

Yin-Yang turned their body to face Test Tube a little. "Not fishing for friends, so get lost!" Yin-Yang gestured at Test Tube, who just looked to the side awkwardly as Yin tried to diffuse the situation.

"Yang! We are fishing for our ticket!" Yin-Yang put their hands back on the fishing rod.

"...Why would it be in the water-?" Test Tube started to question, but was cut off by Yang's answer. "I threw it in there!"
Test Tube decided not to question that any more and just responded with a small "Yep, okay." As Yin-Yang went back to fishing. Paintbrush walked over not even a moment later.

"Hey, you buckaroos..." Paintbrush started, getting Test Tube and Yin-Yang to look over at them as Paintbrush gestured at them both. "Could you please, I don't know... Zip your lips for more than two seconds?!" They spoke that part through gritted teeth, obviously getting aggravated. They then added a little "Thanks." afterwards, going back to a smile as Test Tube awkwardly stared.

There was silence for a good few moments, before Yin-Yang got a pull on the string. They started pulling on the string. "Yah!"

Water splashed onto Paintbrush, annoying them even further, as Test Tube called out "The motherload!"

On the end of the string was just Box, Test Tube giggled slightly at this. "Hah, oh Box, who taught you how to swim?"

Test Tube and Yin-Yang both laughed, as Paintbrush was obviously getting ticked off, their eye twitching.

"Hang in there, Paintbrush." Nickel reminded them, walking over to the situation too as Paintbrush stared down at him, with a very visible frown."As much as you're enjoying the company, we're almost there." He continued.

"Good." Paintbrush started, sounding somewhat relieved."I'm excited to finally catch a break." They said that while pulling a shell out of their bristles from the water earlier. "I'm not the biggest fan of Spoiled Lemon's hits, but I can't wait to see them live at the resort!" Paintbrush finished as they smiled again, seeming not as annoyed as before, but they were interrupted when Fan shoved his way into the situation also.

"All I wanna do, is go to a party!" Fan sang as he extended his arms, before shrinking back. "Yep. My personal favorite still. Even if it got snubbed at the Groscers," Fan continued as he took out his ticket. "And these VIP tickets were a huge score, Nickel! They're usually so overpriced!"

"Heh." Nickel chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, scalpers raisin' those prices! They're the worst!" Nickel chuckled again before looking at Paintbrush and Fan blankly. "Um, I uh- Didn't get these tickets by the way."

"Oh. Well, score revoked. I thought one of you knew the band." Fan shrugged.

"Nah." Test Tube had her hands on her hips, looking back at Fan as Yin-Yang spoke.

"Yes, haha! Oh no, I did not get them. I am not nice."

"And even Box's generosity wasn't the catalyst!" Test Tube exclaimed. "Fascinating... um..."
Test Tube thought, then started to shout. "HEY BALLOON!"

"I wouldn't waste my breath. He's not really known for his authenticity." Nickel decided to reminded Test Tube, gritting his teeth as she awkwardly looked over at Nickel.

"Oh lone mini-wich..."
Balloon was standing over by the table, as he grabbed one by the pick, seemingly having not heard Test Tube's call. "All of your conflicting layers kept together by a lone pick. I just want to be you... keeping it together, even in the tough times!" Balloon held it up, before quickly chomping down on it and eating it.

"Your sacrifice was a learning tool." He whispered.

Balloon then looked over as he heard OJ. "The tools... The repairs..." OJ sighed, leaning slightly off the edge of the boat. "Who will fold the towels."

Balloon looked over at OJ. "...Uh, OJ?"

OJ seemed a bit startled, turning to Balloon with a slight yelp. "Ah! Oh. Sorry, it's just the hotel manager in me."

Balloon looked a bit concerned as OJ continued. "I haven't been comfortable with this whole vacay... vay... caaa-EUERGH-"

"Vacation?" Balloon offered, seeing how OJ was struggling to say the word.

"Ugh... Even the word sounds wrong coming from other people..." OJ murmured, glancing away.

Balloon raised a brow as he pulled out his ticket, pointing at it as he spoke. "Then why did you invite us on an all expense paid trip?" He questioned.

OJ chuckled. "Heh. Balloon, if I organized this trip, the attendee list would've been radically different."

There was a moment of silence as Balloon audibly seemed a bit upset.

OJ, realizing what he said, laughed nervously. "Uh, oh, uh, well-" He continued, stammering a bit as he was trying to make an excuse. "What I meant was-"

OJ was then interrupted by another loud bang, similar to the one that Paintbrush had been started by, as Balloon cried out, seeming a bit panicked. "Ah! What was that!?"

"Ah yes, what w-was that?" OJ still seemed a bit nervous, as he put his hands on his hips.

1000 words
December 13, 2023
(Looks like everything is going normally, at least compared to the actual episode. Also a little note, I'm gonna try and upload this story in parts about 1000 words long, sorry if that seems short, but it'll be easier for me! Also sorry for the little edit, I was just adding spacing)

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