Chapter 4

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Fan looked over at Puffball as Tennis Ball suggested using her for the challenge. "Wait... What? How?" He asked, turning his attention back to Tennis Ball.

"We could hop on and ride on top of her! She could lower us to the pipe so we can all get in safely one-by-one! Hopefully that makes more sense."

"Hmmm... Yeah, okay, that could work." Fan looked back over at Test Tube and Golf Ball. "Guys!" He tried calling out to them.

Golf Ball spun around. "What!?" She snapped. Test Tube as just awkwardly looking between her and Fan.

There was awkward silence for a moment. "We need top get down to the pipe." Tennis Ball gestured downwards.

"Oh. Right." Golf Ball didn't seem as snappy now that she had ben given and explanation. "What's your idea."

"We use Puffball."

"Got it." Golf Ball looked around for a second and spotted Puffball. Test Tube was about to question what Puffball had to do with this, but stopped as soon as Golf Ball started walking away.

Golf Ball stormed up to Puffball, who looked over.

Tree and Black Hole were looking off the edge of the cliff.

"Hey Tree?" Black Hole asked after a bit.

"Yes?" Tree looked over at Black Hole.

"How... am I meant to get in the pipe? I don't think I can fit in it."

There was silence for a moment as Tree was visibly trying to figure it out. It was a good question.

"Like..." Black Hole flew over the edge, slowly lowering himself top the pipe. Tree looked nervous as the pipe was visibly shaking, but Black Hole backed off and went back over to Tree.

"Okay, yeah, good point. I don't know how you're meant to get in there." Tree took a step back, still trying to think.

"GUYS!" Fanny shouted, storming over. "I'm getting sick of this!"
She turned to Tree. "You and me jump and get in that pipe." Fanny then turned her glare to Black Hole. "And you, figure something out."

Fanny then grabbed Tree before he could have a say in anything, and tossed him off the edge of the cliff, before also jumping off herself, leaving Black Hole at the edge.


Balloon was still slowly falling with Pie and Box.

"Pillow!" Pie called out. Pillow stared out over the edge with a smile, seemingly deciding on if she was gonna help or not. She eventually jumped off the edge, and instead of catching Pie's hand, tried to land directly on Balloon, who screamed.

Pie watched as Pillow popped Balloon leaving her, Pillow, and Box to freefall.

Puffball was watching as the three fell. Fan, Tennis Ball, Golf Ball, and Test Tube had all already piled themselves onto Puffball.

"Woah." Puffball stared as the three somehow all ended up in the pipe. Golf Ball cleared her throat to get Puffball's attention. "Oh, sorry!"

She then went over to the pipe, hovering close to it as the four on top of her made it in one at a time, before shrinking herself and following.

At the finish line, the pink team could se Pie talking to MePhone4 about Balloon's death.

"Balloon died, but he was gonna make it to the pipe, so does that count?"

MePhone4 shrugged. "Sure. That means the pink and blue teams have immunity!" He gestured to the two teams. "Since Black Hole did not make it to the finish line, the yellow team is up for elimination, and one of you will be voted out first."

Fanny glared up at Black Hole, who was still at the edge of the cliff and had likely not heard what MePhone4 had said.

585 words
December 22, 2023
(Sorry for the REALLY short chapter omg, I just wanted to get this part over with and I wasn't really going for length. Anyways, I can hardly believe it's almost 2024! I can try and get another short chapter out around Christmas or maybe even today if I really wanna, but no promises. Also awh, Balloon died :( but dw, he'll be recovered!)

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