Chapter 7

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"Since I don't know how to deal with the embarrassing thing that just happened to me, I've decided to make a photography-based challenge." MePhone4 stated, looking at all the contestants that were lined up, while also pulling out a camera. "You have to snap pictures that make someone from one of the other teams look bad!"

"Take as many photos of other team members as you want," MePhone4 continued to explain. "But each team can only present one! Retrieve your cameras from this shelf. Whichever team looks the most humiliating loses."

"Shouldn't be that hard..." Fanny mumbled, turning to her team. "We may be down a member, but we just have to not look STUPID for the next, I dunno, several minutes or so?!"

"Well actually, this challenge will last 24 hours starting now!" MePhone4 then set an alarm, much to all the contestants' dismay. "Happy picture day!"

Everyone started running for the cameras, Yin-Yang and Nickel even crashing into the shelf, causing some of the cameras to fly.

Remote caught one of the cameras out of the air. "Got one!" She called to her team as Nickel and Yin-Yang watched.

Nickel was shoved aside by Teardrop, who grabbed a camera and ran, leaving Nickel dazed for a moment. "What the— Does she have something against me or something?!"

Yin-Yang stared as Teardrop ran off. "She's taking this quite seriously. We should too." Yin-Yang grabbed as many cameras as their arms could carry, as Nickel also grabbed one, having to duck under Test Tube, who also grabbed a camera.

"Stay back!" Test Tube pointed her camera at Tree, who was being handed a camera by Yin-Yang. In turn, he pointed his own camera back at Test Tube.

"I don't want to have to use this!" Test Tube called, but she was saved when Puffball, who had Golf Ball atop her, rammed herself into Tree, knocking him over.

"Woah! Thanks!" Test Tube said.

"No problem! Let's win this!"

There was a flash from behind Golf Ball and Puffball, and they turned to see Yin-Yang, who was grumbling something about the photo being blurry and out of focus.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Balloon mumbled.

"You think?" Nickel turned towards Balloon. "We already lost track of Teardrop! She could be doing whatever!"

"Don't take it out on me!"

"We also lost Pillow," Pie pointed out, getting Balloon and Nickel's attention. "She walked off somewhere while Nickel went to go get a camera."

"Great. Just great." Nickel grumbled.

Balloon looked a bit nervous, "We should go get cameras, Pie."

Pie nodded, and she went over to the shelf to get herself and balloon a camera. She figured it was okay now that the commotion had mostly cleared up, but Paintbrush was also grabbing a camera, and had accidentally knocked one down.

Balloon and Nickel stared in some horror as there was an explosion, splatters of blue being left over the ground, the shelf, and Paintbrush too.

"PIE!" Balloon nearly screamed.

"Eugh—" Paintbrush tried to wipe themselves off. "What was that-"

Tree, Black Hole, and Remote all also looked over, familiar with Pie and her explosive nature.
"There's another death we didn't prevent..." Black Hole mumbled to Tree.

"It's fine." Tree mumbled back, looking over at Tennis Ball as he caught a photo of Pie's explosion and Balloon and Nickel's reactions.

566 words
January 12, 2024
(uuhh i dont rlly know what to say here but kaboom)

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