Chapter 11

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Fanny glared as Box fell over. He had been left over by the shelf where the yellow team, or what was left of it, decided to stay near.
"What's taking those two so long!?" She snapped, glaring at Yin-Yang and Paintbrush.

"Cool it." Paintbrush said, gesturing with their camera. "It's only been a few minutes."

Paintbrush looked over as they saw Teardrop running up to them. She gestured something, just getting a look from Paintbrush.

"What does she want??"

"No clue..." Paintbrush stared as Teardrop became increasingly upset. She kept pointing at Paintbrush.

She paused and stepped away, before grabbing Paintbrush's camera out of their hands and running.

"Wh-" Paintbrush was visibly ticked off. "GET BACK HERE YOU THEIF!" They yelled, starting to chase after Teardrop.

Fanny just stared at Yin-Yang.

"Why did she do that?" Yin-Yang asked, taking a step as they gestured.

"Just because I competed with her in TPOT for a bit doesn't mean I understand everything about her." Fanny scowled, getting a concerned look.

There was fire in the distance, presumably from Paintbrush.
It was visible from anywhere on the island, illuminating the dark with a column of bright flares, red and orange.

Golf Ball and Puffball both yelped when they saw the bright flame erupt near them. Golf Ball made sure she had her camera nearby, just in case.

"Puffball, can you go check that out?"

Puffball nodded and moved away to go check out the source of the flame, leaving Golf Ball.

"What was that!?" Golf Ball looked over at the voice. Tennis Ball, pushing his way through the foliage.

"A flame, duh."

"...I would have never guessed!" He replied sarcastically. "I thought you were with Puffball?"

"I told her to go check out what that fire was from. That was honestly impressive. Test Tube and Fan could probably see it from wherever they went. Remote too." Golf Ball nodded as she spoke, her eyes lighting up.

"Probably." Tennis Ball tilted to the side a bit. "So... Have you gotten any pictures that we could use?"

Golf Ball went quiet and slowly shook her head. "Not really. I've been thinking a lot."


"Well, I don't wanna sound weird or crazy... But I just don't get a good feeling from this place, you know?"

Tennis Ball's brow furrowed. "Is this going to be like the Science Museum?"

"No, not like that.." She shook her head again, but she tried to change the topic after that. "What about you? Any photos?"

"A few." Tennis Ball said. "Nothing too great though." He glanced up at the sky. It looked even darker now that the initial flare was gone. "I'm getting pretty tired."

"Same..." Golf Ball glanced away. "But we can't let the other teams take advantage of our exhaustion. We have to be prepared."

"How much longer is this challenge going to be?"

Golf Ball sighed. "We're on hour ten. If MePhone said twenty-four hours, then that means about... fourteen left."

"Golf Ball there is no way I can take FOURTEEN more hours of this without a nap."

"...If you must have some rest, find a place where you won't be found."

Tennis Ball went quiet for a moment and looked around him. "You know... I don't think you're weird or crazy. I can see where you're coming from..."

"You do?" Golf Ball questioned.

Tennis Ball only nodded as Puffball came back into view.

"It was Paintbrush." She said.

"Paintbrush?" Golf Ball raised a brow. "They did that?"

"Yeah." Puffball nodded. "They looked mad. They were chasing Teardrop."

"Ah..." Golf Ball looked a little skeptical, but went along with it. "Okay..."

"Do you know why Paintbrush was chasing Teardrop?" Tennis Ball asked, disappointed when Puffball only shook her head.

"I did see Test Tube and Fan in the distance, though. Maybe Remote too, but I wasn't focusing on her."

"What are you suggesting?" Golf Ball questioned, taking a step towards Puffball.

"We can maybe get the team together and figure out rest. It's dark out..."

"...Finnne..." Golf Ball sighed again. "Tennis Ball, you go get Test Tube and Fan, I'll get Remote."

Tennis Ball nodded.

"Puffball," Golf Ball continued. "Where did you see them?"

698 words
February 12, 2024
(bdsfjbasdfjgasjdfh im trying to finish this part up i swear)

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