Chapter 12

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Nickel stared at the fire that had just bursted out nearby. He had thought he had seen Teardrop run by, and Paintbrush chasing, but he didn't think much of it at first.

Tree used the opportunity to snatch the camera back from Balloon, who had tried to pull it back afterwards.

"Hey!" Balloon reached for the camera, but Black Hole pulled him away.

"Look," Tree thought for a moment. "How about we just work together? We could go after the pink team, and none of us have to argue?" He offered, a bit too tired to keep arguing.

Balloon and Nickel looked at each other for a moment. With Pie dead and Pillow and Teardrop god-knows-where, they both knew they could use a hand.

"Fine." Nickel grumbled after a moment, turning away. He was too tired to argue as well, but he was still a bit upset about Tree's previous comment.

"Glad we're all on board..." Black Hole sighed. "I think Fanny and Yin-Yang are still at the shelf...?"
Tree nodded to confirm, holding his camera securely just in case Balloon tried to take it again.

"Let's go." Nickel, being annoyed, was the first to start walking off.

"YOU'RE BACK." Fanny snapped as soon as she saw Tree and Black Hole.

"What happened?" Tree asked, looking down at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Teardrop came over and took Paintbrush's camera so they started chasing her, duh."

"That's.. Weird. Why would Teardrop do that..?"

"Don't ask me! I have NO CLUE." Fanny grumbled, then glared at Nickel and Balloon. "What are THEY doing here!?"

Balloon looked a bit offended, but Tree tried to explain. "They're not a threat. We figured that we could work with them, at least for the night.."

"And in the morning?" Yin-Yang asked.

"The morning is a different story." Nickel scowled.

Fanny just turned away and kept grumbling about the challenge.

"Hm..." Test Tube glanced over for a moment or so.

"What is it?" Fan asked, curious about what had gotten Test Tube's attention now.
Test Tube readies her camera again. "I feel like we're not alone."

"I kinda feel that too..." Fan admitted.

"You know, gaze perception is a really neat thing. People take it for granted a lot! It's pretty useful, especially in situations like these–"
Test Tube was cut off when Fan put his hand over her mouth.

"I didn't ask, Test Tube."

Test Tube frowned, but went silent as Fan removed his hand. He turned away for a moment, looking for whatever, or whoever, was watching them.

There was silence for a moment, but Fan looked back when he heard Test Tube yell.
He saw her clutching the side of her face, as Pillow stood over her, with her camera that she had used in her hand.

"Pillow!" Fan took a step back, flinching as the flash of her camera went off.

479 words
February 14, 2024
(happy valentines day
luxi if ur reading this ur autistic)

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