Chapter 9

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"I hate this challenge. I hate pictures." Fanny grumbled, looking at the empty spot where Yin-Yang had stood previously before looking at the already setting sun, the sky turning pink and orange.

"Hey, like you said, as long as we don't look stupid, we'll be fine." Paintbrush pointed out. Fanny was going to respond, but she saw Yin-Yang running back to their team as fast as he could.

"Where were you?" Tree questioned, giving Yin-Yang a look.

"We heard Test Tube and Fan,  so we got a picture of them. They were planning like the nerds they are!" This comment only resulted in Paintbrush looking over. "You guys got a picture?"


"...Is it even a bad picture though?" Black Hole asked, moving ever so slightly closer as Yin-Yang glanced at their camera and went absolutely dead silent.

"I'm taking that as a no?" Fanny's tone was sharp, but she sighed and glanced away, before something caught her eye. "Hey, what are they doing?"

She nodded towards where Nickel and Balloon were walking towards the Pic-Nix table.

"Er... No idea." Paintbrush said after a long moment. "Maybe they got hungry."

"Okay so... run your idea by me again?"

Nickel glanced at the yellow team to make sure they were out of earshot. "We need to make them look bad, since we have no idea where the pink team is and they're already there."

"And how are the Pic-Nix tables going to--" Balloon was quickly cut off by Nickel. "Banana peels, Balloon! Isn't it perfect?"

Balloon was silent for a moment. "Okay... One, what is this, a cartoon? Actually, don't answer that. But what would MePhone think about us if we used the Pic-Nix table for... malicious reasons?" He hesitantly asked that last part.

"Meh, just put the blame onto me, I don't really care." Nickel turned his attention to the Pic-Nix table. "Banana!"
The banana was generated by the table, but Nickel paused. "Wait- actually, Nix."

"Huh?" Balloon watched as the banana despawned. "What was that for?"

"I didn't want to have to peel it." Nickel commented. "Banana peel!"

"Okay, so... We just kinda place these around and hope someone slips on one AND we can get a picture?" Balloon questioned, giving Nickel a confused look as he grabbed the banana peel.

"No, we're just going to-" Nickel started sarcastically before snapping a little. "Yes! Of course that's the plan!" Nickel nodded. "You're gonna have to help here, arm-haver."

"I'm more than just an arm-haver, thank you very much." Balloon glared at Nickel.

"But you do have arms. So you're helping."

Nickel generated a few more banana peels, with Balloon grabbing them before the two went to place them around.

"Hm." Fan glanced over at Test Tube. "We've been walking for a bit, don't you think we would've seen MePhone around?"

"Maybe he's just hiding so WE don't take any more humiliating photos of him." Test Tube commented, rolling her eyes. "Now come on, we gotta keep an eye out. Just in case we see something we can use against the other teams— Aaaand why is Balloon carrying a bunch of banana peels..."

Fan glanced over as Test Tube took a picture. "What the—"

Balloon didn't seem to notice the photo being taken, as he was a bit of a distance away and was listening to Nickel say something.
"You know, I don't know if I want the answer." Fan commented, raising a brow.

"...Hm." Test Tube paused for a few moments, glancing at the camera and the picture she took, as Fan perked up a little.
"Test Tube... Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" She glanced at him as he gestured to some of the foliage behind Test Tube.

"I thought I heard something... forget it..." Fan cast a glance at Test Tube, before looking away.

"Are you sure?" Test Tube was getting a little worried now.

"I- yeah. It's probably nothing to worry about."

666 words
January 30, 2024
(i did not proofread this please forgive me i wrote this in the middle of art class but look who has ideas again!!
also i went through to make the word count 666 oooOoooOOoo scary 😈😈 (if i counted wrong dont come after me im sorry💔))

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