Chapter 8

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"What was that!?" Test Tube shouted.

"Arrghh," Nickel groaned. "Oh come ON!"

"That's my line." Balloon said quietly as Nickel continued.

"First Teardrop and Pillow disappear and now Pie just- EXPLODES!? We're off to a horrible start!!"

"We still have each other." Balloon smiled at the coin. "Oh and Box too."

"That's not the POINT. We're already down half of our team." Nickel sighed. "We have to strategize here, Balloon..."

Nickel went silent for a moment, seemingly thinking while staring Balloon in the eyes. Nickel took a glance at the yellow team, but they were seemingly a bit unsure on what to do, but Nickel figured they weren't a threat at the very moment. "Hm."

Meanwhile the pink team had made a retreat while Balloon and Nickel had talked and Paintbrush was recovering from the explosion. All of them were gathered together, hidden away from the eyes of others, surrounding themselves with the foliage around. They had decided if the other teams couldn't get a picture of them, they would be safe.

Fan was, unsurprisingly, on his phone, while Golf Ball and Test Tube were looking at the photos that Tennis Ball had got previously before fleeing, seeing if they could be any use.

"For someone without arms, you're great at taking pictures, Tennis Ball." Test Tube commented.

"Thank you?"

"We need more photos than this!" Golf Ball gestured at the photos that Tennis Ball had. All from the explosion. "There's still a lot of time left! I say we all split up and get photos of whatever we can! Then we can choose for sure!" Golf Ball stated loudly, leaning back slightly.

"Agreed," Fan suddenly piped in. "I'm not sure what photos the other teams have, if any though, that all happened way too quickly."

"Yes. We split up. I'll go with Puffball." Golf Ball said quickly.

"What-? But-" Tennis Ball started, as he had hoped that he would have been going with Golf Ball but she had already left with Puffball as soon as she had finished her statement.

"...Ouch." Test Tube said after a moment, glancing between tennis Ball and Golf Ball and Puffball.

"I was honestly planning on going with Fan," She gestured to Fan as she spoke. "But you can go with Remote if you want."

Tennis Ball didn't really want to argue. "No, it's fine. And I think Remote already left us..."

He glanced around, noting that Remote had wandered off, probably earlier when they were looking at the photos. He hoped that Remote would be okay, but he was pretty sure nothing too bad could happen. This challenge didn't seem dangerous.

"If you say so." Fan mumbled, and he grabbed his camera, before walking off with Test Tube.

"So who should we go for, Test Tube?"

"Hmm..." Test Tube stopped to think for a moment. "I think we should-"
Test Tube we interrupted by a snap of a camera, and she looked over to see Yin-Yang holding a camera. She had thought he had stayed with his team, did he also leave and happened to find Test Tube and Fan?

"Look at you planning what you're going to do! Pathetic nerds!"

Fan gave an offended gasp, turning to Yin-Yang. "Listen here, bud!" Fan gestured to himself. "I'm not the nerd here!"

Test Tube was about to say something but she looked back at Fan with a dead serious expression. "Wait are you calling me a nerd?"

"..." Fan awkwardly looked away, giving Test Tube her answer without actually saying it.

"...Wow, great, thanks." Test Tube also fell silent, as Fan wasn't really wrong. Yin-Yang snapped another picture and ran.

588 Words
January 27, 2024
(i knowwww i said i was gonna likkeee put this on hold but i felt bad for constantly putting this chapter through delays and stuff. i think im doing a bit better mentally even though its only been a day, we'll see. this isnt my best writing and i dont proofread so sorry if its bad or doesnt make sense, this is just some random stuff i had in my notes. mostly filler. i have plans for this story but i dont wanna rush it (luxi if ur reading this you already know whats gonna happen) but i want to try and pace things out a bit, but hopefully you can see a bit of that come through in the next few chapters or so
also fun fact, i was gonna publish this last night but I had to sleep)

Stranded in Paradise || TPOT x III AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora