Larry: The bus twins

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Request sent in by @Sangster_army I hope you like it

Louis was pregnant with twin girls and he was due any moment with them. The news gets worse the band was on tour in America

"Harry please can i go on stage with you tonight. I will be good, and sit on the stage I won't even dance at all" Louis says as he follows Harry around the venue that night cause the band just had sound check without him again

"Lou I can't risk it with the twins being so close to coming into the world" Harry says as he rubs Louis bump where the girls were at

"I won't be any trouble" Louis says to him

"Lou the answer is still no" Harry says as he goes and gets ready to go on stage that night since the band just ate supper together in catering

Louis just heads to the bus very grumpy that he isn't going to be on stage with the others that night and be in the tour bus all by himself and not do anything but mope

"Well girls it just the three of us, so what do you want to do huh?" Louis asks his bump

Both girls gave papa a kick

"Papa will read you a story while we wait for daddy to get done on stage performing" Louis says as he gets a storybook from the shelf that they had in the bus for the girls

One of the twins did not want a story

"Okay we won't have a story" Louis says as he gets on his phone to do a question and answer session with the fans that night since Louis wasn't going on stage to perform with the others


Louis got up, but he was taken back down by a pain that he was having in his stomach

"Whoa that was a strong one" he says as he times them

After a while Louis realizes that he is in labor

"I'm going to call daddy to see if he can come and keep papa company" Louis says as he tries to get a hold of Harry

Louis tried and tried and Harry wasn't picking up his phone or answering his texts that he was sending him

"Papa is going to try Uncle Liam and Uncle Niall to see if they can come" Louis says as he tries to call them and see if they could come to the tour bus cause it was an emergency and he needed them

Liam and Niall didn't answer their phones either

"Well papa is going to change cause he has a feeling that you two are going to be born tonight and don't want to wait for anyone" he says as he goes to the bathroom to get into his hospital gown for the birth cause that what he wanted to wear when he had the twins and he didn't want to ruin his clothes at all for the birth. When Louis was changing he felt liquid leave his body and he realized that his water broke, and the girls were going to be coming quicker then what he thought

"Harry, Liam, Niall I need you guys back here now and I do not mean maybe" Louis says as he continues to text the others to come back to the bus cause he was in labor with the twins and he did not want to deliver them alone

Louis got the backroom set-up while he continued to labor that night

"Man the contractions are coming closer together now" he says as he continues to labor and he was hit by a contraction that was harder then the previous ones that he had so far

Louis was able to set up the delivery room, and got comfortable with the music he wanted to listen to while he was in labor with the girls. He waited a couple more minutes before sending another text to the other three to let him know that he was going to be delivering here soon, and Harry was going to miss the birth of his daughters if he didn't get back there to help Louis with the birth. Throughout the rest of his labor Louis kept checking his phone to see if any of the boys got back to him at all after a while Louis just gave up on it cause he knew he had to bring these girls into the world himself without the others being there to help him

"Well here goes nothing" he says as he got hit by a contraction and he felt a lot of pressure

Louis pushed and pushed until he felt the first head pop out

"Okay all that is left is the shoulders and the rest of the body" he says as he goes back to pushing cause he needed to bring the twins into the world

Louis started to pant the rest of the baby out and pushed when he needed to. He pushed until the baby exit his body and started to gurgle cry

"Hi princess aren't you a cutie pie" he says as he cleans the baby up the best that he could cause her twin did not want to be born quite yet

Louis took care of the cord, and cleaning out her mouth and nose while he waited for the second baby to be born

"There we go papa going to hold you for a little bit while he waits for your sister to come into the world" he says as he rocks the baby to sleep a little bit

The first twin fell right to sleep no problem at all, and Louis got to enjoy her as he waited for the second baby to come into the world

(Much later)

"That was a killer show tonight" Niall says as they head for the tour bus

"Yeah our fans are the best" Liam says as they approach the tour bus

The three boys heard a baby's cry and Harry immediately runs into the bus to see Louis

"Harry meet our girls" Louis says as he holds both of the girls in his arms that night as he rocked them gently

Harry was in aw as he saw the little bundles of joy that Louis had in his arms

V & C

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