Zianourry: Neglected Niall part 2

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Part 2 requested by @dollie543 I hope it is okay the way you might want it 

Niall signed himself in as the others took a seat

"Niall" the nurse says from the doorway

Zayn helps Niall up cause he couldn't get up much with the belly being in the way

"Thanks Zayn" Niall says as they went to check on the girls

Niall was going to be admitted cause baby A was on the small side and her fluid was low too, and they wanted Niall on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy, and they were worried about the twins having twin to twin syndrome as well why he was getting admitted to monitor the babies   


"I hope they don't forget about me here" Niall says when he was in his room and looking out the window

"They won't Niall I will be here with you as the girls are getting closer to coming" Zayn says as he sits in the bed with Niall to make him feel better now since he was feeling left out right now since the guys were paying more attention to Zayn instead of Niall like he wanted cause Niall was having for babies and Zayn was just having one baby 

"Thanks Zayn you better head on home" Niall says to him

"I will be back in the morning with breakfast for you" Zayn says as he kisses Niall before he left to go home cause the boys wanted to get Zayn home and in bed that night 

"Thanks this hospital food is going to make me sick" Niall says as he was going to look through a book right now since there was not much that he could do anyways since he was going to be on bed rest until the girls decided that they were going to be born  

(Couple of weeks later)

Niall was in the hospital still and was wondering if Zayn was ever going to come back and see him and if any of the boys were going to be there too cause it felt empty just being there in that big hospital room and he was waiting on the babies to come into the world 

"Girls i hope your daddy's come soon cause we have to talk names for all of you" Niall says as he was talking to his baby bump that was big 

Niall decided to get up and stretch his legs a little bit to see if Zayn was here and having the little boy cause he didn't want to miss the birth of the little boy at all

"Hey Niall" Zayn says as he comes into the hospital with the others who was not happy to be there at all

"Zayn I was wondering if you were ever going to come back" Niall says as he kisses Zayn

"I have tried to come and see you and see how the girls are doing as well" Zayn says to Niall as they go back to his room cause Zayn was going to give Niall a little bit of a party before the girls come into the world 

"We have to talk names for these girls" Niall says as he was referring to his bump  

"I know we have came up with Aidan for the little boy" Zayn says to Niall 

"That's cute" Niall says t Zayn 

"I know it is" Zayn says as he helps Niall back on the bed so he can relax a bit while the guys set up for the party 

"Feels like that the girls are happy that daddy's came to see them and mommy" Niall says when he felt the girls kick a little bit'

"That awesome can i feel?" Zayn asks NIall

"Sure the one down here is just chilling out and not being as active as her sisters are" Niall says as he was feeling where the first baby was in the stomach 

Zayn loved to feel the girls kick his hand and he was glad that he could feel them kick 

"Lou it sounds like we might have three soccer stars in our mist" Zayn says as he was referring to the girls that were kicking up a storm inside Niall's belly right now

Louis did not pay any attention right now he wanted to get home as fast as he could 

"Just don't pay any attention to them Niall they did not want to come here in the first place they wanted to keep me home, but I told them I wanted to go out for a little bit, so i could come and see you they did not want me to go anywhere, so i grabbed the keys and started to head here with everything needed for the party" Zayn says to Niall as he went to get the cake that was done in pink and purple for the girls so they knew that they were welcome once they were born 

(That night)

Niall was relaxing with Zayn and feeling all of the babies move and kick

"Aidan loves feeling his sisters" Zayn says as he had his belly close to Niall's big belly

"I know the girls love their brother a lot" Niall says as he was hot by a cramp a little bit

"Niall are you okay?" Zayn asks a little concerned for Niall a little bit since the girls were getting big and there was not much room for them to grow at all

"Just a cramp is all Zayn" Niall says to him to make it all better for Zayn

"I am staying here just in case you are in labor" Zayn says as he tells the guys that they were staying at the hospital that night to be with Niall just in case he was in labor 

Zayn timed each of the cramps to see if it was labor pains or not 

"Niall i think you are in labor and these girls are coming" Zayn says when he saw how far apart the cramps were 

"Zayn I don't want to be alone when they come" Niall says to Zayn

"You won't" Zayn says to him 

V & C

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