Niam: Mommy direction

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Request sent in by @Niallluves_potatoes I hope you like it

Liam and Niall found out that they were expecting, and they could not wait to be parents. The boys were excited to be Uncles, and after Niall found out that he was expecting the others started calling him mommy direction cause he was married Liam who was known as daddy direction

"Mommy can I have a cookie?" Zayn asks Niall since Harry and Louis was playing in backyard

'Sure you can buddy" Niall says as he gives Zayn a cookie to munch on since he asked him and they weren't going to be eating for a little while

Zayn was happy once he had his cookie, and he went to go back to coloring a picture. Niall went outside to practice his golf swing a little bit cause it was so nice out and he wasn't going to be able to play after he has the baby in a few days or earlier if the baby wanted to come early. Niall had a feeling that the baby was going to be coming early

"Mommy Harry tripped me" Louis says as he runs up to Niall cause him and Harry were playing soccer in the backyard of their house cause Liam made the boys an area for them to play soccer, Niall to practice his golf swing, and a area for Zayn to do his drawing or his art which he has been doing a lot of lately for the new baby's room and for the house

"Harry apologize" Niall says as he comforts Louis a little bit to make him feel better

"Sorry Louis" Harry says to Louis

"Okay you two hug it out, and Harry I want you to go to that tree over by the far year for ten minutes to think about what you done to Louis" Niall says as he gets into his golf cart to head to the putting green that Liam had done for him to go relieve some stress that Niall had from the pregnancy, and from the boys in general cause Liam did not want Niall to be stressed out a lot with the new baby that was coming. Liam wanted Niall to keep fit as possible while he was pregnant and Niall loved being able to go golfing when he had the chance to do so

Louis got into the golf cart with Niall since Liam was in the workout room at the house working out as always or working on the new baby's room since Liam was the only one that knows what they were having, and Liam wanted the nursery to be a complete surprise for Niall

"Now I can relax" Niall says as he gets out to get his putters out, so h e could hit a couple of practice swings, and maybe hit some holes in one if he can

"Yeah and if you go into labor I have the walkie talkie with me, so I can radio the house, and tell Liam that the baby is coming" Louis says as he sits in the golf cart to watch Niall play golf

"That's good if you want a cookie I have some in the golf cart" Niall says to Louis

"May I please have a cookie mommy direction?" Louis asks him

"Yes you can Louis since you asked nicely" Niall says as he starts to swing

Louis was a happy camper that he got to have a cookie while mommy played golf on the green in the backyard

"There is juice for you too Louis" Niall says as he goes back to putting on the green

Louis was happy about that a lot, and he was hoping that it was his favorite juice that he loves to drink

"Juice boxes you are the best mommy direction" Louis says to Niall as he takes a juice box

"I know I am" Niall says as he smiles at Louis cause he was glad to be there for the boys

Louis drinks his juice while he watches Niall swing a little bit cause he loves watching mommy when he plays gold in the backyard. When Niall was swinging he doubled over in pain that he was hit by

"Mommy direction are you okay?" Louis asks as he comes over to where Niall was

"Tell everyone that the baby wants to be born NOW" Niall says as he breathes through the pain that he was having with the contractions that he was having

Louis did not waste no time he helped Niall to the golf cart to go back to the house, and he was telling Liam that the baby was coming and that they have to go to the hospital that night. Liam was waiting for Niall and Louis as they came back cause Zayn was keeping the car running while he picks up Niall and carries him to the car to head to the hospital that night

"Are we getting dinner mommy?" Harry asks Niall

"Not now buddy mommy is in a lot of pain cause you baby brother or baby sister is coming" Liam says as he gets in front to head to the hospital so they could have the baby

"But I'm hungry now" Harry whines to his parents as Liam heads for the hospital

"Harold I said no whining and I mean it" Liam says to Harry as he continues to head for the hospital, so Niall could give birth to the newest edition

"Liam can we go a little faster please?" Niall asks him as he experiences contractions

"Why love?" Liam asks him

"My water just broke" Niall says as he breathes through the pain of the contractions cause this baby was waiting for no one right now

Liam goes into panic mode as he continues to head for the hospital


"Liam I feel the baby" Niall says as he feels a lot of pressure

"Niall just hang on we have to get a room first and then you can go ahead and push I promise you" Liam says as he picks up Niall and runs with him into the hospital cause Zayn volunteers to park the car for Liam

Niall was fighting pushing as Liam took him into the emergency room, so he could have a baby

"Yes I need to go up to maternity right now" Liam says to the nurse at the window

"First I need you to fill out some forms, and then we can take him up to maternity

"Liam" Niall says as he starts to push cause he couldn't hold it in much longer

"Okay I need a gurney out front now we have a maternity case that needs to go up now" the nurse says when she sees Niall start to push with the contractions

Soon a gurney comes out and Liam places Niall on it

"Louis I need you to go up with mommy cause I need to be here and fill out some forms for mommy" Liam says to Louis when the three boys comes into the hospital

Louis does what he is told

"Louis where is your father?" Niall asks as he fights the contractions cause he wasn't going to deliver the baby if Liam wasn't going to be there with him

'Daddy is filling out some forms mommy" Louis says to Niall as they continue to head for the maternity department where Niall was going to be having the baby

Liam comes really fast cause he gave the nurses the information that they needed to get Niall admitted, so he could have the baby

"I'm here" Liam says as they head up to the delivery room

Niall starts to push cause the baby wasn't waiting no longer cause it wanted to be born right that minute. The nurses start to undress Niall and put a gown on him cause he was delivering quickly

"The baby's head is out so continue to push Mr. Payne and the baby will be here" the nurse says when she sees the baby's head

Niall continued to push with all of his might cause he wanted it to end here and now

"The shoulders are out one more push" the nurse tells him

Niall pushed until they heard the baby cry

"Congrats you two it's a handsome little boy" the nurse says as she gives the baby to Niall

"He is beautiful" Niall says as he cradles the baby

The nurse has Niall put the baby in his gown to keep him warm until they got to the maternity floor

"What are we going to name him?" Liam asks Niall

"I like Aidan" Niall says to Liam

"Welcome to the world Aidan Marcus Payne" Liam says to the baby that was settling down as mommy rubbed his back

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