Zianouarry: Larry double pregnancy part 3

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  Part 3 requested by @harrylover_salsa I hope it is okay

"Harry, Harry are you here?" Zayn asks as he comes into the house to see if Harry was around some place

Zayn didn't see him downstairs so he decided to go up and check the bedrooms to see if he was there and Harry wasn't there either

"Harry are you here?" Zayn asks as he checks the rooms for Harry

Zayn checks the bathrooms and the nurseries and he still can't find Harry anywhere at all and that worries him that due to the lack of attention from the boys he ran away to have the quads on his own and away fro the boys and he may not included the boys in the quads lives at all 

(Harry's house)

Harry was all settled in the boys had their own room and Salsa had her own room, so she was separated from her brothers, but still close for mommy if she needed mommy at any time which she will

"Okay it looks like I am not having you little ones at the hospital, so I am going to have you guys at home" Harry says to his huge stomach as he was talking to the quads

Harry got a bed and a pool set up for the birth cause he was going to be having the kids really soon and without the guys there to help him through the pains of having the kids

(The others)

"Guys I think we should look for Harry" Liam says when Zuri was home and Niall was feeding her meal

"I think so too cause he will be having the quads and since Louis is doing okay and the triplets are in good shape to come. We should worry about him a little more" Zayn says as he goes and tells Louis that they were going after Harry to see if they could talk to him before he has the babies cause Harry was getting close to his due date with the babies and they boys thought they will make peace with him

Niall was okay cause he wanted to show Harry little Zuri even though she was his and Louis little one. Louis was okay too cause he was going to see Harry when he comes home and Louis was confident that the triplets will leave him alone for a while the boys are seeing Harry

(Harry's house days later)

"Harry you in here?" Liam asks as he comes with Zayn and Niall who had Zuri who was sleeping like a little lamb in her car seat

Zayn heard Harry scream out in pain

"Oh no he's in labor" Liam says as him and Zayn head up to help Harry with the delivery of the quads

(Harry's room)

"Ugh" Harry says as he was pushing Aldi out

"Harry how long have you been in labor?" Liam asks him as they come into the room to help Harry with the birth of the quads

"How did you guys find me?" Harry asks as he pants

"Your car Harry we want to apologize for how we acted towards you we should of paid more attention to you and Louis" Liam says as he was going to help Harry with his labor

"Can you forgive us Harry?" Zayn asks as he comes in with what was needed for the birth of the quads

"I though you might want to meet Zuri" Niall says as he comes in with the baby that was wide awake and looking around at where she was at

"Niall she is gorgeous" Harry says when he sees the baby

"Thanks Harry do you know what you are having?" Niall asks cause he was going to help with the birth of the quads

"Three boys and one girl" Harry says as he goes back to pushing the first baby out

"So we will have four boys and three girls" Liam says as he figures out how many babies that they will have at the house

"Pretty much" Niall says as he sets Zuri down on the bed so she was close to mommy and she got to see daddy Harry

"Okay Harry the first head is out so push" Zayn says to him

Harry pushes the baby out

"Harry you are doing so good you are almost there" Zayn says to him as he was having the baby

Harry pushed until the first baby was born

"It's a boy" Zayn says as he holds up the first baby

"Aldi" Harry says as Zayn hands the baby to Niall after Liam cut the cord

Harry wasn't able to rest that long before he had to deliver Bastian


"The second boy" Zayn says as he shows Harry the second baby that was born

"Bastian" Harry says as he pants as Liam cuts the cord of the second baby

"Can I have the last two in the pool?" Harry asks Zayn

"Sure Harry and if you feel pressure we can lay you down and you can have the third one" Zayn says as him and Liam help him up and to the tub that Harry had ready and was full of water for the birth of the quads

As Harry was walking he felt a lot of pressure so he started to push as he was standing up

"Harry we have to lay you down so you can have the baby" Zayn says to him as him and Liam lay him down so he could have the third baby

"Zayn I'm having the baby standing up" Harry says as he goes back to pushing the baby out and into the world

Zayn let him deliver the way he wanted

"Okay Harry keep going" Zayn says to him

Harry pushed until the third baby was out

"It's a boy" Zayn says as he gives Harry the third boy

"Iqbal" Harry says as he looks at the baby that was not happy to be out of his warm home

Niall took the third boy so he could be with his brothers

"That's weird the contractions have stopped" Harry says as he heads for the bathroom to take a shower

"You sure?" Liam asks him

"Yeah little Salsa is staying put where she is so she isn't ready to be born" Harry says to Liam

"Let's get you and the boys home and we will bring the pool with us just in case" Zayn says as he emptied the pool that Harry had for the birth


"I feel the contractions kicking back up" Harry says to Zayn

"I'll get the pool set up in a jif" Zayn says to him as he gets the pool set up for Harry to have the baby

Harry got a shower from the past three deliveries, and put on something else for the last birth which was going to be Salsa and he was going to see his daughter finally after waiting for her to come


"Zayn I need to push" Harry says to him

"Okay Harry go ahead and push" Zayn says to him

Harry pushed until the head come out

"Both her eyes are white so she is going to be blind" Zayn says to Harry

Harry knew she was going to be special and he couldn't have it any other way with her

"Come on Harry it's just the three of us" Liam says cause Niall went to sleep

Harry pushed until Salsa was finally born

"Here she is" Zayn says as he hands Salsa to Harry

"Hi sweetie" Harry says as he bonds with his daughter who woke her sister up, so Zayn went to get Zuri from her slumber so she could meet her sister

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