Zianouarry: Moody Harry

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Request sent in by @Angehiko07 hope it is okay 

Harry styles was pregnant with babies and each baby belonged to each of his boy friends, and he was having one of his own, so each of his boyfriends was able to get a baby out of this ordeal too, and each baby was going to have it's own room. Harry was carrying quints two girls and three boys. The girls belonged to Louis and Niall while the boys belonged to him, Liam, and Zayn which was okay with everyone cause the boys were working each of the nurseries for their little one and they were going to give many of the kids formula when they were born and Harry's little boy was going to bed by him cause Harry couldn't feed five babies at once   

"Guys" Harry calls to them cause he was on bed rest 

Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam come running to see what Harry wanted cause 

"Yes Harry?" Liam asks him as the others come into the room with the other hot on his heels 

"My back hurts and my feet hurt" Harry says to them as the guys come into the room

"Of course we will massage your back and your feet for you" Zayn says as he comes over by Harry so he could massage his one foot

Liam got his other foot, and Louis got his back 

"Is that better boo?" Louis asks as he looks at Harry cause Niall went to make Harry something to eat cause he was eating for six so he had to be hungry by now 

"No i still feel pain" Harry says as he crosses his arms as the guys try to make him comfortable since he was carrying their children 

"Boo can you tell us how we can make you happy since you are carrying our kids?" Liam asks him cause he was able to take some tension off Harry's one foot since Zayn was still working on his other foot 

"Nothing going to make me happy until I have these little brats" Harry says as he looks at his bump where all five of the babies were kicking him cause they heard that 

"Harry you don't mean that?" Zayn asks him cause he loved his little boy with all his heart and he could not wait to meet Xavier Malik 

"I do Zayn I hate these babies with every drop of blood in me and I can't wait till they are born" Harry says as he gets up cause he didn't want to be with the boys at all anymore and he just wanted to be alone

"Here's your food Harry" Niall says as he brings up some food for Harry to eat 

"No thanks Niall I'm not hungry right now" Harry says as he heads out on a little walk 

"I can't wait for this to be over" Liam says as he goes back to working on his little one's nursery 

"Me either" Louis says as he goes back to working on his little one's room cause he was putting her crib together

"I might as well eat it" Niall says as he heads to his little one's room cause he had that room done in no time

"You are always hungry Niall" Zayn says with a chuckle 

"I know i am" Niall says as he eats what he made for Harry 

"Do you think Harry will come back?" Liam asks the others

"He has too cause he can't even go that far with all of the weight of the babies" Louis says from his little one's nursery 

"Ugh I can't even go a mile without getting winded" Harry says as he comes back into the house after he 

"Harry come on I will run you a hot bath" Zayn says as he helps Harry up the stairs and to the bathroom for his bath 

"Can i have a luke warm bath instead?" Harry asks Zayn 

"Of course you can babe" Zayn says as the y approach the bathroom where Zayn was going to put some bubbles in for Harry to make him feel better cause he was carrying their children after all 

Zayn helped Harry into the tub and started to clean him off a little bit since he couldn't do it cause of his big belly 

"Could you stop kicking me" Harry says to his belly 

"Harry one of the babies love the bubbles and how daddy is taking care of papa" Zayn says as he continues to give Harry a bath and make him feel better since Harry was being very moody with the pregnancy, and he was going to be going into the hospital to have the babies in a couple of days

"Well I don't like it" Harry says to Zayn 

Zayn finishes up the bath and Liam comes to help Harry out of the tub and to his room to get dressed cause they were going to be going to the hospital 

"I don't want to go to the hospital" Harry says to Liam

"I know you don't either Harry and you probably want to have the babies here at home, but we can't cause it will be too  much on you pushing all five babies out and into this big world and Niall's little one is too small so she will need to have special care once she is born" Liam says as he dresses Harry in a long shirt cause Harry couldn't wear pants anymore so long shirts had to do for him  

"I don't care Niall can carry her for all i care cause she is nothing but a pain" Harry says when Niall comes into the room cause he heard what Harry had said about his little girl 

"Harry no she isn't" Niall says as he figures out where his little one was cause she needed her daddy to make it all better since mommy hates her 

Niall talked a little Irish to her and she settled down 

"Niall I hate it when you talk Irish to the babies" Harry says to him

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