Ziam: Twins arrive early part 2

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  This request was sent in by @AricaPotter i hope it is okay the way it came out  

"Amira you are such a big helper! You know that" Zayn says as he was lifted onto the stretcher as he held Amira in his arms since Harry said it was best that she goes with papa to the hospital. He was gonna stay there with James and make sure he cleaned up the play room and got punished for what he had done to his sister and Papa.

Amira was smiling up at her Papa as they were leaving to go to the hospital.

"You are going to be the best big sister on the planet." Zayn says to her

Amira continues to smile up at papa as the doors go closed on the ambulance.

"Your sister and your brother will be lucky to have you as their big sister to protect them" Zayn says as they were heading to the hospital 

Amira smiled at her papa as they continued to head for the hospital, so papa can have the babies and she can be a big sister. Zayn continued to talk to her as well as they headed for the hospital cause it was helping with the contractions too 


"Harry how has James been?" Liam asks as he came in to get the hospital bag so he could head for the hospital and be with Zayn who had Amira cause she wanted her papa in these situations 

"He feels terrible for what he had done to his sister and papa Zayn" Harry says as he was cleaning up the tea set that James was supposed to be cleaning up but he didn't want to 

Liam went to be with James who was in his room away from Amira's room cause when the twins were a certain age they were split up cause they were not getting along very well at all 

"James buddy" Liam says as he knocks on the door to the little boy's room

James let daddy come into the room cause daddy was going to punish him for what he had done to his sister and papa 

"It's all my fault papa is in the hospital" James says as he was crying his eyes out when daddy came into the room to get him 

Liam knew he had to make this right so he was going to take James tot he hospital so he could see papa and sissy too cause James loved his sister when he was not being mean to her like he was that day for some strange reason or another 

"Okay come on James i got to grab the hospital bag and we will be off to the hospital where papa and sissy is so we can have a heart to heart with the both of you and see what we can do about this. I think it is getting out of hand cause when the new babies come papa and me will be busy with the new babies, and we won't be able to take care of both of you at the same time so one of you will have to wait until your siblings are fast asleep or if one of us can take care of both babies at once while we tend to you" Liam says as he was talking to him since they had to get going to the hospital quickly before Zayn had the babies 

Liam grabbed the little backpacks that he had packed for the kids so they were occupied at the hospital while he was with Zayn in the delivery room and Harry was with the kids and if need be Niall and Louis was going to take one home while Harry had the other one


"I go back in to see papa?" Amira asks the nurses since she had to step out for a little bit while they took care of papa at the moment 

"Yes sweetie you can go in and see papa"  the nurse tells her as she goes in to see her papa once again cause she loved her papa with all her heart 

Amira goes into the room slowly to see her papa and she was glad when she saw him waiting for her cause she saw that he needed to talk to her  too about the new babies

"Amira i need to talk to you sweetie can you sit next to papa?" he asks her as he made room for her on the couch that was in the room 

Amira did what she was told and she sat next to papa cause he needed to talk to her before daddy came with brother and she will have to go with Uncle Harry 

"Amira when the new babies come you will have to understand that daddy and me will be busy with the babies, and your brother and you will have to wait until the babies are asleep or if one of us can handle the babies on our own before we can tend to you two cause when the babies come we won't forget about the two of you. It's just you two will have to have patience with daddy and me. I know you can wait and will be very patient with the babies when they come cause you will play with your toys and help daddy and me out when the babies need something like a new nappy or a blanket or something" Zayn says as he hugs her close as he was talking to her as he waited for Liam to come to the hospital since he was dilated to four so the babies were on their way 

Amira nodded cause she was going to come second when the babies come 

"I know you would understand butterfly" he says as he hugs her as Liam came into the room to get Amira cause James was really upset for what he had done to Zayn and to Amira as well and Liam knew that James was going to need Amira right now to calm him down before they go in and see Zayn before he has the babies 

Part 3?

V & C     

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