Lirry: Long & painful

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Three request in one day or night where ever you are reading these from at least I am getting them up and out of the way cause i go back to work this week and i don't know how work is going to be when i go back on Thursday so I am going to get this last one up before i go to bed cause i am sure i will have a new batch of request to put up before i go back 

This request was sent in by @fanfictionaddict101  I hope it is okay the way i wrote it 

Harry and Liam Payne have been married for eight wonderful years and they were expecting quads 2 boys and two girls that were going to be due very soon cause Harry was big as a bus and he wanted them out 

"Harry they have not come yet?" Liam asks harry as they were just hanging out in the den watching t.v right now 

"Nope i think they are too comfortable in there whey they don't want to come" Harry says with a chuckle cause he was ready for them to come and he knew they were going to come on their own time not when Harry wants them to come

"Come i want to show you the nursery i just got done with it last night" Liam says as they head for the room 

"Which one we are having four?" Harry asks him

"The boys the girl's is still a work in progress I am going to have Niall come over and help me out with the girls so it is done" Liam says as he shows Harry the room 

"Liam i love this" Harry says as he saw the nursery 

"I'm glad you do i got breakfast early since i am tired from working on the room, and I am going to call Niall to see if he is up for coming over to help me with the other room" Liam says as he was helping Harry down       

"Thanks Liam our kids are quite hungry" Harry says with a chuckle as they headed to the kitchen for breakfast 


Niall brought Louis over since he was ready t pop with their little girl so Harry and Louis could talk a little bit while Liam and Niall was working on the girls nursery 

"Louis you haven't had her yet?" Harry asks him as he was having pains around his middle 

"No she will come when she is good and ready" Louis says as he looks at Harry cause he was little concern about him since he was having some pains

"The same with these four I can't wait to hold them in my arms" Harry says as he was rubbing his bump since Liam was working on the other nursery and getting it done before the babies come cause they could come any day and the only thing he was able to do was paint the room when he did the other room cause he was letting that dry and now he was having Niall help him with the furniture since Harry had the closet organized and ready to go 

Liam and Niall was done in no time cause Niall brought over his power drill 

"Harry you okay love?" Liam asks as he came over to Harry cause he was holding his stomach  

"I think this is it Liam" Harry says as he looks up at Liam after the pain was over

Liam was going to time the contractions and see hoe long they last and how far apart they were cause when they were fifteen minutes apart they were going to head for the hospital so t hey could welcome the quads into the world which was going to be exciting 

"Don't worry Harry I'm here" Liam says as he was staying with Harry since he was in labor 

"These hurt Li" Harry says as he looks at Liam 

"I bet they do and we will have four beautiful babies to show for it" Liam says as Harry was leaning on 

Harry had painful contractions every twenty minutes 

"Harry take it easy pace yourself now i don't want you to over do it cause you have to birth the babies" Liam says as he was still talking to Harry 

"Shut it Liam you did this to me it is your fault I am having four babies and with every pacing contraction they hurt worse then the ones that were before it" Harry says as he was looking at Liam

Liam knew it was the pain talking and not the real Harry 

"Harry you want to see the girls room it is done?" Liam asks since they were going to be home for a bit longer since labor was taking it's merry old time 

Harry nods as they go up to the girls room so he could see it and that might take his mind of the contractions and labor too if he was lucky 

(Girls room)

"Liam i love it and i love the cribs" Harry says as he approaches the cribs that were on each side of the room and there was a changing table close to the crib which Harry loved 

"Thank you I gave the girls a rocking chair so if they are fussy we can rock them to sleep" Liam says as he guides Harry over to the glider 

"Liam this is so comfy and i can't wait to feed the girls and look out to the backyard" Harry says as he at down in the rocking chair for a little bit since his back was hurting a little bit

"Breathe babe you got this" Liam says as he was looking at the clock since it has been a few hours since Harry was in labor and the contractions were still twenty minutes apart so they were not going tot he hospital for quite a while and they were going to labor at home which Harry liked cause he was going to have something to eat 

V & C  

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