Narry: Longest labor part 1

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Request sent in by @Bouncerokoas hope it is okay sorry if it's late

Niall and Harry Styles were happily married and they were in the band one direction and life couldn't be more happier for the both of them

"Niall are you feeling okay?" Harry asks when he heard Niall throwing up in the bathroom in their hotel room

"Last night supper isn't agreeing with me is all" Niall says to him

"That is what you said the past few nights and you should have been over it by now something else is wrong with you" Harry says as he sits with Niall who was still getting sick

"Okay I am up for going to the doctor's" Niall says as he got up

"I'm going to go out to get some pregnancy test right now, and then we can go to the doctor's once we see if we will have a little one on the way" Harry says as he helps Niall to the bed, so he could rest while Harry was out getting what he needed to get so Niall could feel better

Niall got comfy in the bed as he waited for Harry to come back so he could see what was going on with him


"Now we wait to see what is going on with me" Niall says as he sets the tests down on the counter to see if he was really pregnant

"Yeah i guess so" Harry says as he looks at Niall

"What are we going to do if i am pregnant?" Niall asks him

"Go with the flow i guess" Harry says as he hugs Niall close to him as they waited for the results of the pregnancy tests that Niall had taken

"I hope you can't get pregnant" Niall says as he looks at Harry

"I hope not either that will be funny if you get pregnant and we will both be pregnant at the same time" Niall says as he looks at Harry as they continued to wait for the timer to go off to see about the tests and if Niall was pregnant or not

"Let's see if we have a little one on the way" Harry says when the timer went off

Niall went to see if he was knocked up or not

"Well are we going to have a little one?" Harry asks Niall after he came out with the tests in his hands

"Yeah Harry we are" Niall says as he shows Harry the pregnancy tests that we're all positive

"Niall I can't wait until we meet him or her" Harry says as he kisses Niall's tummy where the baby was going to be growing

"I can't wait I want to wait until we have time off to see the baby and see how big the baby is" Niall says to Harry as he begins to picture the life that they were going to have with their little one

"That's sounds okay with me" Harry says as they kiss

(Three weeks later)

"Harry are you okay?" Niall asks when he heard Harry throwing up in the bathroom of their place since today was the day that they were going to see about the baby and how big it was, and if they were going to have twins

"Fine just fine" Harry says as he goes back to being sick

"I'm going to see if the doctor can see you too" Niall says as he calls the doctor to see if he could see Harry as well

Harry didn't argue with Niall he decided to see if he was going to be pregnant with Niall


"Okay Mr. Styles we are going to take some blood from the both of you to see if you are pregnant or not the nurse tells Harry and Niall once they were called into the office

Niall and Harry looked at each other as the blood was taken from the both of them

"Now we wait I guess" Harry says to Niall

"Yeah I guess we do" Niall says as he looks at Harry as they waited to see if both of them were pregnant

Harry and Niall talked names for both so the names were ready when they had found out the gender of the baby or babies if Harry was pregnant too


"Niall you are in fact pregnant" the doctor says as he tells Niall the news

Niall was glad that he was pregnant

"Harry I can't believe I am saying this you are pregnant as well so congrats" the doctor says to Harry after he had read him the results of the blood test that Harry had gotten

"Basically the both of us are pregnant at the same time?" Niall asks the doctor

"Yes and we are going to see how far along each of you are" the doctor says as he does Niall first to see how far in the pregnancy Niall was

"That is the baby's heartbeat and it is good and strong" the doctor says as he turns it up for Harry and Niall to hear the heartbeat of the one baby

"Hi peanut" Niall says as he looks at the screen

"How big is the baby?" Harry asks the doctor

"I say six weeks, so we got the heartbeat just in time so the baby is small right now" the doctor tells Harry and Niall who were shocked that both of them were pregnant

Harry got ready to see his little one

"I can see the sac right now, so the baby is there, and we have to wait to hear the heartbeat" the doctor tells Harry and Niall

"How far along is he?" Niall asks him

"Two weeks pregnant so he is four weeks behind you, so come to my office and we can determine the due date for these babies" the doctor tells Harry and Niall after he had checked the babies to make sure that they were healthy and that they were growing how they should

"We have to tell management that we are both pregnant" Niall says to Harry

"I want to take time off to be with you and you can be with me" Harry says to Niall as they kiss

Part two will be up later send me in the gender and what the babies should be as well as names for the babies

V & C

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