Narry: Longest labor part 2

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Here is part two liked promised I hope you like it if not I can fix it 

"We have to tell management that we are both pregnant" Niall says to Harry

"I want to take time off to be with you and you can be with me" Harry says to Niall as they kiss as they left cause they had to go back on tour the next day 

"It's going to be crazy being pregnant while on tour" Niall says as they get in the car to go home after their appointment to check on the baby to make sure it was growing like it should

"Yeah we are going to have a crazy pregnancy" Harry says to Niall 

"At least I get to go through it with you my love" Niall says as they kiss again 

"Yeah i couldn't picture being pregnant with anyone else but you my love" Harry says to him  

Niall and Harry had told management the news that both of them were pregnant and management was not going to let them take time off so they could have a healthy pregnancy, so Harry and Niall had to continue the tour no matter what which Harry and Niall were completely mad that they could not have time off cause they were pregnant 

(Next day)

"Ugh" Harry and Niall said after they had gotten sick 

"This has got to be the worst part of the labor process" Niall says to Harry

"Once we get past it we should be fine I hope" Harry says to Niall as they went to their bunks to relax and rest

(Two months later)

"This is weird" Niall says as he got on the scale 

"What Niall?" Harry asks him 

"I have lost weight I thought you were supposed to gain weight through the pregnancy not lose weight" Niall says as he looks at the bump that was slowly forming on his little body  

"Maybe cause we can't keep nothing in our systems at all is the reason why we can;t gain it" Harry says to Niall

"I don't want to hurt the baby Harry I love our baby" Niall says as he looks at Harry 

"I know you do Niall and i love both our babies no matter what they are and who they look like they will always love us" Harry says to him as they touch each others bellies where the babies 

Niall smiled cause that was simply the best thing Harry had said to him since he had told him the news that he was pregnant 

(Two months later)

"Baby I hope you are okay in there and are still getting the food that you need" Niall says as he talks to his belly cause he had to throw up before they went on stage that night 

"Niall can you massage my back please?" Harry asks him 

"Sure i can sweetie I'll be right there" Niall says as he heads to where Harry was

"Niall you look smaller then me" Harry says to him 

"Cause the baby hasn't let me each much of anything, and when i do I end up throwing it right back up, and you ain't paying any attention to me at all it's like you don't love me anymore" Niall says as he cries 

"Oh babe I do love you with my whole heart and I can't wait to meet our little one" Harry says as he turns around and looks at Niall 

"You mean that?" Niall asks with a sniffle

"With my whole heart even though we are pregnant together I couldn't picture being pregnant with anyone else" Harry says as they lean in for a kiss

Soon the kiss was interrupted by two kicks 

"I think the babies just kicked" Harry says as he felt that kick against Niall's stomach

"I believe they did too i wonder what is going on in there" Niall says as he looks down at his belly that was ever so small 

(Two more months later)

"Niall" Harry calls to him 

"Yes love" Niall says as he comes in where Harry was

"Can we talk names so we know what we are going to our our little peanuts?" Harry asks him 

"Of course we can and that way we have a list of names for both genders" Niall says as they kiss as they started to work on names for the babies cause before they know it the babies will be here

"Next month we can go shopping for the babies" Harry says as he rubs his bump that was still growing 

"Yeah I want to get some clothes, toys and whatever we need for them" Niall says as they continue to write their list of names for the babies so when they come they can look at the list and pick a name that fits the babies

(Two months later)

"Ugh my back hurts, my legs hurt I wish this kid would just come out" Harry says as he was sitting on the sofa of the tour bus cause they were on tour in Europe 

"I know it has been a struggle for me to play my guitar cause the baby doesn't like it and I am starting to get pains in my stomach" Niall says as he looks at Harry 

"They are probably Braxton-Hick contractions and the baby is just getting ready to come is all" Harry says as he hugs Niall close to him to make him feel loved 

"I have been losing a lot of weight too I wonder if that is good for the baby or bad for the baby" Niall says as he looks at Harry

"I know what you mean I have been losing weight during this last trimester and I am wondering about the baby too and if it's okay" Harry says as he looks down at his bump that is still growing

"Don't we have to sign up for birthing class or something?" Niall asks Harry 

  "We don't have time to do the classes we are going to have to grin and bear it when the time comes is all" Harry says as they continue to share a kiss 

'I guess so and maybe before since we have time off we can take a vacation before the babies come" Niall says to Harry

"We can't Niall we have to perform the whole time we are on tour" Harry says to Niall as they got ready to take a nap cause the pregnancy was taking it's toll on both boys, and they couldn't wait for it to be over and they would have their babies in their arms

V & C 

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