Larry: Triplets

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Another awesome request sent in by @thekoalapanda I hope you like it

Harry and Louis have been married for a while now and they were expecting their first children triplets all girls to be exact

"Hey Lou how are the girls today?" Harry asks as he comes home from a stressful day at the bakery where he works

"Good active as usual" Louis says as he eats his chocolate covered potato chips that he had made to help satisfy his craving that he had

"That's good" Harry says as he goes up and works on the nursery a bit more cause customers are always bringing gifts for him and Louis for the girls

"Did you get more gifts Harry?" Louis asks him

"Yes I did and these we need for the girls cause we will probably go through an entire box in one day or one week with the girls" Harry says as he goes out and gets the diapers and brings them in to be put away

"We have enough to last us for a while" Louis says as he goes out to help bring in the diapers that Harry got from work

"Yeah we do at last for a couple of months until they hit 5-6 months give or  take" Harry says as he gives Louis some diapers to bring in as well cause Louis did not want to sit around the last part of his pregnancy until the babies were born

"Yeah we got two closets full of diapers ranging from newborn all the way up" Louis says to Harry as he heads up to the nursery that was done way ahead when Louis found out he was having triplets

"Wow that many have you been keeping track?" Harry asks Louis

"Yeah of all the sizes that we have so far" Louis says as he leans against the door jam that was in the nursery

"Are you okay Lou?" Harry asks as he comes besides Louis

"I think this is it" Louis says to Harry

Harry was calm as could be as he helped Louis down the stairs and to the car that was ready for the babies to come

"Harry the bag" Louis says to him

"Oh sorry my bad" Harry says as he runs inside and grabs the bag that had everything for the birth in it, and the baby bags for each of the girls so they each had their own little bag when they got released from the hospital

Harry ran back out to the car in no time with the bags for the hospital

"No problem let's head to the hospital" Harry says as he starts the car to head to the hospital

Harry tries to start the car and the car won't turn over at all

"Let's just take my car cause my car has the car seats" Louis says as he gets out of the car and heads over to his car

"Louis your car does not have tires" Harry says to him

"Don't worry I have a plan B just in case one of the cars could not get us to the hospital" Louis says as he heads back into the house and to where he had the birthing tub set up at and all Harry has to do is fill the tub up with water

"What's plan B?" Harry asks him as he follows Louis into the house

"A home birth and we can deal with the pain on our own and manage it the best way that we know how. Plus my mom can help with the delivery of the girls" Louis says as he goes and puts on his hospital gown and something just in case his water breaks as he was laboring with the girls

"Wow you had all planned out" Harry says as he sees the birthing room that Louis had set up

"Yeah I did" Louis says as he was in the room

Harry gets the ball that Louis had ordered to bounce on as he labored cause that was going to help with the contractions and speed it up a bit and make him relaxed as they wait for his mom to come to help with the delivery of the girls

"Are you doing okay Lou?" Harry asks as he massages Louis back as he continues to labor

Louis moans cause he was in the middle of a contraction and it was really strong

"Louis you are doing so good" Harry says as he helps Louis deal with the pain of the contractions

"Harry you did this to me" Louis says to him as he finishes the contractions

"I know that's the pain talking" Harry says as he helps Louis off of the labor ball cause his mom was here to see how far he was dilated and see if one of the girls were close to coming

Louis decided that he was going to eat something to help build up his strength for the birth

"I brought stuff home from the bakery, so you can eat something while I make you something to eat" Harry says as he goes to the kitchen

"I know what I want" Louis says as he gets the ingredients

"Let me guess chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham and a side of mashed potatoes" Harry says to him

"How do you know?" Louis asks him

"You have made it several times" Harry says to him

"I better make it myself" Louis says as he starts to make what he wanted cause he knows how to make it just right

Harry offers to help with the mashed potatoes since Louis was laboring and dealing with the contractions in his own way

"Go sit babe I got your dinner I watched you make this several times in a row" Harry says as he helps Louis to the couch

"Thanks Harry I am going to get blankets for the girls so they are warm" Louis says as he heads up to the nursery to get the blankets

"No let me you go walk around the yard a bit since it is going to take some time for your meal to cook" Harry says to Louis

Louis decided a walk would be nice to help speed up labor and get the girls into position for the birth so he could have them almost back to back

'With all of the walking that I am doing the girls will be on top of each other as they  are born" Louis says as he continues to walk around the yard a little bit while Harry makes sure everything is ready for the girls to come into the world cause this labor is going really fast for Louis

When Louis was in the yard his water broke

"Harry is my dinner done yet?" Louis asks him

"Yes it is" Harry says as he feeds Louis his dinner

"Well my water just broke outside" Louis says as he sits down to eat and handles the contractions as he eats his dinner

"Well that is good news maybe after you eat the first one will be close to being born" Harry says as he gets excited cause his daughters are going to be born very soon

"Yeah" Louis says as he continues to eat

Louis delivered the girls in the early evening

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