Chapter 3 : New Friends ?

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MBBG Book 1 : The Bad Boy Taught Me,chapter 3.

When one lets go of all the pain they've carried,doors open for so much love. ~T.Francis


Math was boring,as usual. I started heading to home room, taking a sharp turn around the corner, bumping into a locker and flying backwards.
"Crap !", I screamed.

"Sailor's mouth I see, princess.",said a voice that wasn't there before. Wait,is it in my head ? God ?

"Hahahahaha",I looked up to see this really hot guy laughing at me. I must've said that out loud, I thought.

"You're adorable. Let me help you up." , he says as he reaches out to pull me up.

"Thanks." I say, as I dust myself off.

"Anytime." , he says.

" So where yah headed ?" , he inquired.

"Homeroom." , I answer.

"Oh. Same. Let's go then.", he says. Why would he want to be seen with someone like me ?...... Is this a joke or something ?....I've been through this like a million times before and I'm not gonna fall for it again.

"Do you think this is funny ? Well it's not. I'm so sick of you people just leave me alone !",I shouted as I ran away.

"What the hell are you talking about ?",he shouted.

I didn't have time to argue so I headed to homeroom;the new kid came in shortly after me of course. I took my seat at the corner of the class where no one would bother me.

Shortly after I took my seat a note was sent to me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. No one ever sends me notes. "Will you just read it please ?",someone shouts. I turn around to see the guy from earlier with an annoyed look on his face.

I opened the note and it read :

' What were you talking about earlier ? I just wanted to be friends. Will you meet up with me and my friends after school please ? Because you've made quite an impression on them as well.'

As I finished reading the letter, I didn't even get a chance to think about what he said before Chutni shouted "Why would you even send a letter to that slut ?"

She made sure everyone would hear. The whole class erupted with laughter. I was so embarrassed. I took a look at the new kid, he didn't look amused. He was the only one, besides myself of course, who wasn't laughing. I appreciated that.

Chutni continued,"Do you want to get an STD or something ? This skank has had more guys than a condom !" I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

I will not cry in front of these horrible people. As I got up to get out of the class I heard the new kid say to Chutni ,"That was really unnecessary, but I guess that's the thing with whores like you. You don't know when to stop messing around." I caught a glimpse of Chutni's embarrassed facial expression ; I guess she wasn't expecting that. I quietly laughed at her as I exited the classroom.

Why did the new boy defend me ? I'm a nobody but he still stuck up for me. Maybe I should go meet up with him after school.

Yeah, I think will.

I waited for about 45 minutes until I heard the bell ring, signaling the end of school. I head out to the school parking lot as soon as I see all the students rushing out of class. I wonder where the new guy wanted to meet with me ? Oh well.

I went to the back and got my skateboard and as I came around the corner I heard someone holler, "Hey, shorty !", oh god please don't make it be the jerk from lunch.

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