Chapter 15 : As expected.

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"His what ?",I ask Lina in shock.

"His girlfriend,silly.",she says smiling and wrapping her arms around his waist.

I look up at Xavi hoping he would deny what Lina said but to no avail.

He looks at me with guilt clouding his features before he turns away.

I feel a pang in my chest.

"Oh. Well good luck to you guys. It's best if I head home.",I say turning and walking out the door. As I get outside and the cold air hits my face,I couldn't help the tears from falling down my cheeks.

I couldn't help but feeling played. Why did I even open up to him ? To them ? Why did I think he was different ? He's just like every other jerk in the world.

A girlfriend. A freaking girlfriend ! After weeks of leading me on ! He's such an ass.

"Lia wait !",I hear someone holler from behind me.

No it wasn't Xavi. To my surprise it was Blaze.

"What do you want ?",I sob.

"Lia,I think you should stay.",he says pleadingly.

"For what ? You think it's fun to watch him with her ?",I say being unable to control my sobs.

"Lia,you should let him explain.",he tried to convince me.

"I don't want to hear from him ever again ! I want him to leave me alone ! Why don't you all just leave me alone ?! Stay out of my life ! Stay away from me ! This is so frustrating ...he's been leading me on for weeks ! And for what ? To hurt me ?",I cry.

Blaze stands there looking extremely hurt. I don't even care though. They're all the same. They only make you feel bad so that you'll be their friend and they can hurt you all over again.

"Goodbye,Blaze.",I say turning away from him and walking down the road.

I pull out my phone and call my mom. "Mom,come get me.",I say with my voice quivering.

"Where are you ? Are you ok ? What happened ?",she says worriedly.

"The pizzeria down the street.",I say not wanting to get into detail about what happened.

"I'm on my way.",she says.

A few minutes later my moms car pulls up at my feet. I quickly hop in and she starts driving in the direction of our house.

The car ride is completely silent. My mom understands when I don't want to talk about something and I'm glad she hasn't pushed it any farther.

When we get home I go straight to my room without a word to anyone.
I crawl into my bed and start crying immediately. I couldn't control it. I was so hurt. How could he lie like that ? Even if he didn't like me,he made me feel like he did. I shouldn't even be surprised that he turned out to be like this.

Listening to sad songs and reading sad books to make myself even more sad is what I did for the next few hours. At least it kept me occupied. I ignored the texts I got from the guys. Why are they texting me now ? The only one who came after me when I left was Blaze. They don't care.

"Lia !",my mom calls from downstairs.

"Yeah !", I answer.

"Get down here!",she calls.

I hop out of bed and fix my hair a little before heading down.

My Bad Boy Gang:The Bad Boys Taught MeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara